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Everything posted by Texasmom1970

  1. I liked the look of the one lady's tart but agree she really didn't bake much compared to the others. My poor teenager she was watching and wants to try macarons however they are spelled. It upsets her that she has a deadly tree nut allergy gotta go search for a recipe.
  2. It is official hell must have frozen over never thought I would see the day when I love Ken. For him having the balls to say what almost the entire viewing audience of this show has been thinking to Sam. I do not care if it hurt his poor little feelings he needs a good dose of reality. Isaac saving Sam and praising his work is not doing him any favors!
  3. I agree with both of ya'll. She was hilarious in "Hot Fuzz" and brilliant in "Broadchurch", so talented. Right now her Tom and Hugh are why I am watching. I hope the story line begins to make more sense and is more interesting to me. I know this sounds awful but I am glad the offed the mistress Sophie did not like her a bit.
  4. I thought the same when Dr.. Douchebag came in and she said she had vertigo. I was like on no Reese is knocked up, thank heavens they are not going with another baby story line!
  5. This episode was okay but there was one thing that bugged me. The scene where Reese was yelled at by Maggie to spit out her gum. I kept on waiting for them to reference the gum or slide having to do something with her not feeling well because they seemed to make that scene so prominent. Was it just to show Reese was stressed that is why she was chewing gum. Or was it to show Maggie set up as being Reese's hard-ass mentor like Eriq LaSalle was with the original Carter on "E.R." Maybe its just me, but it just stuck out like a sore thumb, it was out of place and clunky.
  6. Please tell me now that Daisy is evil/infected we won't have to see slow mo's of her and Ward walking around in matching Matrix wannabe coats! Like Fitz and Simmons being happy and light hearted at the end. Also loved May telling Lincoln to f-off when trying to give her pain meds. Love the look she gave him like I will get out of this bed and still kick your ass.
  7. I actually have something positive to say sbout this episode. Rosa looks so much better with short hair instead of all that long, fake crap. Her fiance I really want to send him a bottle of shampoo. His hair under that trucker cap, yuck. Really surprised OCD clean freak Cena let Nikki get a dog, maybe he is thinking that will stop all her baby yearnings. Since they are having a Bella spin-off next season does that mean this show is done?
  8. Seeing Jamie in that gorgeous dress made this goofy episode worth it. I need a dress like that stat, and having legs like hers would be nice as well! Tired of werewolf Wellers girlfriend, slam piece, whatever the hell she is. Sick of her taking screen time up that could be given to Patterson, Mayfair or Reade or a janitor. I would find anyone but her infinitely more interesting. I don't care about them trying to create a triangle, quadrangle between them all!
  9. Don't want this to come across the wrong way but I wish they would use captioning for the lady who owns the bakery in San Antonio, they one who had to get stitches. I find myself rewinding quite often since her accent is so strong. My daughter was kind of watching and said aww they are sending slow talker, stoner dude home. She said they way he talked reminded her of the turtle Crush from the movie "Finding Nemo." Spot on observation, made me giggle.
  10. Why the hell do they have too mess with Toby and Happy they are my favorite part of this ridiculous show.
  11. Goodness how old is the poop obsessed one, Brandi, supposed to be. I have seen more mature 11 year old boys in my daughter's elementary class. Me thinks her husband is never around because he does not want to be on camera with her and her crass ass. I am not uptight, I just do not find her sense of humor the least bit funny. Guess since I am past puberty her jokes do not appeal to me. Oh and doctors wife, nurse or whatever the hell you are. I was put off by her talking about her husband being a fixer upper and fat when they met. To me she seems like a gold digger. Saw a doctor and set her sights on him and changed him. It was not her magic snatch. She wanted to marry money, but to her he was not acceptable before he made changes. I think I can see some marriage problems if poor man's Keith Urban does not get to move back to L.A. He definitely does not want to stay in Dallas, he shut down that buying a home in Dallas shit real fast. I could be wrong but I do not think Leanne is gonna be heading down the aisle anytime soon. Her boyfriend seems to have zero interest in marriage. Can't believe I am watching this shit, no pun intended!
  12. I am kind of along this line of thinking now since we see Caleb calling whoever saying she fell for it. The only person I could see him helping is his Mom. But then again maybe I am trying to think to logically figuring out the mess they have made of this show. They way they are pushing how wonderful Alex is I half expect them to be like surprise you passed the test you are now the new head of the FBI.
  13. I have to admit I have not being paying close attention but do we know the real Adam is dead? Or is it just Ben that is saying that couples together with the fact crazy ass abductor has nobody in his bunker? Well done show you have made it where almost the only character I like is Hank, even with his past history.
  14. Me too, sick of his drama queen crap taking over. Seriously how many times this episode did he blow up and lay into his wife. Maybe just me but I don't give a shit what he is dealing with I think she let him off too easy. I would have torn him a new asshole. Buttercup, beautiful horse snd such a sad and touching part of the rpiside!
  15. I am so glad this show is back. And I enjoyed the flashbacks just to see Dylan Bruce, yes I am wading around in the shallow end of the gene pool!
  16. My only complaint about this episode is too much Eve/Juliette, whatever. But that is how I feel about every episode.
  17. What in the hell, how does Asha go home before ass kisser Sam. I am sorry to offend those who liked it but I hated Emily's, I think Kini's said Summer and was interesting without being weird. What Debi said something about his model serving it, I totally agree. I feel Ken should have been out not only was his jumpsuit basic, it was poorly tailored and has been done to death! Also for that awful black t-shirt he had on for most of the epidode. Dude for the love of my eyes please don't wear a shirt so low cut I almost see your nips and belly button. Zac was about the only judge making sense and telling it like it really is, not playing favorites or having an agenda. Oh, and Alyssa must really need this gig to let them style her the way they do!
  18. Yeah, I am not buying she is dead either. Some kind of plan to ensure her safety. She will eventually pop up again, you know like Michael Meyers!
  19. I agree with those who say Dr. Now has an abrupt bedside manner but there are a lot of people who need the tough love. I also agree that Zsalynn has a right to choose any doctor she wants for skin removal. But she came off as bitchy and ungrateful to me. Dr. Now really puts up with a lot of shit I wouldn't. This is why I am not a doctor.
  20. I agree, and I am so tired of the evil Ward/It storyline. Please clear this shit up and move on people.
  21. The only two positives I got from this otherwize coma inducing episode. 1) Little Spurgeon seems like a truly happy baby. Hope Jessa doesn't pop out babies like a PEZ dispenser and they enjoy their precious time with him. 2) Jinger really is talented at photography glad to see she has an outlet, hope it leads her away from some of the Duggar insanity. They showed a quick shot on her camera display of the front of that amazing church and it was stunning. The rest snore, don't care!
  22. Me too, I have been a Houstonian for over 25 years, 20 more before that in a small gulf coast coast town. These women are embarrassing our great state. I know there are also people who are serious with charities that cringed the entire episode. I could not even stomach the entire episode had to stop the torture!
  23. I had to watch the scene with Holt perfectly saying the long case number dead serious twice because I lost my shit. He is so perfect in this role!
  24. Just got through watching the Portland artistic couple. I totally would have picked the floating house. It has been a dream since watching "Sleepless in Seattle." Okay and I know the premise of this series is to show how tiny these houses are I get that. But I swear every time I hear one of the house hunters say its so tiny, so small, there's no room, etc., etc. I want to jump through my television and punch them in the throat. Maybe its my pre-menopausal hormones taking over but news flash idiots a house smaller than the average garage is gonna be a big sacrifice in many ways! Ok rant over back to our regularly scheduled programming.
  25. I like Walter better with anyone but Paige. They have no chemistry, they bore me and I am tired of the writers pushing them as a couple on us. I adore Toby and Happy I hope they don't do something to screw it up!
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