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Everything posted by Texasmom1970

  1. Not sure yet still on the fence. Full disclosure I went into it prepared to hate it just because I am not a Lopez fan. Surprised it was okay, not great, but I think I will give it a couple more watches. Did like that the had J. Lo in sensible shoes but the boobage, umm no. And they had to work hard for that because I don't think she is naturally that we'll endowed up top. Also her with the young boxer, a cliche, but her with a younger man not a stretch. I do hope they give Drea more to do love her, miss S.O.A!
  2. Thank you for making me feel better about not watching ☺
  3. I might be the minority here but Dr. Choi, Dr. Rhodes and the Splenda steaer Reese are the only ones I actually like. Oh well it goes without saying Oliver and Epatha, I will watch them any chance I get. Did not like preggo doctor and nurse bitchy pants, if you are gonna act like you are the end all authorities then don't take the damn tour. Don't like April or her brother, but that is just my never liking Ya-Ya in any role. For some reason she has always bugged me. Really dislike Halstead 2.0, I much prefer the original. Its probably the eyes and dimples, and I love him and Sophia together on P.D. I don't know this episode had too many of the regulars being pissy, maybe it was the crossover stuff that made this episode a mess to me.
  4. I watched this only because of the crossover. I normally may be way off base but there were like only one or two characters that weren't total tools! Are they always like that? If was being talked to like that by Severide I would be like hippocratic oath my ass I would knock him the hell out. He would be needing more medical attention than Herman.
  5. I knew a couple of the Beastie Boys songs in high school, but if that was one they were singing at the school I must have missed it. I did not recognize it, will have to look up what year it was released. So Erica is the oldest of the three kids right, does that make her a senior?
  6. Andre Braugher is sheer perfection as Holt. I say I cannot love his character anymore but with each episode prove myself wrong. Dancing to Freakazoid, love! He deserves an award for his performance on this series!
  7. Please Top Chef gods do not let Grayson come back from last chance kitcken. If she does she will continue to bitch about "Corngate!" I wouldn't want his hair in my food but cannot stand a man that wears a bun, not a good look. I agree with those who have said Padma has been looking nice so far this sesson. She has worn s couple of outfits I would take. An oyster off a rock in the desert heat, now who would have thought that might not be a good idea. Maybe if he at least put a piece of lettuce between the snot and the rock!
  8. I am glad they keep the birth pretty modest. I do not want to get up close and personal with and of the Duggar's private parts. I will cut Ben some slack within a year and a half he's married and has a kid and they are what 19. I know I would be so overwhelmed. I do not mind seeing some of the older Duggar children but please keep Ma and Pa and the majority of their brood off my tv. With Jessa talking about the pain and how she can't believe her Mom labored 19 times I hope those are hints they won't try to have that many children. Just because you can have that many kids doesn't mean you shoukd. I almost felt bad for Anna there for a minute. Then I reminded myself what she said previously about knowing Josh's past. She is the one who married some one who molested his own family members! Was she that desperate to get married?!
  9. Damn, damn, damn I am sure her cake was the best but Maeve's personality rubbed the wrong way. Was hoping one of the others would win. Maybe it was because I got tired if hearing Irish come out of her mouth every other sentence. Seriously was she being paid by the Ireland board of tourism or something!
  10. I am going to try to be positive since I am full of holiday spirit. First baby Izzy so adorable, as if Annas little one, sorry can't remember her name. Glad to see Cathy getting to spend time with her son an grandson with her Cancer battles. Maybe it's just me but Ben actually seemed a little more articulate than he did on #19 kids and counting. Some say boring I would rather sit through this than watch Jim Boob plaster on hair spray or listen to Michelle and her grating baby voice any day of the week! I agree with others who say Joy Anna is absolutely beautiful, she may be out if the nest before her older siblings. My only WTH was if Josh was upfront to Anna and her family would you or your parents want you to marry someone who had molested family members!? I bet you there was some tater to casserole one or both of the shin digs they had!
  11. I adore Mary as well. Even when she has to deliver a criticism she does it in such a kind, positive way, so refreshing.
  12. I would love it if one of their inspiration stories was really out there. Something like my next door neighbor who was my heroin connection loved to sit with me and eat coconut pie or some gritty crap like that!
  13. I already can't stand her big headed, ego. Now they have a random school kid telling her she's hot, yeah right!
  14. So glad all my guys were okay when they were all together at this warehouse I thought someone was gonna get it. Man, Juliette is harder to get rid of than an STD!
  15. As if I needed another reason to love Alfredo, look at those amazing donuts he buys! Loved the last scene between him and Sherlock. Sherlock being there for him rather quietly and understanding. Not being to prodding just the right amount of concern. I really love their friendship. Episode would have been perfect if we got to see Clyde.
  16. I may be the minority but aside from a few scenes I was not happy with the way it all ended. I don't care one way or another but I thought her pointing out the killers exposition went on too long, I honestly got bored. Love Jamie Lee but was grossed out by Grace's Dad seducing the dean, not sure why. Screechy or not I thought Emma Roberts portrayed the gross rich Chanel perfectly. Her attitude and mannerisms were spot on to me. Loved, loved the breakup scene between Chad and Denise, wish they had been in more of this finale. Not perfect but good enough if it is renewed I will watch next season.
  17. Agree with you 100 percent I thought it was perfect. Especially the last scene the love declaration was fitting forr their characters, not overly saccharine it fit perfectly. I so love this show!
  18. Really liked this episode pretty good all around. I personally don't mind Ward being evil. I prefer that to when he was crushing on Skye/Daisy. I do t know if Gemma will mourn Will or try a relationship with Fitz. All I cared about was Fitz getting back safely!
  19. My favorite part of this episode was the Happy and Toby dancing, love them! I couldn't care about a Walter and Paige romance no matter how much they try to push it on us!
  20. Me too I am not ready to see either one if these characters gone yet!
  21. I might be the only one but I did not like the episode, except for the Cole interaction. Bored through Noah's therapy session listening to him try to suggest he is a good man and maybe could be a great one. Just curious who the hell is he using as his barometer upto judge his behavior? All his part did was remind me what a walking cliche he is. Cheated on his wife of what 20 years with someone younger, now married to her, now cheating on her and fantasizing about a student that's what only six years older than Whitney! Ughh! I totally don't buy in Allison's version that Noah was holding Joanie and happily made supper. More likely he would be pissed he was having to watch his children instead of writing what he thinks will be comparable to a work done by Hemingway, and probably ordering takeout! On the plus side little Joanie I think she is adorable therefore she is Coles ☺
  22. Oh lord I hard a hard time enduring Erin bouncing in, if only for a few minutes! I love Christmas but damn woman stop mainlining sugar or whatever, take it down about 5 notches! I totally think Steve should have won over Maeve, his seemed like he did better technically and his decorations were good as well. Maeve is just too intense for my taste she reminds me of those soccer Mom's that tell their kids it doesn't matter if they win but gets too amped and crazed about winning!
  23. I loved every minute of this episode, perfect to me. I died laughing when they started playing "Wild Side" during the squash game and Boyle slapping Captain Holt on the but, OMG!
  24. Oh my we must be related I said almost the exact same thing. I told my husband what is this Quantico 90210. They turned on Simon so fast and are now hiding his clothes, hazing him and acting like 14 year old girls. Then the same thing with Alex, the whole time they were yelling at her I was like uh, she didn't set up the survey maybe you should be pissed at your superiors, idiots! And don't even get me started on that ridiculous little scar seriously, I have gotten worse scars just cooking. She could have at least went for a visible, bigger scar if that is her shitty story. Which I don't buy for a minute! One thing I did love was Priyanka's hair in the flashbacks, it was a little flatter, less poufy Ms. America to me.
  25. Yes! Because to quote Denise about Zayday, "Bitch had a chainsaw under her bed! I love Denise and Chad they make this show for me. That and the use of great 80s music, "Hazy Shade of Winter" one of my favorites!
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