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Everything posted by Kerrey92

  1. My takeaway from that whole shit show is that Kim is far from secure in her sobriety. She's acting more like an active addict. She cannot accept any responsibility for her behavior. Thanks to Eileen for pointing out that Kim never apologized for poker night. And she owed Kyle, Eileen and Lisa R an apology for that night. Given what she says about her sobriety, one would think that she would have apologized as soon as she could (after her 5/7/9 day stint in the hospital) since everyone knew she fell off the wagon. She cannot give Lisa R any rope with her concerns. Whether its for screen time or a storyline, Lisa R is expressing concern because of HER direct interactions with Kim. Kim was awful to her in the car on the way to poker night. And let's face it, Kim seems loopy and doped up all the time despite her declarations of sobriety. It's hard to know whether or not she just acts that way or that she's secretly using and not fessing up. So Lisa R's concern and subsequent discussion of it is not so crazy. And Lisa R did go to Kim directly at Eileen's to discuss it. Kim should have begged her off there and told her to leave it alone. She seemed to thrive on being the center of attention. Kim is unwilling to accept HER role in the outing of her addiction. She blames Lisa R for bringing shame and pain on her daughters by asking these questions. Wasn't it Kim who took the pill she wasn't supposed to and Kim who allowed filming while she was under the influence? KIM embarrassed her kids for a few seasons before seeking help so I find her argument specious. Is there a chance that Kim was high or drunk at that dinner and that's why she did what she did? Kyle said something in the doorway about letting the truth out or stopping covering for Kim or something like that. I thought that was telling. Maybe Kim is in much worse shape and she knows a lot and isn't telling. Also, why is none of this sticking to Brandi? I don't understand why Lisa R didn't turn to Brandi and ask her about their lunch conversation and the intervention talk and how she (Brandi) was talking behind Kim's back too. And saying much worse and more hurtful things than Rinna. Brandi's little outburst was laughable and I do believe Kyle when she muttered something about Brandi not being able to have a peaceful night. Are we to believe that Brandi has no hypocrisy in the person she presents on camera versus some of the things she does in private? They ALL do this to a certain degree. Do I think it's a big deal that Kyle smoked pot with Brandi? No, but I can see Kyle not wanting the world to know that. Honestly, I would think that Brandi wouldn't want the world to know that SHE did that given her situation with her ex-husband.
  2. Brandi's vitriol against Kyle is so crass and seems unnecessary and confusing. Why is she so upset with Kyle? Kyle, to her credit, does disparage Brandi in her THs but she never wishes death or illness on her. She seems more subdued about it. Realizing that this would mean understanding the brain of one Brandi Glanville, I would like to get a sense of where this complete HATRED comes from! And Lisa Rinna didn't owe Kim an apology and truly handled that situation like a champ. She easily could have ratcheted that up to 1000 by demanding that Kim apologize to her for her behavior in the limo and pointing out that her BFF Brandi was also having Kim's name her mouth with reference to relapsing. And give up once again to Brandi's manipulation. Way to get Kim all wound up three days before the trip by letting her in on Lisa R's concern and conversation at lunch without once including her own part. Unfortunately for Brandi, it's on tape so Kim will see how the real conversation went down. Can't wait for next week and the wine glass toss (even though it will be in the last 5 minutes and get dragged out one more week). Team RINNA!
  3. LeAnn must know how much her "copying" gets under Brandi's skin. If I were her (LeAnn) with that level of crazy (and let's face it, both those bitches are CU-RAY-ZEE), I would be copying her style all over town, just to get her all riled up. And chiban so much word to what you've written. There is no way Brandi is leaving the RHOBH. She even said so last episode with her "talking about me whether good or bad is my main goal in life" or whatever nonsense she spewed. She has done herself NO FAVORS by coming on this show. My dad always says, "it's better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you're an asshole than open your mouth and prove it" That lady proved what an asshole she truly was. My love for LeAnn Rimes was pretty much nonexistent but now I want her horrible songs to do well and for her to achieve a level of success that will make Brandi cry into her pillow at night.
  4. Wait. Is that the kid from "Girlfriend's Guide to Divorce"? He plays a douche on that show too!
  5. So, did anyone see Kim on Revenge? She was high. It was noticeable. She seemed loopy and slurry. And she wasn't even on screen very long. If she was hoping for a big break from being on a network show, I don't think she did herself any favors. And for the love of God can she please, please, please stop that "Kim is emotional" whisper/voice she does? Drives me crazy!!
  6. I agree HouseofBeck. Don't hate the show, but do think the writing is a bit flimsy and the situations are more than outlandish. I really love the Delia part and think she's a great kick ass woman character. Abby and Jake are the WORST parents ever. It's really surprising that Abby was supposed to be some of kind of parenting guru. She's awful. Her kids walk all over her, call the shots, are never held accountable for their bad behavior and are brats. They are just the worst. I do like the Phoebe story line if only because I identify with her as someone who's been home with the kids and now trying to figure out the next phase of life. I don't have a fabulously wealthy ex to finance me, but I can see how she got to where she is.
  7. See: Lisa Vanderpump/Kyle Richards BFF relationship of season 1. Lisa and Kyle really did seem to have a good relationship. And it was obvious that Lisa didn't really think Kim was her cup of tea, but she was kind to her and supportive of Kyle in her relationship with her. That is how a real friend actually treats a sibling. Brandi seems to not understand that you can have a sister and a best friend. That does NOT make the best friend the sister, not will it EVER make her a sister. A best friend SHOULD be very different than your sister for the main reason that you can't pick your family but you can pick your best friend. Brandi seems to believe that by hanging out with Kim and attending a Hilton Christmas party that she's now going to be included in the annual family photo. I don't get it.
  8. Clever Brandi twisted a conversation (and one that she's had in the media) that Kyle drinks as much as she does and that's why shit goes down. She was talking to Lisa R and said that she and Kyle "split a bottle of champagne in the limo and then Kyle moved to tequila". Kyle didn't seem as drunk as Brandi. I don't care what she says about what they split. And it's a tactic by Brandi to make Kyle look bad. Now it's out there that she drank that much. And GOD for the love of all that's holy LEARN HOW TO ARGUE KYLE! She could have shut Brandi down so many times. 1) When she apologized, she should have ended it with "Don't come between sisters and I will expect you to apologize for the part you played in that evening. Neither of us is completely to blame." 2) She needs to just start complimenting Brandi for taking Kim's 2:00 am phone calls and let her know how much she appreciates that she has such a strong support system now that she's grappling with sobriety. 3) She should say that it might seem like she's a bad sister, but that she's been versed in handling addicts and former addicts and that she knows that sometimes you have to detach to be there something Brandi's good friend Jen would certainly know everything about. 4) The whole Mauricio comment should have made her bust out laughing right in Brandi's face. "Really? You are commenting on my marriage? HI-larious!" 5) Brandi saying she knows ALL about Kyle and Kim's relationship. "Yes, I am sure that Kim told you many things about our family, but as you well know from your very public divorce that if someone talks exclusively to Leann they will get one side of the story, but they would also need to talk to you to formulate a real opinion, right?" 6) Brandi telling Kyle that she needs to back off or she's going to pop her. "Brandi, I haven't moved one inch. You on the other hand are looming your six foot body over me and it's making me very uncomfortable. You are well beyond the bounds of comfortable personal space." Brandi can't really argue outside of "BRING IT BITCH" and "FUCK YOU!" and "YOUR HUSBAND CHEATS!" and "YOU ARE A BAD SISTER" Logic would shut her down. And, yes, Kim, fuck you. Maybe Kyle did itch for a fight just to see what Kim would do. If she would be there for her. And guess what? She wasn't.
  9. You know, Brandi Glanville is one of the most manipulative people on any of these shows. If you listen very closely, she has this way of saying things and phrasing things that put people on the defensive and give her the upper hand. In the last episode, the two things I noticed were: 1) when Kim runs after Kyle and says something to Brandi about needing to talk to Kyle. Brandi's reaction is to say, "Oh, OK" in a tone that implies that Kim just chose Kyle over Brandi and she is not happy about it. 2) when Brandi is talking to Eileen and she very calmly lays out her beef with Brandi, Brandi sort of heavily sighs and looks like she's going to cry and says something about it being a very bad day for her. By doing this, she deflects the crux of the discussion and moves it to her and how bad things are for her. I have a friend who is a lot like Brandi in a lot of ways. My friend is beautiful, very thin, and dresses beautifully. But on the inside she's awfully insecure but incredibly bright and able to shit stir at a moment's notice. The one thing that she's amazing at doing, and I think Brandi does this too, is that she can make you feel like the most important person in the room and to her. I think that's why these women keep wanting to give Brandi a chance. They will have private moments with her where they will bond and she will be sweet, kind and considerate and they will think that she's not so bad. And then the evil booze, menses or whatever will sneak up on Brandi and unleash her inner bitch. My friend and I have 10 years of history and I've written her off and then re-opened my heart many times. We have a lot between us so I don't give up on her. With Brandi, these ladies hardly know her and aren't ready to come back for more.
  10. Add me to the list of Poussey lovers. She is gorgeous, vulnerable, humorous, loyal and smart. I adore her.
  11. Let the "poor me"'s begin from that tall piece of shit Brandi Glanville! Just like with Adrienne, we will be hearing about how she's being SUUUEED and had to pay a LAWYER $80,000 in legal fees and she's just a poor struggling single mother who was cheated on, CHEATED ON and how dare anyone in the whole big wide world pick on her when she really didn't do anything (despite the tape showing otherwise). This will give her TOTAL ANXIETY the next time she's in a room with Joanna and she will have to drink copious amounts of pinot grigio to keep it together. Poor, poor Brandi. WHY DO THESE THINGS KEEP HAPPENING TO HER????
  12. Yolanda gives the impression that they have dinner parties all the time. I assume that means maybe once a week or so. That got me wondering if she gets up at least once a week to make a stupid toast about how much she loves her husband. By the 51st time in the year, I'd be all, "Love my husband, blah, blah, blah. Let's eat!" And everything's been said about Brandi. I do think Eileen should be a little concerned being on this show with her. Brandi is a loose cannon on social media and in her interviews. She could start spreading shit about Eileen that might be more than she's used to. I truly hope not. I really like Eileen!
  13. Well, duh! Because she's not "going to prison" right? She's "going to prison to research a book" so you'll have to read all about her prison account for the best seller she'll write when she's out. It can be titled, "A Woman's Perspective from Inside a Prison, Where She Definitely Was Not an Inmate, But Just a Person There To Do Research for This Book"!
  14. Binge watched Orange is the New Black in honor of Teresa yesterday. The take away for me is that prison is no fun, but not because of the other inmates, but because of the lack of control in your own life. I am not sure how well Teresa is going to do with all of the prison rules, from when you eat and sleep to what you eat and wear to when you can or can't talk, etc. Horrible. Also, according to the show, prisoners go by their last names. Wonder which pronunciation of Guidice Teresa will use in the hoosgow? I would assume that she's shitting bricks right now, however, given that it's Teresa who lives in the land of lollipops, unicorns and rainbows, who the hell knows?
  15. That video is everything wrong with Teresa. She's such a phony that she's unwatchable. She'd have a million hits if she was talking about her resolutions relating to her prison stay. People might even forgive her if she could just be honest. But with her stupid lies and denials she becomes not relatable and someone that you want to hate. Bye, Felicia.
  16. Maybe they are basing the Carrie character on the woman who got Bin Laden who entered the CIA right from high school? So maybe Carrie only had a year or two of college before getting an analyst job with the CIA? And for those of you here who haven't seen the Israeli version of this show, it is amazing and available on Hulu. The focus of the first season is totally on the prisoners and what happens to them when they come home. There really isn't a Carrie character per se. The representative from the Israeli CIA is a man and focuses much more prominently in Season 2. The show is so different from the American version in some ways, but similar in others. It's so, so good! Anyway, thought the finale was just fine. Didn't love it as much as I had other episodes, but I didn't hate it either.
  17. So the number they owe is up to $14.3? And the feds found cash in their wine cellar? What the hell??? If Teresa could only be honest about her real life, it would be SUCH interesting TV. How do grifting thieves actually commit their grifts? I would be tuned into that shit like it was my job!
  18. Oh my lord, as much as I dislike Yolanda, when they scanned her body when she was walking to the yacht, I thought "DAMN! That's hot for 50!" She has amazing legs. All her cake avoidance seems to be working for her. I know I'm in the minority, but I really like Kyle. I have an alcoholic sibling and so I identified a lot with her those first few seasons, before Kim got sober. And I actually believe that she (and Lisa) are leading the most authentic life on the show. She loves her husband; seems like a good mom; seems like she has good friends who like her; has a normal relationship with her family (in that it's large and pretty messed up...just like most large families I know). I see where you guys see her as phony, but I also think she's mega insecure and overcompensating. I excuse her for it. And I've always thought her hair would smell amazing!
  19. A few thoughts about this story: 1) The woman who has espoused her close family ties and how important family is to her and her kids would pick them up and move them 3000 miles away from that family? 2) And ostensibly she is moving them because she thinks that Gia and/or Milania would best able to get a show if they were in Hollywood leading me to believe that she did not learn one thing from the past three years and about the shit-show that is fame. 3) If Bravo is really in talks with her about a show where they pay her a big salary to pretend that she is living a normal life, it's not going to work. The show will feel forced and fake. Tick tock, Teresa...
  20. And this is why I am struggling with this show. I need at least one character that I like and want to win. It's too depressing to watch a show full of people I hate making bad choices.
  21. But it's also Noah's version of events and he may have HEARD the therapist say that when in fact she was little more thought provoking and he took her advice a little more literally to suit his fancy. I am really struggling with this show. On the one hand, I find it interesting and I like the Allison version of events. But I HATE Noah with a passion so it's very hard to watch his scenes. I want someone to smack him. Noah and Helen are terrible parents. From the first show, they've shown them to make horrible parenting choices.
  22. The scene with Boyd and Martha was the best for me. She obviously hates him with a fiery passion, but there's still the marital bond that's existed for numerous years that can't just be erased because he's a treasonous traitor who treasons. She softened toward him for a minute and then brought it back to herself and ultimately made a decision that I didn't want her to make. Death is not a way out for stupid Boyd. I really thought he was playing her the whole time to see if she still had any part of her that still loved him. I don't think he ever meant to kill himself, but wanted to manipulate and humiliate her one more time on the way out. He's such a huge piece of shit. I was yelling this at my TV! It's a line I use regularly with my kids so it was fresh in my head. Stupid Lipless handing over the list. What a dumbass. I agree with other posters that this was the best episode of this series. It had me on the edge of my seat and my heart was pounding. Good job!
  23. Word to your whole post, Padma!! The Guidices have bothered me for a long time for all the reasons you said. It was quite evident that she was a "crook without a conscience" for a long time. It's why I gave Melissa and Joe and her other family members a huge pass during all the shit for those couple of seasons. I assumed that they all knew what the hell was going on, and it probably drove all of them nuts, especially the denials, arrogance, the stupidity and the stubbornness. Being around her must make one want to hit their head against a wall or punch her in the face. I will stand by my thoughts that they should have NEVER EVER been on this show. The fact that they've been able to benefit from being on the show and make any money off of it is all kinds of wrong to me. Bravo should have never cast them.
  24. That show, minus the Brandi scenes, are why I tune into this show. The fabulous life of people I cannot imagine...the jets, the shopping sprees, the planting of one's own roses when there is a gardner to do the work, the closets, the views, the Emmys, the neighbors nominated for Emmys, the getting parts on shows, the hustle...it's interesting.
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