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Everything posted by Dancingjaneway

  1. This is going to be a giant trainwreck. The cast is fucking awful and the fact that they are doing it live makes it all the worse. I cannot stand any of the people they have cast. I hope this bombs so that they never do this again! I also wish that people would stop fucking casting Julianne Hough and Vanessa Hudgens in musicals because they cannot sing for shit.
  2. I loved the shit out of this film. I saw it two times in the theater and loved it just as much both times. Melissa was hilarious but my favorite was Miranda Hart. I also loved Rose Byrne and Jason Statham. This was the funniest movie of the year for me.
  3. If Gaga ends up being Jessica's replacement I may opt out next season. Ryan M is pissing me off by not using Angela Bassett enough and I don't think I could stand another season of Gaga's horrible acting. I also think he is running out of ideas and steam.
  4. I don't think the pasties would have come into play if it was anyone but Gaga. I think with them casting Gaga they knew that they could really get racy and push the boundaries. I think the countess would have still oozed sex but would have oozed class as well if Angela had played her. I fear that with Gaga getting so much praise and Murphy being so stuck on her that we will see her next season and it won't be as a side character.
  5. So glad that this show is on again. Richard and Galavant are perfect together. I would love to see the unicorn pop up again because I think it would be great to see Richard with it. Loved Isabellas mom using the term "spank bank". I was so thrilled to see Kylie M. as the singer in the gay bar. Both episodes were "bitchin'" and I can't wait to see what happens next week.
  6. Richard is hands down my favorite character. It also doesn't hurt that he's played by the brilliant Tim Omundson. I LOVED the unicorn following him around. Although I would like to see them reunited at some point in the future. His wanting to be lifted at the Enchanted Forest was hilarious!
  7. I'm worried that the show moving to Tuesday is going to hurt it. It blows that it's going up against Shield and I'm hoping that they did enough advertising that people will know it's moved. Fox should have just left it as is.
  8. This episode was fantastic! I loved all the LOTR jokes and Jake with his horrible Berry White imitation. 80's Cpt. Holt continues to be the bomb! I would love an all flashback episode with Cpt. Holt. Rosa continues to be a bad ass and I love it! I was a lil disappointed that the new baby wasn't named after a fictional female cop. I was kind of hoping for a Tonya Joyce(shout out to TJ Hooker) or Dee Dee (the female cop on the 80's cop show Hunter).
  9. Even though I like Sara Paulson and Courtney B. Vance I will not be watching this. It's bad enough I have to see the Kartrashians everywhere now I get to re-live the BS fest that was this trial? I think not.
  10. Iris and Liz were freaking AWESOME in this episode. I loved the ending shot with them just shooting like crazy. Donovan dancing to "Online Bling" had me laughing. I was so thrilled that Liz and her son talked and that they are in a good place. The only other person I really liked this episode was Ramona. This season hasn't had NEARLY enough Angela B. in it. To me she should have been the countess.
  11. I'm really looking forward to seeing this. I love Rashida Jones and Deon Cole so I will definitely be watching. Also the dog in the previews is cracking me up.
  12. Going by Gwens fashion trends next week Korin is going to end up looking like a harajuku girl. This show is just so damn horrible this season. I care about NONE of these contestants and the show has become a joke. I miss the old voice. This show needs less young contestants and more older, seasoned contestants. I feel like I'm watching American Idol and that is NOT a compliment.
  13. Aaand I think I'm done with this show. I'm so sick of the political BS and I am REALLY sick of Patterson and his ways. This isn't good drama this is ridiculous drama that is frustrating to watch and horribly written.
  14. I HATED that Meg helped Peter out. When the episode started I hoped that Peter would start to see how horrible he was to Meg but I should have known better. I think I'm going to stick to reading the story lines of the episodes and if they aren't Stewie/Brian eps I won't watch.
  15. The Voice has turned into American Idol 2.0. Between the "She's 16" and the "you look so good" comments the judges have become a fucking joke. Pretty much all the contestants sucked last night. Nobody made it through their songs without an error and that's ridiculous! I think Blake lost his hearing during the rehearsals for Zach because how in the hell did he think any of that sounded good?! I wanted to barf when the judges were thanking Jordan for singing that song. BFD he sang a religious song and didn't fuck up 90% of it. The cynical side of me wonders if he(or the producers) changed his song after what happened in Paris. This show needs to go back to the basics because it is slowly killing itself. ETA: I always chuckle when the contestants talk about how they simply cannot go back to being a wedding singer, waitress, teacher etc. because little do they know that's exactly what fate befalls them after this show. It's like have you not seen what happens after the show? The winner and others go NOWHERE.
  16. Frank in that Black wife beater was HOT AS FUCK!!! Also Frank cooking is super sexy. Why oh why does he have to be a murderer??
  17. I KNEW the cray-cray sister did it!!! I did not expect the creepy dude to be her partner in crime. That painting she gave to Wes was fucking creepy! Frank looked hot making sauce! I'm disappointed Anna slept with Nate because I really want her to be with Eve. Asher doing his "I found the wire" dance cracked me up!! I cannot wait to see what happens next week. I am SO happy that the prosecutor is going to die because I cannot take anymore of her. EEEW to the plot twist that the Hapstall parents were brother and sister. This show just keeps killing it week after week. ETA: I am over the moon that Oliver is o.k. He is just so adorable and I love what he and Conor have.
  18. I laughed so hard I at this episode I was almost in tears. Charlie and Diane are hilarious but Charlie and Junior are GOLD. Charlie knowing all about the Nancy Myers movies and then singing D'Angelo in the bathroom mirror. I loved all the boys in the bathroom singing "Unbreak My Heart". I loved that Diane's diss to Junior about babysitting was her being nice. Bow and Dre cracked me up with their antics and I loved the time they spent with Zoe. This show just continues to deliver and I hope it continues to do well.
  19. I want Alex to die a slow and painful death. She is the WORST. I'm so glad that Ramona wasn't killed because that would have pissed me off. I was not happy to see the two idiot tourists I hate that they are taking screen time away from Bomer, Bassett and Bates. I knew the countess was going to kill one of them and I'm so glad that it wasn't Liz. I hope that Liz, Donovan, Iris, and Ramona form a kick ass group and take down the countess and Alex.
  20. Well it looks like Adam is going to be the winner again this season. Jordan is going to take all the other singers out one by one. The voice has become an absolute bore/snorefest.
  21. Blake+Gwen=Me barfing all over the place. I'm so glad we didn't see those "cute" little moments during the show last night.
  22. Oh great! Now I am going to want a Frank/Hot guy hook up and it's probably not going to happen.
  23. How old was Annalise when her mom killed the uncle? Because if she was old enough to have her period than I wouldn't be surprised if Wes was a result of the molestation. Also this would make sense because the family wouldn't want her to keep the child it would have been a burden. Also she may have had issues having children with Sam because of complications from the first pregnancy. I could see Connor being the one to shoot Annalise because of what is going on with Oliver. He truly loves Oliver and in his mind Annalise is the cause of that.
  24. Tonight was a mixed bag. My favorites were: Jordan, and Viktor. Gwen needs to do better with her song choices or she is going to find herself in some serious trouble. Bread was a horrible choice for Braiden. The kid has a good voice but it's not made for that type of music. Regina murdered "Hello". I wanted to slap Gwen when she mentioned that Regina was like Anita Baker. No she isn't!!! Anita Baker has WAY more talent and control than Regina. Ugh. It would be nice if the judges would fucking be honest with these contestants. Also I've noticed that the judges are starting to use freaking Idol "go to" phrases and that makes me want to vomit. Jordan needs to learn how to go from his head voice to his chest voice. Same goes for the girl who sang "Aidia". Adam's "I don't want to talk about your voice" comment to Jordan make me laugh and roll my eyes. I thought this was a vocal/singing competition. I'm hoping that the artist Pharrell brings back is Celeste Betton. She was great in her "Ain't no Mountain High Enough" duet. Adams comeback choice was horrible and I can't tell whether the producers made him pick him or if Adam picked him because he knows how well young boys do on these types of shows. Maybe Adam was hoping this kid would bomb so that he could make sure his current team stayed in the game and didn't knock one of his faves out. If its the last then the plan backfired because there is a LOT of love for that kid. ETA: I was SOOO happy to hear a Lisa Stansfield song on the show tonight. I just love her and have always wanted someone to sing one of her songs.
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