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Everything posted by Joystickenvy

  1. They did release some new DLC for the game, but I don't know if that brought more players in. I bought the game when I spotted it for ten bucks not knowing it had no solo campaign, but I've only logged in once. I have such a backlog I wasn't planning on slogging through a multiplayer title, but hopefully I'll get around to it before they shut the servers.
  2. I enjoyed the ep. I thought the winning creature was pretty cool and the right loser was chosen. Russ is my least favorite sort of reality show personality. The passive agressive guy who whines in talking heads about how overbearing his partner is , but does nothing about it but make mopey faces. I bet he's the sort of person who always says "I don't care" when you are picking a place to eat and then gets all sulky because you picked somewhere they didn't want to go. And of course, he claims throwing Tina under the bus was the "last thing he wanted to do," when it was literally the first thing he actually did and pretty much un-prompted to boot. I was kind of surprised that one of the judges thought that purple crab thing with the alien face was "something we've never seen before." I thought it looked way too similar to the beetle creatures on Dark Crystal. Aside from the winner, I also liked the creature that was on wheels.
  3. I caught a glimpse of a defiance ad when ff'ing through the commercials on Jim henson's creature shop, but when I did a search on direct tv, it just said "coming soon" so guess it's not coming that soon lol. I wonder if they are still trying to do the video game tie ins. From what I understand there aren't many players these days.
  4. I'm not sure people like Ned Stark would have cared why Jaime killed the king. In their mind, he was one of the king's guard and he betrayed and murdered his king. They already knew the king was insane and did terrible things, yet they condemned Jaime for killing him anyway. The fact that the Lannistes as a whole were not well liked also played a role. Jaime seems to resent the assumptions others make about him because of his and his family's reputation, thus I think he feels like offering an explanation would be like asking for approval from people who look down their noses at him. In a way I think he'd rather play the role they assign him while maintaing this secret knowledge that they are wrong (and wallow in self pity), than tell them the truth and risk that they still wouldn't respect the "real" Jaime. It also provides him an excuse to indulge in bad behavior, because he has this, if only people didn't treat me so badly for something I had good reasons to do, I wouldn't be such a bad guy complex. Brienne calling him on some of his BS has done a lot to move him towards owning up to his own bad choices, but he's not there yet.
  5. I mostly found the whole exchange to be very cringeworthy. I don't want to hear about how sexual she (or anybody else on the show) thinks she is or what she thinks is sexy or how she feels about being on a "sexy" show, but I don't find DWTS to be the least bit "sexy" so maybe I'm just not their target audience for that bit. Carrie Anne's slobbering over the sort of cute guy who doesn't wear diaper pants (sorry can't remember his name) was also very cringe worthy for me. The other judges are guilty as well, but I fast forward over the judges, so I only got hers because Erin brought it up in the pre-scoring segment. At times DWTS has the same sort of mom-sexy vibe to it that makes me snicker at stuff like 50 Shades of Grey, which is part of why I have a hard time sticking with the show in spite of how much I like watching dancing.
  6. I got the impression that she was maybe his high school sweetheart or at least a pre-wife girlfriend or fiancé, rather than an affair. The prospect of a "love triangle" storyline does not greatly improve my hopes that this won't be just another run of the mill drama that mostly ignores it's premise, but maybe they'll surprise me.
  7. I thought Daran's was the worst of the week by a lot, but I think they sent Graham home based on who's total body of work they liked more, which I'm fine with. I was expecting cameras or big googly eyes or a bunch of eyes or maybe even an owl creature for that concept. His idea was interesting, but execution a total fail. I thought the Octopus character was the most interesting looking, if not exactly all that original. Speaking of which, while I wasn't a huge fan of the mole rat, I think it's kinda BS that they called Graham out on picking the most obvious thing, but gave the fly creature the win. A fly or spider is pretty much just as obvious as mole rat, if not more so. I also thought the hairs looked more like branches and the paint job was meh. The actress did do a nice job selling the look though.
  8. Just watched the last ep. That chicken parm looked really yummy. May have to try Bobby's recipe on that one. Nails was the only one of the final four I wasn't that crazy about, but for whatever reason I find myself liking her more now. Jamie is still my favorite, but I was sorry to see Mike go.
  9. They started all the show kids as older than the book kids anyway and 30 year old actors play teens on TV all the time, so I don't see why it has to become an issue, tho it's definitely a good thing they came up with the cart so poor Hodor isn't trying to carry TV Bran in a basket.
  10. I was rooting for Brian, but I liked Kayla also. She had a good strategy and I liked that she seemed totally comfortable in her own skin.
  11. They could 86 the whole hammer murdering dad family and I'd be fine with it. Ray is ok, but the dad character is ick and the actress that plays the daughter is pretty bad. I seems like the guy was a known nogoodnic, so I'm not sure if the daughter was in denial or if she's genuinely that happy to have him back in spite of his oh so obvious sinisterness. Neither hammer killer dad, nor Jacob really act in ways that make sense, but I'm not yet sure if that's part of whatever the explanation for their resurrection is or just bad writing yet. The show isn't nearly as silly as Under the Dome for me at this point, but the jury is still out. If they start having magic seizures and rambling about pink stars though.....
  12. When I heard about the switch pre-season my first thought was, figures they finally give Maks a front runner and he'll probably lose her. I'm not really feeling him this season though. He seems almost sub-dued. He's not the best choreographer and his behavior with the judges bugs sometimes, but I always liked his fire and it seems a bit missing. My favorite thing about him is that he usually doesn't way out dance his partner like Ballas and sometimes Hough and some others.
  13. I don't recall anything on the show, though I wasn't paying attention to whatever she was saying about saving stuff for her husband and being a "sexual woman." It's stuff she has said in interviews, books etc that make me not like her. Doesn't affect my opinion of her dancing, but keeps me from wanting to root for her. Her overacting during the samba routine was entertaining at least.
  14. Agree that they aren't that bright, but my impression was that their choice to go after the north had to do with being butthurt about the events that lead to Theon being Ned's ward than strategy.
  15. I've always thought one of the strengths of the SOIF series is that most of the characters are neither mustachio twirling villains nor Dudley do-rights. The good guys have serious flaws and the bad guys have redeeming qualities. There are exceptions.....Joffery, Bolton's Bastard, the Mountain & the goat's crew etc, but most main characters are a mix of good & bad. Thus, Jaime tosses a kid out a window after screwing his sister, among other things and yet, at times is still likable. At times he's much easier to like than characters that would be one dimensional heroes in other stories.
  16. They might be lying, but I could see how not knowing might be beneficial in avoiding unintentionally playing the character like you know the future. I'm actually still stuck on book 5. I've started reading it several times and stopped. I might wait for him to finish the whole thing and just read the whole series together like I'm currently doing with Wheel of Time or at least wait for the show to catch up.
  17. I'm not convinced Martin has an ultimate ending in mind yet & the show might go their own way anyhow, but I'm leaning towards none of the current houses sitting the throne in the end. But I'll stick with Stark for who I'd like to get it if anyone did. If Jon or Sansa could sit the throne & be considered a Stark anyway. There's other factors coming up in future seasons that might would change my vote, but as of end of season 3, I'd go with Stark.
  18. He was unpleasant and I hope they don't cast more of his type in the future. In general I'm not a fan of reality show characters that only exist for drama, but even within that group there's drama that can be fun or amusing and there's drama that just sucks the fun out of a show. Zack was the wrong kind. Kind of a shame because he turned out to be a fairly good player in the nerd offs.
  19. I'm usually not a fan of Derek, but I like him better this season for some reason. Maybe because I haven't watched the show since whatever season it was that Baby won. I've never managed to watch a whole season, but this year I'm fast forwarding through the judges comments and that makes it much easier. I just hope they don't pair Ballas with someone I like. I couldn't watch several seasons I might have in the past cuz they paired the one celeb I liked with the one pro I cannot abide. The idea of the "ringers" used to bug me, but after so many seasons with so many obvious ringers, I just don't care anymore. Watching for the dancing and not overly concerned with who wins, as long as it isn't Ballas.....
  20. I didn't realize she was the one from Amazing race. I tuned in for Meryl & Charlie, but this girl has become my favorite. She has such a great attitude and it's really impressive how well she is able to dance.
  21. I kind of wish she would stay with Ballas, because that would keep the only two people in the cast I really dislike together, but alas..... She's not as bad as her brother, but I still can't like her. It's not just the religion thing either, because Lisa Whelchel was very likable to me on Survivor. I think she just didn't seem so judgy or holier than thou about it.
  22. I like the animation and I'm really enjoying the show. It's not perfect, but it's far superior ro recent history channel attempts to present similar material.
  23. She's still my fav, even if she has gone a bit psycho.
  24. There were instructions? I picked Stark because I thought you were looking for favorite as in which I like most, not which I think will end up on top. I'd have to go with "none of the above" for the ultimate "winner."
  25. The themes have been so broad this season I'm not sure why they bother to have them. The themes kind of lost all meaning once it became common practice to cover a cover of a song that was already done in your genre anyway.
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