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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. My antenna gave out shortly into the start of this episode, which looked like it would have been a good one. Hoping for a recap somewhere.
  2. You are not that much of a hippie. I don't even have a microwave. Or traditional oven.
  3. Agree. If Matt had to go out, it should have been by Jessica. Would have softened the blow for me.
  4. MOM! 1. How do you make homemade chocolate syrup? and 2. LOL that kale is in your bag of frozen fruit. (Oxford comma not withstanding.)
  5. To honour our Canadian friends and their special holiday, I have to ask: How do you keep Canadian bacon from curling in the pan? Answer: Take away their brooms. You're welcome.
  6. Oh yeah, right, I forgot, Future Mom In Law Shapeshifter. Apologies!
  7. Have some respect for this solemn moment. My boyfriend's gone. *sigh*
  8. Well, it's a sad day* at the Saber household. Combine 24/7 rain, tornado warnings and the most depressing Jeopardy episode ever, I guess it was a fitting ending. If Matt had spent a few days with me during his break, I would have taught him all that farmer lingo so he would have had $4,800 more in his bank and I wouldn't have had to keep yelling the answers to those three Farmer Lingo TSs. (And yes, "toad" deserved a BMS.) As Matt W. posted over at TJF: "... I hope the people who were “sick” of Matt enjoy the next 17 years of (relative) mediocrity." *sad day, sad week, sad month and year.
  9. I caught that too. PB was my fav show of ALL TIME. I lived in that TWoP thread. I also am not interested in the Ronald story line, which makes no sense to me but then again, this is Big Sky. I do sort of fancy Lindor if he wants to come hang out at my house. Jerri too.
  10. This episode is getting non-stop coverage and love from media on tv and radio. I didn't want to watch and did not, but man, i can't get away from the clips and glowing commentary. Now the word is this episode was higher rated than Owen Wilson's last week, which is said was one of the least-watched premieres ever. Gah, I guess I'm not in the SNL demographic.
  11. If I could remember what month it is much less what day, that would have been more timely. Hope it was a good one. Translation: Cake and ice cream!
  12. I had luck catching an episode I missed last week on YouTube later that evening, so good luck to you. And an early happy birthday to your mom. That's a special event and worthy of a YouTube search later. It's interesting to me how many viewers don't watch this show to play along to see how many clues/answers they can get correct. Contestants and how they play aren't important to me, I remember only a handful of past players, and no One And Dones. I watch to see how much I know and maybe learn something. And if I know a category (say, Purebred Dogs), starting at the low-dollar clues is not smart play. These contestants are on the show with the objective to win, not to make viewers at home happy. I will add, however, that my current teevee boyfriend is making me very happy.
  13. Yes, that was included. Knowing the back story now makes the sketch better. Or at least now it makes more sense! I did LOL at the end of the Xena sketch. That one was golden.
  14. My favorite was when James posted a photo showing him on the left with 34 wins and Matt on the right with 34 wins with money totals being "rather different." Matt wrote back "I thought the rule for memes was the better looking person is always on the left." (paraphrasing) Burn!
  15. I first read that as it "won't have any people" because so far it's just you and Pretend Matt Amodio at the T45. And I think Matt's too busy to eat with us. But hey, we can try! All spellings of bi/ath/a/e/i/lon are okay here according to the FJ Contest judge so no worries there, contest players. Side note: I love peas! Actually, I love all veg, having been a vegetarian for many years. But if you want to slum at the T43, I'll gladly help you dispose of that pea-less but delicious-sounding chicken pot pie. ETA: Oh yeah, congrats on a Perfect Five Week j5cochran!
  16. LOL that the best takeaway from this episode is a character's hair. (Even if I do agree she's beautiful.) Hoping Jerri gets more screen time. She's my fav of all the characters.
  17. I know some dogs that can take care of that problem for her. My biggest takeaway from SF's Chinatown were the ducks and chickens hanging by their heads in the store windows, minus feathers of course.
  18. I hope your daughter doesn't mind adding me to her friend list. I grew up with Clarabell (and Howdy) and think clowns are great. Even the ones who honk horns to speak. I would LMAO if I saw one in a cornfield. A few years ago I had a horse in a training barn that sat back from the highway with cornfields all along the lane to the barn. I'd go on weekends to see my horse and watch the trainer work other horses. Then we'd all go to lunch, and we'd have a hilarious time telling the trainer, Kenny, an older man, that children were in the corn and would come out and grab him out of the vehicle when we were driving into town to eat. We did it every weekend to him and had the same hilarious results every time. Telling him clowns were in the cornfield would not have had the same effect.
  19. Table Three seems the Place to Be this week. Out of 16 reported scores, nine are 3s, including yours truly. My Monday answer was Thomas Paine, because hey, you gotta answer something for online posters to make fun of. My Wednesday answer was "WHAT? HUH?" At least no corny answer there so everyone can point and laugh at me. For that anyway. Once I had a litter of pups that all had bean names, Mr. Bean (love Rowan Atkinson) and Pinto Bean and Musical Fruit. (Pun intended.) A fourth was named Tres Frijoles, which I am bringing to this week's potluck, three-bean salad, which I find delicious. Check it out!
  20. I not only read "It" I own the book, and I saw the movie, yes. But Pennywise never went near a cornfield, in the movie or the book. So I have no idea where the writers got their idea for that (stupid) clue. Oh yeah, maybe because MR is not only the EP, he's one of the writers. That explains a lot of cr*p clues lately, and the stupid FJ rulings. I don't have any problem with clowns, I don't see what freaks people out about them. Same with the word "moist." I just don't get it. Now if Jeopardy wants to talk about CHILDREN of the Corn, those kids were WAY creepy and more scary than any clown, and I remember being afraid to walk or even drive past cornfields when anyone would bring up those corn children. In fact, that was my answer to that clue. (Except they never smiled.)
  21. Biathalon would be correct in this contest. That it was ruled wrong on the show was a BSathon.
  22. WEEK 4 • Oct. 4, 2021 — ONE asterisk ONE Mattsterisk 11. Renaissance Men. 10 years before a more famous work, he wrote in 1503 that the way to deal with rebels is to placate them or eliminate them. 12. Popular Phrases. This phrase relating nutrition & health was popularized by fruit scientist J.T. Stinson at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair. *13. Historic Calendars. Following Messidor, this summer month in the 18th-century French Revolutionary calendar had a name meaning “heat gift.” * 14. Winter Olympic Sports. The official Olympic website says this event “has its roots in survival skills” practiced in the snowy forest of Scandinavia. 15. The Southern Hemisphere. British zoologist George Shaw looked for stitches when he first saw this mammal in 1799, thinking he was being tricked.
  23. This is how. Not exactly fear inducing. Plus I've never heard of a clown in a cornfield, and all my closest neighbors are cornfields.
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