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Everything posted by Kerrey92

  1. How are going to fit that third “wife” in their bed? Weird set up and weird family. Danielle is getting her revenge on poor little Bert isn’t she? Way to put the cart before the horse talking marriage to someone they met online THREE weeks ago! Yikes.
  2. “Shayne looks so much like Tate Donovan (crossed with Jake Busey).” So much so! And Danielle’s mom TALKED SO LOUD! Omg! That was one loud family. Is Shaina so sure that Shayne is a man of faith? The only thing we saw of their conversations in the pod was about what they were wearing and how hot he thought a crop top was.
  3. I've not been a faithful viewer of this show so I'm doing a first watch of past seasons having seen the most current season in full. I'm up to season 7. The addition of Robyn seems like a really bad idea in hindsight. Whatever Meri's motivations were at the time, I think they blew up on her big time. Christine had been married to Kody for 16 years by the time she came in. That's a long marriage by any standard and the honeymoon phase was long, long gone. Kody and Robyn have still not been married that long in present day. I know from following social media what ends up happening with Meri but I feel like she's been screaming from the rooftops that she's not sure her place in the family; she wants to go to college; she doesn't know what to do and no one heard what she was saying or knew how to support her. It's no wonder she turned to a stranger on the internet but I haven't seen those episodes yet so maybe it unfolds differently. Robyn's lack of support for Meri wanting to go back to school was upsetting. She's an empty nester in a marriage full of fertile people. It's emotionally trying in the best of circumstances. Since it seems the connection with these women are the kids, Meri is left out constantly. It might be her own making but I can't help but feel for her a bit. (Again fully prepared to change my mind). Robyn's manipulation of Kody by telling him that she won't have a baby if she doesn't get help with My Sisterwives Closet was a brilliant display of her abilities to get what she wants. She knew just what button to push. The later seasons are so much heavier without the teenagers. Those are some great kids. They love the family, seem to support each other, their parents and siblings and just have good heads on their shoulders. Good on Christine, Janelle and Meri for raising good kids.
  4. On a rewatch and Robyn and Meri are talking about the surrogacy and Robyn says something like "Yeah....a woman should be able to decide whether she wants to have a baby!" I'm pretty sure she didn't mean that the way it sounded. LOL! And Christine seemed to have Robyn's number from very early on. It's too bad it took her this long to move on.
  5. I know Shannon is an asshole but I’m finding myself rooting for her and not enjoying the pile on. I stopped watching a few seasons ago because of the toxicity of Kelly Dodd but came back this year. This show is unwatchable. Heather is so fake and inauthentic. The poster who said she’s an immensely unhappy person has nailed it. She’s trying to fill her life with things but she’s vapid.
  6. Not sure that I want to spend the rest of the season in the Jen Shah pity party. She’s so full of shit and undeserving of any of their friendship. She’s been toxic, rude and awful to all of them and they don’t owe her a thing. Heather is in danger of getting used by Jen. She will take her good wishes and turn it around. She needs to harden her heart a little and be very very wary.
  7. This show is great but the dizzying movement from the 2000s to 1990s is confusing sometimes. When Michael Keaton asked him for the pills in rehab I was screaming at my TV. Sadly, the Sacklers get very little comeuppance. Their net worth went from $13B to $10B after they paid their fines and a court decided they were immune from civil suits. Ugh. John Oliver did a great and infuriating piece about how messed up it all is. I really hope the Harvard educated pharma rep keeps her comeuppance. She’s terrible. New episodes are released on Wednesday’s.
  8. Felt like the editors wanted to put Erika in the worst light for the attorneys. God she looked awful and uncaring.
  9. Capt Sandy demonstrating those great management skills. "Figure it out." She's coming to you because she can't figure it out and needs a little guidance from someone who's worked for a long time in the industry. Lexie is confounding. She won't hear what anyone has to say, assumes the victim role and is so Incredible unpleasant. Katie telling her that she likes her and her immediately saying "no you don't" is such a manipulative move. Lexie is using her dad's death as an excuse to be the dick that she already was.
  10. Frenchie came in too hot! Not sad to see him go and the house will be very interesting without him! Be the good...really Julie Chen??
  11. Daisy needs to remind Natasha that a big part of their tip comes from the guests satisfaction with the food. If she keeps screwing up they all suffer.
  12. I loved the power point. Lifetime relationships are hard and need a lot of work, introspection and unbiased analysis. Stephen’s look at all things Hubbard was so sweet and thoughtful...like, legit he put a lot of thought into it. My Hannah hate knows no bounds. She thinks she’s so cute, hilarious, desirable and she’s not one of those things. I really want her gone. It would be so great for Paige to turn on her. Looks like the Hannah/Paige/Amanda cabal have pulled in Ciara. I’m on Team Kyle in LoudMusicGate. 9:00 pm? Music top volume. 11:00 pm? Then you send a text. Could they not hear the scintillating dialogue from Love Island? Eye roll.
  13. Bald Guy could have asked her questions or added to the conversation to move it along. That’s how you learn about someone. He’s a narcissist who only wants a screw.
  14. So mad at DeAndrea for botching her take at the dinner. Cary is not going to get it. Way to prove you’re not a bully by yelling at Tiffany (who had your back!) and making her feel like crap. Kameron needs to stop all the knowing slow mode agreeing with Cary. She’ll be on the wrong side of this. DeAndrea also has anger issues and she needs to work on that. But Cary is the worst. I hated her last year even with the Leanne crap and wished she hadn’t come back. She’s toxic; she makes the show toxic and is changing the great dynamic.
  15. Does anyone know the deal with Stephanie's "charity"? Someone (not here) alluded to it having been around for years and not something she just started. Anyone have a clue for that?
  16. Tiffany’s party didn’t seem fun because she didn’t make her guests at all comfortable. When someone has rules and requirements then it’s hard to feel relaxed and comfortable for fear of doing something wrong. The text was a good way to set expectation but could have been worded differently like more of a “I just want to let you know that I have an early meeting tomorrow so we won’t be hanging from the rafters doing tequila shots at all hours!” And then just shut the bar down when you think it’s time for people to go. She was actually having fun at 10:30 and didn’t want people to leave but she’d set it up so there they want in a passive aggressive in your face fashion.
  17. Am I remembering correctly that Luke and Hannah had it out at the reunion and he said some really mean things about her? Hannah is trying to make a thing where it isn’t. I think she, Paige and Amanda are mean girls.
  18. Weird thought here: But maybe there was a “plot” to get Monique off the show and it played perfectly. Robyn and Gizelle float the idea that they are going to out this rumor and let Monique stew in her juices, getting more and more paranoid as the weeks go on. They use Candiace to have her bring Charisse in to get M worried that it’s going to be brought up and then isn’t. It’s an undercurrent for Monique the whole season until she finally blows and now isn’t back. Gizelle never brought it up on camera AND she gets rid of Monique. Now who’s playing chess, Chris S??
  19. So I agree that Monique is crazy and didn't handle the reunion well. There were so many ways for her come into this to seem contrite and play a better media game. She really missed the mark. She needs to take responsibility, apologize and make it right. To that extent, Candiace needs to do the same thing to the other ladies for all her negative bullshit on social media. She can't and Monique can't. Monique gave Candiace her best storyline, the ability to get in the good graces of the cast members (enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that), and gave her relevance on the show this season. I loved that Monique took the time to put together the "thirst book" though. I am so curious what other nuggets are in there. It was maybe indication that she's over the top and little nutty, but she came ready for whatever they were going to throw at her. And, g-d, Ashley, I hope the money and lifestyle is worth being with that troll of a husband and having to spin and defend all his terrible actions. It was smart of her to use the language she used to give herself coverage for the next time he steps out. She very clearly said "If Michael Darby cheats on me, I'll be out." So when he steps out on her again, she'll just say it wasn't cheating because they didn't actually have sex or they both found the woman attractive or whatever excuse fits one of the stories she's told this year.
  20. On a completely different note, the editing was so hinky! Karen was wearing some kind of clear bra thing that was supposed to be unnoticeable but was instead very noticeable that then disappeared during I think the Jamal conversation. And Ashley’s hair went from straight to curly. What the heck! I appreciate your insights into the Monique thing. I was kind of loving “the binder”. She anticipated that the ladies were coming for her and the trainer and was ready with her own “evidence” for all the gossip around them. So instead of a Karen’s “word on the street” she had texts and emails and documentation. However in reading what you guys wrote I see that she’s giving them too much power. It is good TV though. I liked watching Gizelle squirm!
  21. I just saw that Tamara Tattles is breaking that the show was cancelled and that Jax and Brittany suggested a spin off and were declined. Hope those kids paid for those houses in cash!
  22. I, too, was wishing Hermine was in the final but not enough to cyber bully poor Laura on social media. I feel so bad that she’s received such negative feedback for something like a baking show! She seems like a sweet and sensitive person. I hope she lets it wash over her and doesn’t take it personally. The PG-13 humor doesn’t bother me. There are many allusions to anatomy on this show (Dave’s cornucopia anyone?) and double entendre’s that get the cast and contestants snickering. It’s no worse than Mr Spoon hijinx or a key party reference IMHO it wasn’t the best season but add me into those who were glad for a fun, silly distraction from all the seriousness in our world right now. I’m actually so sad it’s over!
  23. I don't really watch the Housewives shows for politics. It's actually an escape from all that, but I liked Wendy's event and the platform she is trying to promote on this show. It's never really been done as a storyline and a very DC thing to have happen. But much like Bethenney Frankel, I don't think Wendy is one to "support other women". I was irked that she interrupted Karen & Candiace and inserted her views all up in that argument. Candiace has so much to be regretful for in her social media behavior and her general shitstirring in past seasons of the show. I loathe her but do feel bad for what happened to her. But I'm really mad at Monique for giving her the power to be the victim for a season. She's really such an awful person in just about every way. I guess a really bad thing happened to really bad person!
  24. I’m curious to see sober Leah. Part of her splash on the show was how outrageous she acted when she was drunk and it got people talking. Sober Leah didn’t bring much to the table. I don’t watch this show to see people acting logically and doing the right thing. Not that I watch for drunken antics but I do enjoy a vacation Sonja. Leah is such a “notice me!” kind of person and so she really annoyed me. But I won’t tune out because she was cast.
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