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Everything posted by Joystickenvy

  1. Rashaad's was the only vamp I liked. After this season is over, I really hope the word "extreme" is permanently banned from being spoken on Face Off. Niko's was by far the worst. Even the sketch was bad. I'm not sure how exactly he could have incorporated the giant tongue and not had it look ridiculous, but I don't think it could have been much worse than what he did. If Niko doesn't get eliminated I shall be very put out. Kudos to the editing crew for working Face Off into the teaser. I see what you did there.
  2. Agreed with Blake's selections. Sisandra & Jake seemed like no brainers. Could have gone either way with the two blondies. Audra has much more power and polish but Mady was more interesting. Prior to Tessanne, it seemed like every Sisandra type singer ended up a "shock" mid-season boot, but I think she should contend and Jake should do well with the country demo. I don't see Audra getting all that far, but there's probably some weaklings on team Shakira/Usher she'll outlast.
  3. Not gonna hate on Jake for the song choice....she did agree to it, but honestly, it did neither of them any favors. Jake's falsetto is turrible.
  4. I'm not really sure how voice auditions work, but I don't think they are mass open casting calls like idol, since they don't need bad audition footage as filler. Could be he did try out or whatever you do, but didn't get selected for the blinds.
  5. That hair was a crime against nature. Much like Keith Urban, about 90% of his appeal is the hair. Don't be a Keith Urban Charlie.
  6. Week 1 was her best week for me and it's been downhill from there. Not horrible by any means, but not great either.
  7. I like his voice. I like that he actually has stage presence and performs. I like that his pitch is usually pretty good. His sound is a bit dated and I didn't much care for his last performance, but overall he has been very consistent and more interesting than most of the rest of the cast. Simply not sucking has been enough to get a leg up on the bottom 3 most weeks this season, though as more of the consistently bottom dwelling contestants drop off, I think he'll have to do more too keep front runner status.
  8. Intuition, I don't think the show is doing any of the things you say it is, which is why I'm curious what specific examples from the show make you think it is attacking religion in general or lumping all religions together, rather than discussing historical resistance to new scientific discovery, which as I have stated before has included a specific emperor, a government entity wanting to maintain state secrets, a greedy slave owner and a historical account of a specific incident where a scientist was jailed as a heretic.
  9. I fast forwarded over judges, so missed the girl hough's and Len's comments. I thought Meryl was better with Val, though I'm not sure if it was choreo, chemistry or just that he isn't so much taller than her. Also thought James was better with Cheryl than PETA, but admittedly, I'm not a PETA fan. Sorry, my iPad keeps capping her name lol. Much as it pains me to say anything positive about Ballas, he was actually better with Amy, because he let her do more on her own than Derek. Loved Sharna telling beiber lite to lose the diaper pants. Derek's dance with NeNe was a hot mess. Charlie should never, ever slick his hair back again. Between the matching hair and the purple outfits, he and Peta looked like the Wonder Twins. Band & singers were more awful than usual. I felt bad for whoever it was that danced to ballroom blitz (Candace?), because the singing was so bad it was distracting. NeNe had the worst dance, but I'd love to see diaper pants get the boot.
  10. I don't have an issue with believing that some one or something created the rules that govern the universe, much the way a human programs in the rules that govern the behavior of a computer simulation, however that's just one possibility of many. My personal stance on it is that, "I don't know" and I don't need to invent an explanation to fill in the gaps to feel ok about that, nor will I accept an explanation as true that lacks evidence to support it. What I have an issue with is people who assert their version of the world is indisputably correct, in spite of hard evidence to the contrary, simply because someone(s) wrote it in a book and claimed it was the word of god. One of the things that makes science, science is that nothing is indisputable. However, if you want your dispute to be considered scientific.....you have to be able to prove it. This is why questioning authority, whether it is the church, the government or the leading schools of thought of the day is integral to explaining the history of science.
  11. I definitely don't see the alleged "sledgehammer" or have any idea what ideology it is they are supposedly pushing. Perhaps if you used specific examples and explained how they support your point it would help?
  12. Looks like Norman got a bit of Norma's mama bear protectiveness when it comes to Emma. I guess this is Norman's first confirmed kill, though seemingly by accident. Having him push a guy down the stairs is a nice movie reference. I don't think things are going to end well for Cody. Norma is definitely in over her head with the town politics. I was half expecting sheriff guyliner to warn Norma about the Halstons, but instead he was all, "hey Norma, I like to watch." Dylan's sexy times with the new boss probably aren't going to end well either, but I guess it beats getting hit by a car.
  13. Loved the music segments of the show. I also liked the bit about the act of kindness. I often find myself wondering just how many people could have been really brilliant at something they never tried to do for whatever reason. I think this episode had a better balance of science vs entertainment.
  14. I think the show has emphasized that in order for science to work, one must be willing and able to question authority in general, not just religious authority. Yes, the series has pointed out instances where organized religion has attempted to squash contradictory thinking, but it has also pointed out the same in government authorities and pointed out that scientists were encouraged to question the work of other scholars as well. In modern times, though religion and government still present obstacles, I imagine the use of science in for profit enterprise would also be a potential obstacle.
  15. I've thought there have been a number of questionable battle round wins this season, but there are far too many contestants left at this point to remember who is who lol. I fast forwarded through most of Climax it was so bloody awful, but based on what I heard, I agree that the wrong person won. My first thought was, there goes the fodderingest, fodder that ever foddered. If Madelyn was the blonde at the end of the battle where the loser would obviously get stolen, I agree. I liked headband girl better going in, but thought she really tanked on that song. I think even headband girl expected to lose. Blondie fits Blake better anyway. She could easily be steered towards country if she lasts long enough. Much as I am loathe to root for someone who calls themself "music box," I thought she was considerably better than the girl with the hair extensions that won that battle, who I thought should have also lost her round 1 battle.
  16. I'd prefer they remove the weekly eliminations. If they want to keep a week to week competitive element they could hand out rewards instead of eliminating someone every week. The fun part if the show is seeing the transformations, not the elimination drama.
  17. Kass' move wasn't exactly brilliant, but it seemed like pretty standard issue Survivor blindside and no real call for excessive butthurt on Sarah's part. Essentially calling someone a bad mother because they lied on Survivor is pretty silly. Lying is part of Survivor, if you want to win anyway. Part of the game, like bluffing in poker. What's most shocking to me was as immature and pissy as Kass was acting about not getting her way on voting Jefra instead of a Tony, it seems her alliance was actually surprised she flipped.
  18. This series definitely does not reward characters who make political blunders for the sake of "true love."
  19. Increased competition for a smaller market could explain some of the over the top behavior. My impression was that they are into a number of illegal activities, of which pot is just one. Just read an article about how Mexican drug cartels have started growing more poppies because of the drop in wholesale weed prices, so if they were really that worried about it they could take that route, but this town is so whack I don't think they are exactly going for realism.
  20. That top Jena wore for Clarity was approaching Lena Dunham on Girls levels of dressing inappropriately for your body type. Most people should not wear belly shirts and Jena is one of em.
  21. My assumption on the abandonment story was that it would somehow be Cora trying to reneg on a deal for her firstborn by hiding her away in Oz and pretending Regina was her only child. Zelena's envy seems all out of proportion to anything we've seen, but as stated upthread I guess it makes about as much sense as Regina's hatred of Snow. Guess it runs in the family.
  22. Me too. Perhaps they should get it over with and just combine Under the Dome, Revolution and Resurrection.
  23. I don't really care if Tyrion is the one to kill Shae, but I don't want him killing Tywin to be about Tywin killing Shae. They do seem to be setting things up so that Shae turning on Tyrion could be a result of her jealousy & anger because of the Sansa marriage, but having things go down the same as in the book at the trial still seems out of character for show shae. Book shae seemed much more of an opportunist, whereas show shae has been portrayed as more of a hooker with a heart of gold. I guess Cersei or Tywin could make her an offer she can't refuse or threaten Tyrion/Sansa in some way or even promise her if she testifies that they'll be merciful and not execute Tyrion.
  24. I thought Jaime actually made a lot of sense. Robb & Cat are dead. They think Bran & Arya are dead. If Sansa weren't married to Tyrian I suppose Jaime could try to send her to her aunt or the blackfish, but there really isn't a whole lot he can do for her at this point, other than try and protect her from Joffrey & we know that becomes a non-issue soon. If they mess up the bit with him giving Brienne the sword & sending her off to fulfill his oath, then I'll be annoyed.
  25. Good start to the season, but yeah....while I'm relieved they aren't totally whitewashing Arya by not having her kill people, the scene didn't have near the impact without "is there gold in the village?" However, the scene with Arya riding away with the hound makes me sad all over again that they couldn't just ride off into the sunset like some sort of really screwed up Butch & the Sundance Kid. Loved the a Queen of Thorns tossing that necklace and her reaction to Brienne, along with Margaery's comment about the sparrow skull necklace. Show Margaery continues to be so much more fun than the book version. Red Viper scenes were perfect. I teared up a bit when they melted down Ice :( Seems like they are setting up the Shae jealousy storyline. Still curious to see if they change things given how differently they have portrayed that character so far.
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