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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Wow, not in my world. Dude is fug IMO.
  2. If you do, you will find it, in many different versions and views!
  3. Not at all what I had pictured in my mind, living in hog country and all.
  4. Okay, I'm afraid to ask to see that mascot. @j5cochran, that Dot mascot is THE BEST EVER. I totally love it, it's so awesome in so many ways. It completely ROCKS. And I'm a mascot fan so this is the highest praise. I hope the new band uniforms have Dot Man on the back. Thanks for posting that pic, i can't get enough of looking at it. (LOL at the little dog ball on the floor though.)
  5. I had no idea who the two guys were on last night's panel. They could have been two of the guests and we'd have to try to figure out which one was telling the truth about who each one really is. And I would be wrong in both cases. I've come to the conclusion that this show isn't about trying to find who is telling the truth, it's the Mama Doris show and the three "celebrities" are only there to showcase themselves, they don't even bother to ask questions. It's getting more difficult to watch every week. The only high points are the (very) few minutes given for the guests to showcase their talents, like the blues singer, who was fab, and the peanut artist. I couldn't figure out what the peanuts looking like someone had to do with anything since they were all painted and had arms/legs/hair attached. But the guy was talented and I loved the finished peanuts. They just didn't need to BE peanuts.
  6. Wow, this was a painful episode. The first contestant answering two questions. The middle guy taking the low-ball offer. The third contestant did okay I guess, and if it weren't for that person the team would have answered maybe two questions. Then Ken, holy cats, talk about tanking on some easy questions. Pinball! This whole episode was like they grabbed four random people off the street to play, and that includes the chaser. The only bright spot was James and the other lounge chasers saying how easily they would have beaten the team. I usually root for the chaser but last night I wasn't rooting for anyone, they all stunk.
  7. I have friends showing at Greeley (Colorado) Kennel Club this weekend so watched Saturday's judging on AKC.tv, which, BTW, is a great place to watch not only dog shows and event trials but to learn about all kinds of dog-related subjects. Anyway, I made screen captures of the Rat Terrier (now an AKC-recognized breed!) and the Toy Fox Terrier for you, @Clanstarling, and for you, @zoey1996, I captured the Chin. Toy-dog owners are lucky their companions live longer than other breeds.
  8. Interesting. I was a fan of One Eff Jef and Arie on Emily's season, they were the best thing on that season because I never liked Emily. They were the first bromance in the franchise. I remember Robby's name but nothing about his time on JoJo's season, although I knew he was living with Jef when he got on the show.
  9. If we had been playing The Contest this past week, it would have thrown my score into a turmoil. When these episodes were played during Christmas week 2020, I got one answer correct, Henry Kissinger. I was somewhat relieved to know my short-term memory isn't totally gone yet as this time I got four of the five answers correct. I didn't know who Pyrrhus was then, I still don't. Scoring a four would have upset me though, that's not a number I am comfortable with. I only like ones and the occasional two. So it's good the score sheet is closed. @Grundoon59, of course there is a place for you at T41. Costumes optional but recommended. I hereby declare all tables open for the last feast of the season. Food in the shape of your score is encouraged!
  10. This is so hilarious. I'd like to see their team mascot, and also the mascot for the Poca Dots. I can see the hockey team selling Whoopie Pies and the West Virginia team selling boxes of Dots for fundraisers. @zoey1996, the work you do with Chins is obviously through the JCCA (its website is being rebuilt and no longer exists so can't check). I totally support Rescue Committees of every AKC Parent Club and also support all Parent Club Health Foundations. I work for the parent clubs of several breeds besides the ones I belong to and am well familiar with the generous and selfless work club members do for a chosen breed. I do have a problem with those people being targeted by AR groups, because they are highly visible, while people who sell mixed-breed dogs as "designer" animals with some cutesy made-up name, or put money in their pockets by selling their dogs as "rescues" are never attacked by PITA or HSUS. Most animal shelters have no idea the history of the dogs it houses, they all are shipped in from ... somewhere. It's a huge business and some unsavory people are cashing in on the heart-warming adjectives "rescue" and "adoption," while puppy millers in Mexico and third-world foreign countries are making big bucks off of it.
  11. I found out today that the Polo, Illinois high-school team is named the Marcos.
  12. LMAO! Good one. I guess it worked for others though, like Sean.
  13. Okay, don't hate me, but then why come on this somewhat slimy reality show based on random hookups, having sex and near total nudity, all of which is aired across the country (and around the world) on a national television network. Why not date women in his church, join some church groups and meet women that way. What's up with joining the Fame Whore League of Bachelor Nation. Unless he doesn't consider the sex he does have as "casual." So there's that, too.
  14. I wrote that after doing a search through Equibase, Horse Racing Nation and Bloodhorse and followed links to Elizabeth L. Dobles, J. D. Acosta, Jack Swain III, Darby Dan Farm, Harry Rosenblum and Nick deMeric, all associated with War Story, and even pulled up a five-generation pedigree on the horse (he's rather well bred) and couldn't find Ryan's name anywhere. I don't know his husbands name -- for all I know it's Glen Ellis. To suggest I was being sexist or whatever your comment means is not funny and, frankly, it's hurtful. I was trying to have fun posting what I found out about The Hustler. I won't apologize for my supposition after hours of fruitless searching for what you already knew. I posted above that I suspected Ryan was one of several owners on the horse. Very few graded stakes winners have sole owners unless the owner is Sheikh Mohammed. Ryan's husband could also be one of multiple owners. Maybe you can clarify that for us too. Side note: War Story started his racing career at The Fairgrounds, where my own thoroughbred ran many of her 50 starts before moving to Prairie Meadows. It's not like I'm a novice on the subject.
  15. Thanks for the names @pezgirl7. I looked Ryan up and found this: In 2016, Ryan created his own TV series, Back Stabber, which was loosely based on his own experiences growing up in Wayne. The series launched on Amazon and earned Ryan Zamo a Daytime Emmy Award in 2017 for Outstanding Series Message. He was married in 2017. I can't see where he was owner of War Story or any horses, but it could be his husband is connected to Imaginary Stables or some trainer somehow. War Story was no dud, he raced seven years, had 40 starts and won more than $3 million. He was a graded stakes winner and ran in the Breeder's Cup Classic in 2016 and 2017. That's top shelf in the thoroughbred world. The horse is now on a retirement farm for race horses. His FB page shows he's pretty self absorbed so it appears he was just being himself on The Hustler. He's acted in other shows (100 Humans) but I have to say he's not very good at it if the other two players picked him and he was my pick all the way through. And I've never EVER picked The Hustler before. EVER!
  16. The 2021 Daytime Emmys had two categories for makeup and two for hairstyles. There's also sound mixing, casting and editing categories. It's the shows that are nominated in these categories but if the Hustler did hair on Trinkets or costume styling on Helpsters, he's an Emmy nominee. I'd still like to know the name of his Derby horse to check that out. My thinking is he's part of a large group of investors who own fractions of thoroughbred race horses. For instance, the 2020 Derby winner, Authentic, has one majority owner plus more than 4,000 micro-owners who purchased $206 shares of the horse before the race. I'm guessing our Hustler is like one of those $206 people.
  17. This was such a good episode because I loved the guy making it through both flaming windmills and making it look easy. Made me wonder why everyone can't do that. Then the successful flipper jump ... YEAY! So exciting! Then two successful Pecker jumps, although the one guy missed grabbing the feather. Still, that was a great leap in my book. I hate people who just fall in without even trying, which some still did this time, but the successful leapers made up for it. Loved that the Rodgers sis and bro weren't related. Great burns by Joe and Rob. They were so funny. Best part for me was noticing the T-Rex lineup in the crowd. I spent more time looking at them and laughing than watching the putters. I'd love them to be at every hole and, frankly, on every show I watch, they are HILARIOUS. Then it starts pouring down rain! And they keep playing/filming! Plus there were some thrilling putts that made me shout out loud at my teevee. In all a great episode.
  18. For the first time I picked the Hustler but I don't have any real reason why and wasn't all that confident about it. Maybe because he was such a showboat, plus made it obvious he was a "princess" so could be daddy's little princess easily. I'm a horse person and know many race horses are owned by multiple people, there could have been 20 owners of that horse that came in last in the Kentucky Derby. I only caught the "War" part of the horse's name and I can't find a list of horses who finished last in the Derby so don't know how many owners that horse had. "War" is a family (horse family) name in thoroughbreds so there are a ton-load of horses with War in their names. He did know about betting terminology though, something I didn't. But maybe the "chalk" part is helping me understand the Kansas battlecry of "Rock Chalk." Or not. I knew the sushi answer so was waiting for the Hustler to go with the correct response, which he did not. The sushi-chef license is for serving fugu, puffer fish, which, improperly filleted, contains enough neurotoxin to kill 30 people. As a show-dog person, I had no idea Bobby Flay was making dog food. So I looked it up, and he isn't, he's making cat food named for his cat Nacho. The clue did say "pet" food so good on them for confusing me. I, too, guessed Jamie Oliver. I did guess the Baby on Board answer since those were hanging tags stuck onto car windows by suction cups. The others are decals or bumper stickers and are bastardized often. So while I didn't know for positive, I wasn't surprised when that was the answer. I'm thinking the Emmy is for makeup or wardrobe or set design or something like that. My guess would be makeup given he's producing skin lotions and wears his hair like Ed Grimley.
  19. Exactly why, after a few rounds of the Really Dumbass Housewives, I flipped over to a Star Trek rerun, never to return.
  20. To me, a rescue dog is one you extracted from a fence where it got caught, or pulled out of a hole where it got stuck and couldn't get out. You rescued it from suffering and/or dying. A dog in a no-kill shelter has everything it needs: a warm bed, great food, excellent veterinary care and lots of people who volunteer to walk it and play with it, plus other dogs to socialize with. It's a better existence than being someone's "pet" that has none of those things. It can live at that shelter all its life. Until someone comes along and wants to buy it. Then the no-kill shelter sells it to that person. It's not rescued, it's not adopted, it's sold. If it's not sold, then it either lives there for years or is shipped to another part of the country that has more buyers. Shelters typically do not know the history of any dogs they harbor, they are all trucked in from other states or foreign countries. Local dogs in a local shelter are rare. When you get a bird or hamster from a pet shop, no one says they adopted a hamster or bird. When you get a goldfish, no one says they rescued a goldfish. But people need soft and fuzzy words to make them feel better about buying a dog from a shelter or other group that sells dogs. Cats are a different story. Cats are not licensed in any states (except New Hampshire) and there are no laws about how many cats one can own. PETA and HSUS are not using monies (donated by people who think these are good organizations) to pay lobbyists to get anti-cat laws passed in every state, they are focused on dog owners. Cat owners are not targeted by animal-rights groups. Dog owners are. Every breed's parent club has a legislative committee that watches anti-dog bills in every state, and AKC has a huge legislative branch that also fights anti-dog bills. Show-dog people are easy targets since we are visible and public. I have lots of stories, none of them with happy endings for the dedicated show-dog owners who have had their lives destroyed by the AR vigilantes. Cat owners do not realize how lucky they are. And note there is nothing wrong with buying a dog from a shelter or elsewhere. It's just not "rescued" nor "adopted." Those are the hot-button words and they are not accurate. It's irritating that people use them as badges of honor, like that makes them better than others, when in fact all they did was shell out some bucks and got a (many times questionable) dog in return.
  21. I found this excellent photo of you, Your Majesty. Then I found this photo of me in my favorite chair at the head of the T41. Some other players have joined me and note the table is set for everyone to come and share our No. 1 hot dogs, corn dogs, Iowa sweet corn, funnel cakes and county fair lemon shakeups. "Party on, Players!"
  22. I usually end up disliking the players on this show, they are so OTT and SNS (So Not Smart) plus obnoxious IMO so I am pleased when they leave with no money. But this week was so different for me. First, they were from Montana, my favorite state, and Evalyna is Blackfeet and lives on the reservation. That made her golden in my book for a multitude of reasons. She met Shawn in the military where both of them served ... more pluses. And now he's a sheriff in Montana ... add another plus. The adopted kids didn't need to be mentioned IMO, that had no bearing on how much I liked this couple. So I was happy that whatever Shawn's choice, they were going home with a nice paycheck. It was just a bonus that they ended up with the larger amount. FINALLY, an episode I got invested in. When Shawn said he tore up the contract, I exhaled an "Ohhhh" and actually teared up. In other news, what's up with Chris Hardwick's hair. I don't even know this guy any more. He was the only irritating (to me) part of this episode. Otherwise, five stars out of five. Oh: And it was so funny that the family had just watched Titanic yet Shawn didn't know how Jack got the tickets, demonstrating how much attention men pay to chick flicks. That put a cherry on top of this ice-cream-sundae treat of an episode.
  23. The show opened with three guy singers who chose a song I hate and then proceeded to sing it badly with background images that creeped me out and had nothing to do with the song. I agreed with Simon. Next were the Orange Dancers who all kept together in their moves but were still boring and were no better than some high-school cheer group. How did they make the semis? Again, shockingly, I agreed with Simon. Johnny Showcase. It cracks me up that the judges put these acts through and then red X them in the lives. It's your fault this act was on, dumbasses. Disney Princess Singer Girl ... too much production I thought, which once AGAIN means I agreed with Simon. This has never happened before! I also hated her being so cutesy at the end with her "Look at me" and "Wow, I'm hot" posturing. Ugh. If the Orange Dancers were too Orange, Shufflution was too Pink, and on top of that, they were ... let's say, less than average. Shocker: I agreed with SIMON! However, I really REALLY hated Howie for pointing out that the one dancer fell. We know, Howie, we know, and so does he know. Way to be a jackass for making him feel crappy on national teevee you jerk. I like Ring Boy Aiden but there were a lot of pauses with the camera on the judges so I agree with Simon AND Howie, sadly. I wish he would have done more ring stuff but I still want him to go through. He's pretty awesome, to use a worn-out word. Howie's Golden Buzzer Nurse Choir ... eh, the opening singer was flat and I quit listening after that. The Muscle Boys got an X from Simon after one guy missed dunking the basket. Yeah, their first act was better. But you X a group you put through? Alrighty then. The mentalist with the food cans was pretty good. I kept thinking I would like to have all those cans of dog food though. It would have been funny if one of the judges grabbed a bunch of cans from different shelves, then mixed them all up and put all but one can back. Let's see the guy mentalize that. Josh Blue ... his whole act paid off with his great burn on Simon. Good one Josh. Opera Girl was saved for last so that means TPTB figures her to win this show. So far anyway.
  24. As promised, here are the scores for: Season 37 Final Jeopardy Contest - Sept. 14, 2020 – Aug. 13, 2021 (Appropriate the last day was Friday the 13th.) Ties are in alpha order. Behold, the scores: Final Jeopardy Answers Correct PBnJay.....................218 Toothbrush...............182 Grundoon59.............176 Driad..........................172 theartandsound.......162 Browncoat................139 M. Darcy...................139 j5cochran..................131 Ailianna.....................127 bybrandy..................124 illdoc.........................123 Good Queen Jane...120 Prevailing Wind........118 helpmerhonda..........111 Trey...........................107 zoey1996.................104 Clanstarling..............94 GrannySmith............94 DXD526....................88 Mindthinkr...............78 saber.......................70 secnarf....................66 Opus.......................65 Asterisk Totals FJ 37 Contest PBnJay...................45 Driad.......................31 Grundoon59...........30 Toothbrush.............25 theartandsound.....20 M. Darcy.................20 j5cochran...............20 Browncoat..............18 bybrandy................18 Ailianna...................17 illdoc.......................17 Good Queen Jane..17 Trey.........................17 zoey1996................17 GrannySmith..........15 helpmerhonda........11 Clanstarling............11 DXD526..................11 Prevailing Wind......10 Mindthinkr...............9 secnarf....................6 saber.......................2 I will draw numbers later today to announce the prize winners. Every player was assigned a number which will be randomly drawn from the Magic Cottage Cheese Tub. Stay tuned! (Note I have surrounded myself with All The Best People!)
  25. My memory is so poor I don't even remember Noah. You could ask J. Howard Marshall but he's dead.
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