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Everything posted by Texasmom1970

  1. Once again another episode where I care more about the dead guy, love David, than the other characters, with the exception of Patterson. I think she did an excellent job showing her grieving and all she was feeling in this episode.
  2. This is why they are all such shitty agents now. They spent all their training time hooking up, dealing with personal drama, and searthing for the best hair styling prodcts.. If they actually trained they would have solved this crap in the first episode.
  3. First episode of the season and I have had enough of the two teens already throw them over board please! Nick and Strand are the only reason I am watching. Nick might have substance abuse issues but he is the only one that seems to also have any common sense. Glad he grabbed the boat log.
  4. Wet Tom digging a grave, hot. Ressler being protective and damn I just love Dembe, that is all.
  5. I came here to say the same thing about "Athleisure" I was worried if I heard it one more time I would hurl something at my television. Oh and obviously I know dick about fashion because that shit Sam made, ridiculous and ugly for any challenge!
  6. Me too I was worried Linus was going to come home to all his valuables missing!
  7. Me too, my favorite part of this episode. And I loved Jay pointing it out at the end!
  8. I love Pops attending the school meeting because of watching "Back to School"
  9. I came here thinking the same thing. I told my husband Ward you are not Neo, please stop trying to dress like him.
  10. I was pretty happy with this episode lots of Reese, Dr. Charles and Dr. Choi. Could have done without the douche bag and his crush on Dr. Manning, hope that is the end of that crap.
  11. Is it a bad sign I find a dead guy, a mysterious tattoo guy more interesting than most of the main characters on this show. Throw me around the room, writers please what kind of person would actually say shit like that?! I do not care for Jane to be with Kurt, but his new or re-kindled flame for some reason I don't like her. Guess I have trust issues or just hate when they put random speed bumps in the way when we all know they are pushing for Jane and Kurt to be the end game. And even though Kurt is preoccupied with his sex life I don't buy it that he would not take a little time to have a birthday drink with her. After all that obsessing he did and still does.
  12. That is why they are such shitty agents with all the constant hooking up. I've seen Frat houses during a rush week keggger where people get less action! Ryan stop being an idiot and an ass, get a clue you are supposed to be trained to read people and situations!
  13. So the reporter chick has now slept with two of the five family members, eww, let's hope she stops now. Yeah that some crack team of detectives first they miss big signs it's not Adam and then they lose the suspect. I can sort of understand the Mom not noticing or pushing back her doubts of this being her son. We'll there is no way that can be done now. So if that's Ben and the kidnapper is looking for a other target are we to assume Adam is dead? This show, uggh!
  14. An example oh how not to end season. I was bored and then pissed!
  15. Thank you I struggled trying to think of the proper term to describe Kesha's god awful hair color, you nailed it. Yes, Kini please stop stooping to Sam's level ignore his juvenile ass and just make it work! I joked about us needing an exorcism to get rid of Sam, thinking it might actually be true. I think the true winner tonight was Alyssa, on the runway she actually looked like she is not hated by wardrobe. And for fuck's sake who does Dom have to sleep with to win. Her outfit was modern, perfectly made and fit the parameters of the challenge perfectly!
  16. Was this a season or series finale, or do we know. Did not like how the some of the story lines did not really go anywhere or make sense. I honestly could take this show or leave it even though I think Ray Liotta was great.
  17. The best part of the episode to me was a shirtless Jay carrying Erin to the bedroom, swoon!
  18. Thought it was just me. I just hear screaming in general, was blaming my old lady ears!
  19. I was pleading for Rhodes to let Halstead go tell. Losing his licence and getting booted would have made the episode for me!
  20. I like Fisher with anyone, but that's just because I like to look at Fisher!
  21. I know this show has lost me during an episode when I am thinking random, odd things. Like I am thinking dang is Weller part werewolf. I really do like Jane's hair can I get away with a short cut like that. Not a great sign I guess, too bored.
  22. I am guessing some are headed toward divorce court. And the money they saved on their tiny house it being used for therapy for their unhappy children, especially the teenage ones. I remember one episode where they parents were showing their two teen age daughters they tiny house they bought over Skype. The look on the girls faces was priceless they were like are you shitting me!
  23. I know I know they are married and have sex. But do we have to hear about it every two minutes, it was making me sick to my stomach!
  24. Wow Henry really can do anything. Are we sure he didn't also carry the McCord children through some medical miracle as well. I like them as a married couple, but the he is so great at everything bugs me even though I love Tim Daily.
  25. I know this show is trying to keep interest with the flashbacks. But they bug the hell out of me. I wish they would have spent more time originally developing the characters instead of all this back and forth crap and then adding in new characters I do not care about. Uggh!
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