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Everything posted by Texasmom1970

  1. I love this show I know they are trying to tone down annoying Stevie. Not working for me she still bugs the living hell out if me. The dinner conversation bugged me yes she may be an adult technically, but she lives at home, eats at home and they pay for her schooling. A little more respect for her parents is way overdue!
  2. I was so distracted by Rick's ten bandaids on his face I couldn't stop looking. Reminded of when my daughter's were young and wanted you to be their patient and they would bandage you up.
  3. I know how convenient right. I really do get tired of the contestants of these competition shows with their it's a tradition, or I am baking because of this relative, cue photo with sacharrine (sp) story. I want one of them to say something like I like to eat this flavor dessert when I am three sheets in the wind or something totally out there!
  4. I get so sick if Danny giving a Erin shit almost every episode. He is such an ass, he knows if they don't follow the law the could get any case thrown out on a technicality. Really tired of him thinking everyone and everything should bend to fit his wants and needs.
  5. I am okay with bad wigs, ridiculous scenarios but when someone hurts Dembe, nope, pisses me off!
  6. I don't know after a couple of episodes I am kind of I can take it or leave it, not sure if I an sticking it out.
  7. If I have to hear Heidi say boobies one more time I am gonna stab q-tips in my ears. You are not talking to a bunch of 6 year olds woman choose another word! I really hated everything this week, really hideous. Getting very tired of Candace and her signature looks. She needs to stop with the Morticia Adams/dominatrix line of clothing. Why haven't the judges slapped her down for repetitiveness?
  8. Kill us all off, zombies. And feces talk. Man I love Tracy she is either bat shit crazy or just loves screwing with them!
  9. No way 52, now I really feel bad! Need to get my ass to the gym!
  10. What was up with the curly cue, villain twirling mustaches in this episode. How can anyone think that's a good look?! Only if you are an evil cartoon character. The buttercream lady got on my nerves as well. Its icing woman calm down you didn't cure cancer or something!
  11. Fitz shows all other men what caring for someone is like. Jumping into a weird portal to alien planet to bring back Simmons. He sets the bar really high! Need to get Ming Na's health and beauty regimen, because damn, 50, seriously!
  12. I had a problem with Ruzek and Burgess automatically assuming that the syringe was for drugs. Does she not know or trust her partner enough to think maybe he us sick, diabetic or something? Loved Markie Post on "Night Court", she is doing a good job making Bunny so unlikable. She can go away now.
  13. I must have missed an episode what does Jimmy know? I was trying to figure out where she was sneaking off to!
  14. Still watching just to see how it plays out, and for Niecy. Love her interrogating the idiot about not seeing him at the library. Chad is awesomely gross and funny at once!
  15. Wow, those twins, no words. Their parents must be so proud! Since zombies eat brains they are safe if we ever have a zombie apocalypse!
  16. Wow, she stays in the car about as well as Carl stays in the house, tent, RV, etc! I am glad she is Taylor Shaw. Just so we don't have to hear some variation of, we have to find them, or we need them alive they might know who I am in every damn episode. Her grabbing everyone asking if she knows them was getting so annoying. I expected to to start grabbing pizza delivery guys and random people on the street and brow beat them as well! Unfortunately we will probably get her saying we need them they might know who did this to me and why, about every two minutes.
  17. I so wanted him to babble about tech stuff while everyone looked confused. And then show us something like a lipstick that was actually a camera. I miss "Alias" too damn much!
  18. He wouldn't be able to see her even if she were closer with his little beady, rat eyes!
  19. Who knew balls were such a big deal! Since this was taped a while back does anyone know if Marissa's hot dog restaurant is successful. Can someone please tell Caroline S. or her makeup artist that tween shade of pink lipstick washes her out. Please try a neutral color instead. I hope if this show comes back they change up the women some. Can't swing a dead cat without hitting someone named Caroline, or a blonde in need of a better dye job!
  20. So now we have a new slogan for the state of Oklahoma. Come visit its the state without any parks near you. We get it Briana, Oklahoma bad, Orange county good. Seriously how old are her kids they are happy with some toys and a swingset in the back yard. The Beadors and their fishing expedition have scarred me for life. As well as Terry's inappropriate remark about getting some in front of his kids. They are probably scarred for life now. Nobody wants to hear about their parents hittin it.
  21. The only reason I can think Helen is paying for dumbasses lawyer because Alison decided he is so not worth and dropped him quick. I really think she is just trying to keep the idiot out of jail trying to protect her kids. The divorce is already taking its toll, and having your Dad in jail might send those kids over the edge. I am glad we are seeing more than Noah and Allison oh we are soul mates side if the story. Makes it much more interesting. I think Helen seems oddly calm in some of the scenes because she is drinking, smoking and keeping it all in. A mix of denial and trying to keep up appearances.
  22. I know it wasn't meant to be funny but seeing Strand and Nick walking together in the facility. The juxtaposition of him in his suit and Nick in those senior citizen duds, too funny.
  23. I love her, watched "Crossing Jordan" to death, she is still so beautiful! I hope we get to see her on the show again in the future. Did anyone else think it was funny that Morgan Freeman was swearing Tea in as acting president. In the movie "Deep Impact" he plays the President and her a news anchor, too funny!
  24. My favorite thing about this episode lots of Ressler. Only thing that would have made me happier us if they had him in a shirtless or shower scene. Yes I am that shallow!
  25. What a sad runway show thus week. Decided if those looks are fashion then I need to try out for Project Runway, I too csn be a fashion designer!
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