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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Yes, definitely. It was all sorts of creepy ... "Surprise, your husband just busted us." I'm sticking with it (for now anyway) since I only have three networks via my antenna, so pickings are slim. I did quit This Is Us a year ago though, so it can happen.
  2. Would my sequined tights/leotard and tiara be good enough? That's what I wear when scoring the FJ contest.
  3. One redeeming thing about this show for me is that the actor who plays Joe has a resemblance to my former teevee boyfriend Kyle Chandler. So there's that. Rocker Joe's hair tamed down in this second episode. I liked his more punk look in the pilot. Now if he shaved, he'd look like Cop Joe.
  4. LOL you smartie pants. Here's the truth: I was going to say they were in alphabetical order, which is how I had them, then decided I liked the sound of "no particular order" better. And it's easier to spell.
  5. Do they still sell training wheels for bicycles? Asking for a friend.
  6. See if this will lead you to it. I follow Claire and that's how I discovered the AmodioRodeo.
  7. TA TA TA TOOT TOOT TOOT! It's TIME TIME TIME to announce the winners of Week 2. Yes, winners plural. While many players got one or two more correct this week, two players stood out from the crowd by getting THREE THREE THREE more correct answers than the week before. And those two players are, in no particular order, @opus and @secnarf. TA DA! Congratulations you two. And here is your official award to document this oh-so-very-special event.
  8. Again, it's only EIYKI. I picked the "other" A continent. Didn't even think of Africa. Matt continues to entertain me with his self-effacing interview stories. There is a sub reddit that is keeping track of Matt's daily clothing choices. So hilarious.
  9. Wow, I need a score sheet full of notes to watch this show. I did think Rocker Joe's wife (is that Amy w/the dark hair?) was pretty much of a jerk to invite everyone over to their house for some party she's hosting but neglected to tell her husband about. So I guess they are both jerks in that relationship, just for different reasons. I sort of hope telling Rocker Joe about his somewhere son does blow up her marriage because she was a horrible person to dump that on him at the reunion when she had 10 freaking years to make a phone call, write a letter or gee, maybe stop over at his house. Thanks for all the above help with who is what in these timelines. Note pad, here I come!
  10. I got confused about this and which timeline was which. So Rocker Joe's son wasn't given up? So she has two daughters AND a son somewhere else? Was it Cop Joe who met the boy at the reunion? So that boy was Cop Joe's son (maybe) but not Rocker Joe's son? GAH!
  11. So far 15 of our players have gotten Matterisks. Even me, so yeay. Meanwhile, here's lunch for all the Week 2 tables, courtesy of Matt Amodio. Help yourself!
  12. I'm giving illdoc and Grundoon two Matterisks as well as you, ams, our HIGH FIVE scorers this week. Everyone else, report in if you scored any Matterisks!
  13. Okay, it's a deal. Everyone who got either Locust or Roger Rabbit this week, or got both, let me know. We're doing Matterisks until the end of this season or the end of Matt, whichever comes first. If the Matterisk is also an asterisk, holy cow, I'll have to ponder on that one. That's worth an extra ice cream for everyone at all the tables. I have j5cochran, shapeshifter and yours truly down for one M each so far.
  14. There was a clue not long ago that I answered Bruce and his E Street Band, but I don't remember more than that. So I'm with you, @secnarf, almost kinda sorta remembering. Short- AND long-term memory loss, I have it all! Shout out to KIT Carson (City). Yeay! And a shout out to everyone who said "Titanic" instead of "Lusitania" the other day. You've been redeemed.
  15. Yes! As I suspected, Toothbrush is tied with Mr. Amodio and TheArtAndSound is kicking Matt's ass and outscored him. Way to go you two, Eight of our contest players are as good as or BETTER! than Matt Amodio. Well, in FJ anyway. Nicely done everyone. I'll have to mull on this. A big YES if Matt stays through the season. That would be awesome. What does everyone think? Are y'all up for keeping track of Mattsterisks?
  16. Bless your heart. Thanks! It's fun to know that Matt is tied with these players: ams1001, illdoc, M. Darcy, Good Queen Jane and PBnJay And he is being roundly beaten by Grundoon59. Good job, Grundoon! Still waiting for @theartandsound and @Toothbrush to report in but I'm guessing they will either be tied with or be ahead of Matt.
  17. So much this. I can't believe the entire time she was pregnant absolutely NO ONE who knew her or Joe ever saw her or heard she was pregnant. What, she moved to Antarctica or something for her entire pregnancy and delivery? Even before social media, 10 years ago the phone lines would have lit up like wildfire, "Hey! Guess who's pregnant?" I seriously hate this character in that timeline and I'm afraid it's going to cross over to the other two lines. Joe needs to find some nice woman who is not out of his past.
  18. Emojis don't display in either of my browsers so when someone posts one in response to something I wrote, I don't know if it's a big HEART or someone blowing raspberries, sticking out a tongue or flipping me off. Probably one of those last three but I pretend it's a heart.
  19. My only complaint is that you do not ramble on enough. That, plus I need a HUG emoji.
  20. Add me to the Buzzy Buzzy Buzzy fan club!
  21. I think that would be fun and funny. Any volunteers to go back through the last two weeks at TJF for his scores/totals? It could be worth a special Prize Of The Week for our players! Agree with @PBnJay, @Grundoon59 your story-telling posts are a highlight for me.
  22. I found it irksome that Joe's BEST FRIEND in college never talked to him again until 10 years later at the reunion, and vice versa on Joe's part. It's not like telephones weren't invented "way back" then. So he didn't go to the shore that night, but there was the next night and the next and next, for 10 freaking years. Then she decides to dump he has a son on him at the reunion? Bitch.
  23. Smaller photos please? Or is it just me affected by mombo pictures?
  24. Those people need to admit they have Severe Short-Term Memory Loss. If it's such a huge problem, write the categories down on a paper you can reference during the show. Categories are on J6 which people can access/play before the show airs. I'm all for using one word to select the category, and skipping all over the board makes it fun for me. Keeps one's brain nimble. For anyone who can't keep up, there's always Wheel of Fortune, right?
  25. Interesting that becoming a nurse causes Joe to wear glasses, which he doesn't as a cop or rocker. I still wonder what 9:23 has to do with anything. While I missed the rocker beginning, the digital clock on the wall in the nurse segment reads 9:23 and cop Joe's analog watch points to 9:23 when he checks it at the beginning of that part. And there is a big 23 on the wall by the floor directory in the hospital after Amy has her miscarriage. I don't know any hospitals with 23 floors, but maybe in New York? I will have to watch again to see where 9:23 appears at the beginning of the rocker segment.
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