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Everything posted by needschocolate

  1. I thought Alicia's hugging Cary seemed very stiff - almost like she was thinking, "oh, it would probably look good if I hugged you now" - which is in line with her being only concerned with herself and not Cary - or anyone else, unless it reflects on her. The way I saw it (and it is the way I want to see it because it lessens the chance of us ever having to deal with this again) - Not reading the email was argues to be grounds that they should let him take back his guilty plea and go ahead with the trial, and the charges were dismissed with prejudice because the prosecution said that they had been given evidence that there was entrapment (I presume this evidence was the testimony of the other officer). I think the fact that the SA's office basically forged the transcript by leaving the other officer out of it would be enough to get Cary off anyway. I would like this too - except, I think Kalinda would send the message to Cary and possibly Diane. I don't think they were allowed to use that money. But didn't they win some case and decide to use that windfall as bail? I thought another client, like Chumhum, put up the money. Or maybe it was left under a desk by leprechauns. Or there is a third Cary - a woman named Kerry that is independently wealthy? That is one of the problems with this show - they keep following a pattern of "we only have a short amount of time to solve this - hey this may work - no, it won't work - oh, I just found about this thing that will save the day - nope, that won't work either - I think we are going to lose - then someone walks into the courtroom or the office at the very last second and all is well again." Every problem goes through 3 or more possible solutions that after a few episodes, no one can remember how things ended up getting resolved. A few months from now, we will all be discussing how Cary got his get out of jail free card - was it because the SA tampered with the transcript, or was it because Kalinda tampered with the email, or was it because the SA lawyer was having an affair, or maybe Bishop got him off, or did Peter grant him a pardon, hmm, maybe was it leprechauns?
  2. I hope we still get to see Mr. Westmore give his suggestions.
  3. In the "Lucy's Schedule" episode, there is a "flub" I have never seen mentioned anywhere - Lucy misses one of the bread rolls as she, Ethel, and the boss's wife are tossing them to each other. Since the show was filmed live, the missed catch isn't some horrible thing (hence, putting "flub" in quotes). The impressive thing is how Lucy acts as though she caught it. Unless you happen to notice one of the rolls go past her (as one of my kids did years ago), you would never realize one was missed - there is nothing in Lucy's actions that would make you think she didn't catch it. She was quite an amazing actress.
  4. I don't watch the regular cooking shows (only shows I watch on FN are the compettion shows) so I never really had an opinion of Bobby Flay,until i saw him on Worst Cooks. I liked him - he was certainly much better than Beau or Robert. And I liked Anne better when she was competing with Bobby. I gathered from the forums that a lot of people disliked Bobby but Worst Cooks changed their minds. I know Tyler from Food Truck. I don't have a strong opinion of him - I just think of him as an announcer. But I know a lot of viewers don't like him, as was the case with Bobby, I am looking forward to see if Worst Cooks while change their minds. I do which they would replace Anne. Maybe with Alex G.
  5. Two thoughts popped into my head --- The BAU gives their profile - "white male in his early 30's, likes The Beatles, but doesn't care for for the Rolling Stones, enjoys wearing new socks everyday, was very close to his older brother as a child." And then, as the patrol cops are wondering how they are supposed to use this information, a CSI says "We found mustard and mayonnaise stains at the scene. The only place that uses that both of those varieties is a Russian deli in Henderson. We found flecks of pastrami, saur kraut, and gorgonzola cheese in the victims hair. The only customer at the that deli that likes gorgonzola on his rueben sandwich is Fred Blenderman. Units are picking him up now. The CSI teams spends 4 days piecing together a windshield to find the make and model of the car driven by the killer.. They make a replica of the victim's body out of lime gelatin, then have a similar car drive into it to determine the angle at which the body was hit - to find out if the victim was leaving the Sands or the Belagio. Then Penelope says "Okay, Chocolate Soda, you ask and I deliver, every time, Sweet Cocoa Man... I cross referenced white males in their 20's with at least one parent who has visited Guam, with members of a gambling addiction group that meets on Wednesdays, with everyone who bought a peppermint mocha latte at Starbucks in December of 2009. There were 3 matches. But only one of the matches wears sweater vests - Ralph Medleburg. He lives at 312 Harrison Court, but he is currently waiting to cross the street at Fremont an Pine. You better hurry, the light is about to change."
  6. There are things I gripe about - like the hunting club guy finding the 2004 binder in a nearby file cabinet drawer - because doing something more realistic - like him walking into a back room and coming back with the list or printing it off of his computer - would not change how boring or exciting the scene is. I also complain when there are big jumps in logic - like the recent prison death episode where there were no cameras in the prison - that could easily be explained - the camera in the laundry room had been damaged in a recent prison fight. However, there are a lot more things I overlook because It makes for better TV. For instance --- - They are the night shift, yet we see them working on cases during the day. - They bring in witnesses no matter what time it is. - Most cases couldn't possibly be solved in one shift, yet they never pass the case onto the next shift or are handed a case from the previous shift. - They use flashlights even in empty buildings with working lights. - They rarely find evidence that doesn't further the case. The hair on the jacket is from the murderer not a random hair that was picked up from the coat rack at the corner bar. And if it was picked up from the bar, the hair would be from the ex-con bartender, which would lead them to the bar, where they would find a piece of fuzz that leads them to the killer (not the bartender who would have a solid alibi) And there are many times that we say "I wonder if this equipment really exists," but that is fine. All this stuff makes the show more interesting. That said, I have recently watched (I should say re-watched, but I didn't remember them) a few episodes from one of the early seasons. I really miss having 2 cases per week.
  7. Can they really get fingerprints off a sleeping bag that has been stuffed in a box for ten years? To me, the biggest "Oh, come on now, really?" moment was when they ask the hunting club guy for the list of members who had hunting licenses in 2004, and he walks over to a nearby file cabinet, opens one of the top two drawers, which only contains a messy stack of 4-5 white binders, grabs a binder, which contains very few pages inside, and hands it to Sara. I am not sure, but I don't think there was any writing on the binder, so how'd he know that one was for 2004?. Why on Earth would he have 10 year old hunting licenses in a readily accessible spot? In real life, they would have combined those few pages with the other few pages from other years into the same binder and put it in a box in a storage room or on a shelf (who puts binders in a file cabinet drawer?) - if they kept the hunting licenses for 10 years. Actually, Henderson is known for its Welk Hunting - a group in search of Lawrence Welk impersonators and dedicated to convincing Cirque du Soleil to do a show based on accordion music (snarking, too) As far-fetched as the elk hunting thing seemed, it may not have been far-fetched at all. I googled "snow near Vegas" and found out that Mt. Charleston is about a half hour drive from the strip. I assume that is where we are supposed to believe the murders took place. And according to a 2005 article from the Pahrump Valley Times written by a guy who was happy to get his Mt. Charleston elk hunting permit, there was a herd of about 300 Elk on Mt. Charleston. Still, it makes no sense that he would have fresh elk blood on his clothes when his purpose of his night-time trip was a to drug a guy and rape his wife. Did he just happen to see an elk on the way to the campsite and kill it? Was he busy butchering an elk when his friend stopped to pick him up for their excursion? Did they decide to save on gas by combining a couple of activities "hey, while we are elk hunting at night, why don't we stop by that couple's campsite and rape that woman."
  8. Well, she was probably right to feel that way, based on prior behavior, but I don't know if the courts would agree. My point, which I didn't make very well, is that we haven't been given a reason why Jack couldn't have visitation rights legally.When she kept threatening to tattle on him, I assumed his big, dark, secret would involve some reason why he would not have been allowed to be with the boy, but it didn't. Jack now wants to be with the son so much that he moves across the country I would think that he would try to get visitation, rather than stalking them (maybe the writers wanted us to think that stalking was a sign of love?). One could argue that he didn't try to get visitation out of respect for her wishes, but the stalking pretty much ruins that argument. I think the real problem is that the writers started Jack out in one direction - he was quite an unlikeable tool in the beginning - and they have now decided that he shouldn't be so bad. So they are stuck with re-creating his back story.
  9. I had recorded all the episodes of this show, but, since I wasn't real thrilled with the first 2-3 episodes, I saved them to watch when we ran out of shows we liked. Well, we ran out of episodes of shows we liked, and I have now caught up with Stalker. The show has grown on me. I may even try to find time to watch it weekly. There is more, and better, profiling here than on Criminal Minds and no magic computers. I think the reason she doesn't want everyone to know is that she doesn't want her original stalker to be able to find her if he gets out. I think the Jack as a stalker thing didn't turn out the way they thought it would, so they tried to drop it as quickly as possible. But they may have dropped it too quickly. I don't get the extreme bitterness either. The big, bad secret - Jack slept with a witness - doesn't seem big enough or bad enough. Sleeping with a witness is very bad professionally, but how did this keep him from seeing his son? If it were just the mom not allowing it, he could go to court, sleeping with a witness wouldn't stop a judge from allowing him to see the kid. there has to be more to the story. Also, I can see why he wouldn't want the big bad secret known, but he got this job because someone made it happen - why would someone help Jack out after he did something that is supposed to be so terrible? So the scenario is "You did this horrible thing, so I will help you relocate and get a job ahead of a bunch of other people" - huh? It also got me that after the mom decides not to tell on Jack, we never see Jack watching the kid from afar again. I assume we are supposed to believe he still did, but they didn't show it. But it was like he didn't care anymore - that maybe he never really cared about the kid, he was getting off on the stalking and living dangerously.
  10. I didn't watch the earliest seasons, so I don't know what it is like when they have a fast forward every leg. I can imagine that it could make things interesting, and would add an element of strategy (I assume that you could only win a fast forward once). On the other hand, I can see how it might not be so fun to know who wins the legs halfway through the show. Perhaps they should change the fast forward so that if you use it, you come in first, but you don't get the prize - the prize would go to the team that came in second (whose would be the first to finish after doing every task). The "reward" for completing the fast forward would then be that you didn't lose and that you get to start off in front of the pack the next leg. This way, teams that are near the front may skip the FF in hopes of getting the prize, and teams in the back of the pack would try the fast forward to keep from being last - but at the risk that everyone else may pass them up and they would be last anyway.
  11. Interesting idea. I would add that it has to be used before leg 6. Or maybe the last leg it would be used is the first leg with a U-turn in it? The Steal would guarantee that the team wouldn't be u-turned. Or, in keeping with the travel related names, they have a Ride Share or a Carpool - it puts your team in the same place as another team. Either it puts you in the same place as the tam ahead of you (sort of like the Steal, except the other team gets to stay in that place too) or it allows you to share the same place as any other team (so, if you came in last, you could start off the next leg with the first place team). Whenever it is used, that leg becomes an NEL.
  12. They thought the guy had the high altitude whatever syndrome that made it more likely for him to have a stroke. They knew that he had launched from the CEO's apartment,, but they didn't know that was a common occurrence. The also figured that he was dead when he launched. So, the speculated that that he must have died in the apartment and someone got rid of the body by launching it from the balcony. So, the first question is why would die there? Theory - Most likely he had a stroke, like his friend did. Next question - What would cause him to have a stroke in the CEOs's apartment? theory - He died during sex. Then - who would a man (who is married to a woman) be having sex with in a female CEO's apartment? Theory - the CEO. So I was okay with them coming up with the theory about having an affair with the CEO... But, if they didn't know it was common to take off from the balcony, why didn't they wonder why there was a jet pack in the apartment? Either I am misremembering and they already knew the balcony was a common launch point or they assumed it was some pretty wild sex.
  13. This makes sense - reindeer would leave tracks in the dirt or in the snow. The only question kids might ask is "Don't the reindeer land on the roof?" which could be easily answered with "Yes, but our tile might crack so they land on the ground" or "Yes, but our roof is too small/slanted for them to land up there, so they land on the ground." And glittter makes sense because the reindeer are magic(otherwise, how would you keep the regular reindeer in the zoo). With Paws, even if you only leave the prints outside, you run the risk of a kid asking "How did the reindeer leave footprints? I don't leave foot prints when I walk" and "How come there aren't footprints at any of my friends' houses - were they bad this year?" to which the only answer is "When the reindeer get to our house, they coat their hooves in biodegradable white stuff, because ...hey, you want to watch Frozen again?"
  14. In case anyone is taking a poll - I think that Amy and Maya staying in the race and not having to do a speed bump was fair because it was a TBC and if any other team had gotten to the mat last, they would have also stayed in and would not have done a speed bump. Same rules for everyone is what makes it fair in my book. Off the top of my head, I think the only place one could really argue that the race isn't fair is in the needle-in-a-haystack tasks because the later you get there, the fewer items there are to be found -- for example, if you are first to arrive, there are 10 clues buried in the pig trough, if you get there last, there may only be one. But I would never argue that these tasks aren't fair because the racers determine when they get there - the last ones were mostly last because of their own mistakes or bad taxi luck (but, since anyone could have gotten that taxi, it is still fair). I was glad that it was a TBC last week, and I am glad the scientists won this week, and I am very, very glad that, because it was a TBC, Brooke never won a leg (they reached the mat first, but the leg wasn't over, so they didn't win the leg). I am also very glad there was extremely little bickering between teammates this season (at least not among the last 6-7 teams) - unfortunately, I don't think that will be the case next year. The race is no place to try to figure out your relationship.
  15.  I checking the IMDb character pag for Victoria Chase in hopes that they would have a list of her (fake) Lifetime Original Movies. They don't. Sigh....
  16. Thanks! And additional thanks for reminding me who those two blond ladies were at the finish line. I had forgotten all about all three of the teams that took the penalty - it seems so long ago. "Millie and Chuck, Dating 23 years, Had sex twice. Didn't like it."
  17. Am I right that no one got a penalty this whole season? Is that the first time it has happened?
  18. I was pleasantly surprised at how well Baylor handled being blindsided. Even more surprised that Missy took Baylor's blindside so well. I thought there would be yelling back at camp or at least Missy would be gunning for Natalie to be voted out - heck, after the tribe shuffle, that dad became the most vile person on the face of the Earth because he dared to write down Baylor's name after Baylor targeted him. But there was no animosity toward Natalie that we saw. Regarding Natalie saying at tribal that she would win if she made it to the final tribal - Good point. I think it may also be that she understood the other players well enough to know that they wouldn't get any sort of sudden realization of "oh gosh, Natalie's right, she will win if she gets to the final." Maybe Natalie understood how strongly each of the thought they were the most deserving of the win. From my seat on the couch, it sure seemed like Missy and Jac were both pretty confident that they had a good chance to win.
  19. After Jeff asked Keith's wife if he really spits that much in real life (and thank you Survivor editors for not having a montage of Keith spitting), I was hoping Jeff would ask Alec's mom "So does your son ever close his mouth in real life?" - if nothing else than to give her the opportunity to explain that he has sinus blockage that prevents him from breathing through his nose. And Yay! for Natalie. As much as Jon was shown concentrating on how the jury would perceive him, Natalie actually played a near perfect game of promoting herself to the jury. From telling Jon to play his idol loudly enough for the jury to hear to openly asking Jaclyn "did you vote the way I told you to?" she made sure the Jury knew who was making the moves and controlling the game, even though the members of her alliance didn't seem to realize it. Heck, Keith was trying to convince Jaclyn to take him the final instead of Missy because Missy would be harder to beat, instead of pointing out that Natalie was really Jaclyn's biggest competition - yeah, Keith may not be the best example, but it seemed to me that Missy, Baylor, Jon and Jaclyn all pretty much planned to sit at the final with Natalie. The only tribal council move Natalie made that I questioned was her announcing that she if she were at the end she would win. Perhaps it was more self-promotion, and perhaps she understood how clueless the rest of the players were, but it seemed foolish. It didn't hurt her though, so she must have known what she was doing (although, she apparently suffered a number of black-outs - maybe this was one of them)
  20. I haven't watched the whole episode - haven't seen the footprint lady, but I am looking forward to it now. A couple of days ago, my grown children were talking about Christmas when they were kids, and how I made Santa more believable by doing some very simple things - (1) I told them that the mall Santas and Santas at parties were not the real guy but could pass on the wish lists to the real one (I didn't want them to question why he looked different in different places), (2) I changed my handwriting to sign the tags on the gifts from Santa (and used a wrapping paper that wasn't used on any other gifts), and (3) I halfway chewed a few pieces of carrot, then put the carrot pieces on the ground near the chimney outside and threw some pieces up on the roof. I think footprint impressions left in the snow or dirt would make sense, but dirty prints left in your house makes no sense - So Santa comes down the chimney then lets the reindeer, who landed on the roof and will take off from the roof, inside through the front door? How many living rooms can hold 8 or nine reindeer. And coloring the toilet water green for leprechauns? What's next - throwing a couple of spearmint tic-tacs in there for the leprechaun poop? Barbara gets hung up on the weirdest stuff sometimes. The guy has sold almost a millions dollars of the Mensch, he has purchases and purchase orders from big stores, and she thinks the face should be changed? I could see he thinking this if he was just starting out and was making them by hand, but he probably has machinery specifically made for this Mensch. I don't know when this was filmed, but it would take months to re-design the face and then re-do the machinery. And kids hate rules? Not really. Kids may whine about following the rules sometimes, but most small kids love rules - just try not following one and they will get all upset (I substitute teach and the kids will get worked up if I tell them to "sit on the carpet" if their teacher normally says to "sit on the rug" - it is worse if it is an actual rule, and not just a phrase)
  21. it would if I they over did it like they do with female characters (and by "over did it" I don't mean getting tipsy/drunk, I mean have a lot of characters cope with whatever by pouring themselves a glass of wine - "my mother-in-law said something that wasn't a compliment, I need a glass of wine"). I cannot think of a make character that does the "wine will make this bearable" thing. I can't even think of one who drinks to cope. I don't watch a lot of scripted shows, but I can think of at least three female characters (Claire, Alicia,and Frankie Heck) who resort to wine to cope. In the case of MF and The Middle, it is done for comic effect (maybe the Good Wife too since her glasses seem to get bigger every episode), but it is the same joke every time. I don't have a problem with characters drinking, I have a problem with shows relying on this same old, tired "joke" that wasn't all that funny when it started. My opinion, YMMV.
  22. I would be happy if every time Claire starts to pour herself a glass of wine, she remembers the tattoo and puts the wine away. I don't want to start a "is Claire an alcoholic?" conversation because she is a tv character, not a real person. I am just tired of shows having women drink so much wine all the time - tired of writers thinking it is funny to have someone pour themselves a big glass of wine for every little thing that annoys them - tired of tipsy women on my tv (although, I do appreciate that Claire, unlike Alicia on the Good Wife, at least shows the effects of alcohol). This joke has run its course.
  23. I haven't watched pro wrestling in many, many years (it was sometime in the last millennium). I realize that they have to look buff and therefore, probably lift a lot of weights. I think of pro-wrestlers as buff actors. Does it take athletic ability to be a pro-wrestler? I am not saying Brooke and Robby are or are not athletic, just talking about pre-wrestlers in general. Brooke's basketball skills would have impressed me a lot more if she hadn't bragged about it so much beforehand (and then sucked at the beginning). I don't like Brooke. I find Robby to be okay, but don't like him enough to start a "Save Robby" campaign (besides, she treats him fine). I am not sure what Brooke would have to do to make me be okay with them winning, but I don't think there would be enough time left in the race for that to happen anyway.
  24. I was touched when they exchanged gifts, and I think Sheldon had a few realizations - that Christmas could be good and that he does love Amy. However, if this were real life, I would sit Amy down and tell her that she deserves better than Sheldon and that if she is waiting for him to become the guy she should be with, then she better plan on living a really, really long time. In real life, Sheldon would have no friends and would someday be found dead in an alley because he offended the wrong person.
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