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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. It can be found right above the phrase "I like that."
  2. Matt just said "Michele and I's relationship." Yeah, this dude is really conforming to Bachelor Nation high standards.
  3. Not a surprise since he doesn't know how to talk to adult women on dates either.
  4. At least they aren't matching turtlenecks. Is this being filmed during the school year? How did Michelle get off from teaching if she's ... a teacher. Doing online teaching from the resort or what?
  5. Yes, he's working out those massive thighs and enormous gastrocnemius (calf muscles). Because his legs are so attractive and oh, so sexy. If you're a stork.
  6. Oh, you T3s are so nice. I will wheel my roller chair over. I love me some fondue. I will plug in my chocolate fountain to make the fondue more spectacular! Thank you very much @Driad/
  7. I hate when that happens! Got everyone recorded ... winner to be announced ... tomorrow!
  8. Because of poor behavior and breaking the rules of the Contest Thread, which is to have fun and be nice to everyone, I'm reporting Saber to the Contest host to be reprimanded and possibly kicked out of this thread for stealing petit fours. And totally missing the chocolate fondue. What's up with that. This is unacceptable and totally irresponsible behavior. It will not be tolerated!
  9. Saber to Toothbrush in a alarmed voice, while pointing to the doorway behind Toothbrush: "HEY! WHAT'S THAT? LOOK OVER THERE, OMGOSH!" (Saber grabs a bunch of petit fours off Table For 2 and quickly exits the room.)
  10. The food is always superb at whatever table @Mindthinkr chooses, but note she is a honorary member of T41. Although I've heard Table for Two is stepping it up this week. So there's that, too. Just waiting for @Toothbrush and @M. Darcy, then the winner can be announced.
  11. Nice play on August Wilson, a name I had to look up (again) to post it here. Well done, @Grundoon59!
  12. I am recording you as a 2 but awarding you an honorary 1 and so a seat at the T41. That you remembered August Wilson after seeing his name beats my feeble brain that forgot that name as soon as I heard it. Easy come, easy go! My only correct answer this week was Mt. Everest. I've read every book on that subject, have subscribed to Mountaineering magazine, and a dream vacation would be to travel to Nepal and trek to Base Camp. Side note: I bought a computer some years ago (iMac!) from a woman who worked at Outdoor magazine and knew Jon Krakauer. She did not think highly of him.
  13. Going grossly OT, but I am proud of what I accomplished today and want to share with my Contest friends. This is my driveway that I shoveled today (for the umpteenth time this winter) so I can get to town tomorrow. Note that my driveway is the same level as my yard; that's all snow. And those piles at the end, higher than my head, were put there by me and my one little hand shovel. The field across the road is also level, but the plow has pushed snow over the fence posts up and down the road. Tomorrow will make the third time I've been able to leave and get to town since December 15. (Except I'm not there yet.) This should make you feel better about your own lives. Ha ha ha!
  14. Cool? Or fans of Star Trek: Next Generation? (Hoping STNG fans will get my joke.) I guess this week T41 will be where the Dorks sit. I proclaim myself Head Dork, as proven by my chair at the head of the table, where I sit every week!
  15. True this! The Official Guiding Rule here is to be true to yourself, have fun, don't take anything too seriously, provide some laughs when you can. And be careful not to point and laugh (openly) at the Contest Host who always ends up the lowest scorer at the end of the season. Waiting for some brain cells to escape from you guys and jump into my brain. (Still waiting ...)
  16. I spent last night watching a Hawaii Five-O rerun, and turned over to BL during commercials, so I saw a wee bit ... but then kept turning back to watch the commercials on ION, just a few minutes of this show was too much for me. I do love the recaps of @mxc90, which have me LOL, and I have to say, I started laughing when I saw the pic @paigow posted, even before I read his post. I might actually have to go back and watch this episode now so as to fully appreciate all the posts here. You guys really crack me up and make my Saturday mornings fun.
  17. WEEK 23 • Feb. 15, 2021 — TWO asterisk ** 111. Playwrights. This late writer has had 10 plays on Broadway, most of them set in Pittsburgh like “Jitney”, which premiered in 2017. 112. Geographic Namesakes. In 1857 the former Surveyor-General of India objected to giving his name to this landmark as “the natives could not pronounce” it. * 113. Winter Sports. The specific skill that gave this sport its name was eliminated from intl. competition after the 1990 World Championships. * * 114. 19th Century Presidential Campaigns. The first campaign of this man, who at 36 was the youngest major party nominee ever, was supported by the silver mining industry. * 115. World Surnames. In 2019, for the first time, this nation allowed for non-gendered last names with the suffix -bur.
  18. I actually like that part since it reminded me of a French dance group I liked on World of Dance. It was unfortunate that the show insisted that MD take part and ruin it for me though. Can't stand her.
  19. I guess I must be rooting for the chaser because I did not enjoy last night's episode. It somehow seems odd to me that a team of three people, three brains, three knowledge banks, get three free spaces ahead of the single, lone chaser. What's up with that. If there were five contestants, they'd get five free spaces? So whack. Makes no sense. I also have a problem with the long questions. I'm a fan of the host's hair NOT hanging down with fake extensions, all skanky, as is the style these days. But I did laugh at the little curls she had in front of each ear last night. I used to do the same with my hair ... when I was 18. I guess everything comes back in style. I did notice some of the questions were phrased so that if someone interrupted and answered too early, they would have been wrong. This show continues to be less fun with every episode.
  20. Yay for you indeed! Nicely done. I am happy to have gotten one (so far, but I'm not counting on another) this week so as to keep my seat at TT41. I had no idea for Thursday, but take some consolation that I too guessed Theodore Roosevelt, as did one of the players. And if I had come up with the correct answer, I, too, would have spelled it "Bryant." Disclaimer: I've never had dance lessons. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
  21. Here's a breakdown of Week 22 and how players scored this week, lower, the same or higher: Lower - 11 Same - 12 Higher - 1 Now that I've figured the stats, this week's honorary CO-WINNER goes to @Clanstarling for being the only player to score higher this week than last. So, two winners this week, Browncoat and Clanstarling. I'll be watching for you two on national news as the big Lotto winners as you both are luckier than lucky this week, according to the FJ Contest Official Score Sheet. Buy those tickets!
  22. The Magic Sour Cream tub has spoken. Lucky Winner of Week 22 is Lucky Number 7, which translates to Lucky @Browncoat. Congratulations, Browncoat! Maybe today is the day to buy a Lotto ticket, or some fortune cookies given what a special week this is. Enjoy it while you can! (But don't worry if you want to extend it into next week, that is allowed!) Three cheers for Browncoat! One, two, THREE! Yeay! ETA: Special thanks to @Driad for making my day by your post that said I help make your week better. That's a win-win for me!
  23. Everyone has reported in, and a winner needs to be announced. But guys, this is the toughest week yet. No one got a better score this week than last week. (See ETA below!)*. @theartandsound and @Toothbrush continue to copy off of each other's paper, this for the fifth week in a row. I am going to move you to opposite ends of the score sheet! @secnarf, @Mindthinkr and @GrannySmith all have had matching scores for the last three weeks. The only fair way to select a winner is by shaking up and diving into/pulling a number out of my magic sour-cream container. I'll be bahk ... said in an Arnold voice. ETA: * BIG error on my part. There was one player who scored higher this week, but this was already posted, proving I have a problem with mathematical comprehension. HINT: IT'S @Clanstarling, the SMARTEST Contest player of Week 22!
  24. I don't know. It'd be worth it to me. I'd eat a whole pack of Slim Jim's if it meant getting away from Matt. Like the "farm date" where they completely skipped showing the "golden horseshoe search" except for the clip aired during credits. It's a pretty sad season when even the dates suck so much they aren't shown.
  25. I'm pretty sure it was Rick's monitor showing him flat lining that brought the medical personnel. I don't figure the cop outside the door heard the hammering. If I were him, I wouldn't have thought Mrs. Rick was doing anything like what she was doing. As a viewer, I didn't think she was going to be doing what she did. I was hoping she would knee cap him. Hope lawyer lady gets her out of jail. Maybe she could be Ronald bait. I was actually disappointed in Erik-With-A-Kay when he was saved. I thought he'd continue to be a bad ass, saying how he stapled Ronald and tried to kick his ass. Instead, he was all "I want my mom." Not that I blame him, I just wanted him to continue his being tough.
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