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Everything posted by needschocolate

  1. I can buy that Andy is supposed to be Phil 2.0 (he even had a couple of puns - Beth Israel and Jabba the Hut), but I think the guy who plays him is not a good actor - too flat/monotone/boring. Phil has a spark, a twinkle, enthusiasm - Andy has none of that. Husband: Was that supposed to be good singing? Me: Supposedly. Neither of us can carry a tune, so our opinions of her singing are not worth much, but it seems to me that on TV "children singing loudly" = "children singing well" I wouldn't want Dylan to be my nurse- "I can't find your pills, but the lady next to you died before she took all of hers, so take some of these." There is no way that Dylan has the intelligence to pass nursing school. No one else gets Jay's closet joke either. The real joke is that Jay is the only one that thinks his catch phrase is clever or even makes sense. I agree that the only reason he had any notoriety from it the first time was because it was so dumb that people were essentially making fun of him. What were everyone's suggestions for catchphrases at the end? My DVR cut off.
  2. Not a fan of Emily. People that "never" give a straight answer annoy me ("never" is in quotes because everyone gives a straight answer sometimes, they just go for the joke so often that it seems like never). "Where is your roommate?" "Palm Springs" - is that so difficult? Plus, with Emily, it is always the same joke. Instead of Garanimals, it could be Garaliens.
  3. Thanks - I knew you people would set me straight on the last/first name thing. Maybe it is just me that refers to them as Hotch, Reid, Morgan, Rossi, JJ, and Kate (I do use Garcia over Penelope, however).
  4. Loved the episode, but I kept thinking that I would hate to have either set of the grandparents as relatives Hilarious to watch, but they would be awful to live with. I loved Dre's "I'm a baby daddy" and Bow's "I'm a single mother" comments, along with Dre's promise to treat her children as his own.
  5. Oh dear, I hope the producers don't see your post - they would probably end up casting people with different disabilities and split them into 3 tribes called Hear no Evil, See No Evil, and Speak No Evil In addition to the regular recap, there needs to be a special Khaleesi's Thoughts recap.
  6. Who was the short prisoner who stepped in to protect/save Morgan and Kate? Had we seen him before? At first I thought it was the guy who liked to read, but the age was off. So, I was left sitting there wondering why this guy is the voice of reason. Things to be thankful for - No JJ as superhero. When Morgan and Kate were being held hostage, I fully expected JJ to burst into the room and save them, singlehanded. Instead, they were rescued by actual police/guards in full riot gear. This just popped into my head as I typed, so I could be off-base here --- Why are most of the men usually called by their last names - Reid, Hotch, Morgan, and most of the women usually called by their first names - JJ, Kate?
  7. I think it was like this - the friend and George were assigned to look into the plane crash, They told the president that it was an accident, The president then knew they were lying, since it was not an accident. George and the friend were the only people at the CIA that knew about the crash not being an accident. George is dead, so the friend must be the one who tipped off the bad guys ()getting the information by bugging the purse of the other friend. The fact that she fled (and the fact that when Beth first approached her, she acted like she knew nothing about any of this) implies that she is guilty and was the one who tipped off the bad guys. I don't get George - he knew it wasn't an accident, and told Beth it wasn't an accident, so why did he tell the president it was an accident? Are we supposed to think the president is behind this? Actually, I thought they alluded to the president possibly ordering the crash/murder episodes ago, and was surprised that they told the president now. If series are going to do these multi-episode mysteries, they need remember that the most of the audience is not going to allocate a bunch of brain cells to remembering the ongoing story. Superfans may pay close attention and analyze the details, but shows don't survive if only the superfans are watching. Therefore, they need to refresh the memories of the regular viewers - have a "previously on" at the beginning, put a little bit of the ongoing story in each episode instead of skipping a few episodes, and don't have 4-5 week breaks between episodes. Every time I tune in to a show and find myself thinking "Wait.. What was that story? Who was that guy? I thought they caught him already...." or have to pause the show so that my couch-mate and I can discuss the little bits we remember in hopes that enough of the story comes back to us, I get that much closer to finding something else to watch.
  8. I always try to look for the silver lining, try to find the good in all the bad. With that in mind --- Yay! they had a Case of the Week! An actual CotW, that started and ended in the same episode, that didn't have one of the firm's lawyers as a defendant, that wasn't the basis for the firm almost going under or being saved from financial ruin, that didn't pit them against the old firm, and wasn't tied closely with the stupid election. Although I look for the good in the bad, I am not a strict follower of "if you can't say something nice, don't way anything at all" - there was plenty bad in this episode, as the posters above this have pointed out. It wasn't a great CotW, but it was a CotW.
  9. It has been a while since I saw the episode, but I think it went like this - They brought all 3 back on stage and told them that they could chose one of them to do the final chase against the beast for a prize of $5,000 (total, I think, not $5k each) I think they picked the one who had scored the highest in the first round. She lost.
  10. I tend to agree with you on the TAR guy, but a few days before, I got to see someone throw up a scorpion on Survivor - the memory was still fresh.
  11. This gave me the instant image of Bernie yelling that the "ashes are still here and your mom's been dead for 4 years." And Howard yelling back, "I told you I need to find a plot with a view of the ocean." Bernie yells back, "Your mom never went to the ocean!" Howard yells, "But now she doesn't have to care how she looks in a bathing suit." Bernie yells, "Well, can we at least take her urn off the kitchen table when we eat dinner?"
  12. I have often thought it would be cool to have a bunch strangers paired up randomly, but I would want them to switch partners every leg, so no one is stuck with the obnoxious guy or the whiny gal the whole time. The last team would be philiminated, then everyone draws names/numbers/something and gets a new partner for the next leg. They would all start out at the same time. However, I wouldn't want my idea to replace a season of TAR, I would want it to be an separate show - like a summer show, or a spin-off.
  13. I was so happy when they finally got away from all the "We've got a secret" stuff and the "Louis gets revenge" stuff, and actually had a case. But then the case lasts over one episode and it has more stops and starts to it than subway train, then it turns out that the case was only the basis for the real case - Donna's. And, once again, the only way to win the case is to do something illegal or force someone else to do something illegal. Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but I remember the first few seasons having real cases that were won without resorting to anything illegal (sometimes unconventional, sometimes unbelievable, but still legal). Maybe I was just distracted by a bunch of good looking people wearing nice clothes and saying witty things that I didn't realize that they were always a bunch of lawbreakers blackmailing each other. He's still there? I thought he turned in his resignation at the end - so no more being in the office. And I thought he said they had to do both - work together and be romantically involved - no more boyfriend role either. Hmm, maybe I should postpone the celebration until I know for sure that he is gone for good.
  14. I thought it was a jab at how bullies often don't think of themselves as bullies, but as someone who is being funny or is teaching someone else a lesson, and that their victims deserved it.
  15. I loved the Sheldon-Penny scenes, but found Penny's laughing at the end very distracting. I know Kaley Cuoco often breaks character and laughs, but it is usually at a time that Penny would find something humorous (like someone is actually making a joke - or says something but it has a double menaing). But I don't recall Sheldon saying anything that Penny should find funny - it may be funny to someone watching a scene, but wouldn't be funny to someone in a conversation with him. In addition to the above, I am relieved that the "Leonard wants to have dinner with Penny" and "Penny never mentions Leonard in her perfect day" didn't turn into a re-hash of the "does Penny really love Leonard" storyline. Me too. He kept it a secret for a reason, and she promised to keep it a secret. She should have kept it.
  16. Kurt wasn't the only one who said he/she didn't like the noodles. It made me wonder if they were cooked in a fish broth, or some other liquid that isn't typically served with noodles int he US. Still, it is probably the simplest task you will encounter on the race, so just eat it as fast as you can. I thought most teams could have eaten faster if they didn't try to eat so much at once - better 4 large bites than 3 gigantic ones. Also, it looked like some teams went with the "I will feed you first, and when your bowl is empty, you feed me" strategy - or the "I will feed you 4-5 bites, then you feed me 4-5 bites. They should be feeding their partner when they chewing. Memo to everyone who edits or produces a reality tv program, or any other sort of tv program, or movie, or music video --- the viewers never, and I mean never, need to see someone throw up. If you deem it important to the story, then have it off camera and use sound effects or someone making a comment. It doesn't ever have to be shown.
  17. I remember the ministers had the attitude that God had better things to do than be concerned with whether they win a race on a TV show and I recall one of them saying "God is (was) in the tub." I don't know if the phrase originated with them, but it was used a lot on TWoP when posting about people who pray to win the race.
  18. I liked all three of the pieces, but Tim's is the only one I would put in my house - if I had the money and the space for it. Katie's see-through desk would not go with the rest of my furniture (also known as "stuff that hides dirt well") and Gaspar's desk wouldn't have enough storage.
  19. I assume that Ray set the fire from outside (or set it inside then went outside) and waited until the fire became a hero-making opportunity, but it quickly got out of hand (maybe a gas line blew up or he made the mistake of starting a fire near every entrance), and he couldn't go in to save them. Note: I am also assuming you were really asking how Ray avoided dying in the fire and weren't asking the TV Gods "why, oh why, couldn't Ray have died in the fire so we wouldn't have to watch this plot!" My question for you, or anyone else who still looks at this forum - Who was Tracy staying with (Carl Stevens?) and how should we know him? I thought it might be the detective that used to date Amanda, but that would make no sense ("Tracy - you need to stay at the house of a detective you never met, and Beth - you go home to your house, where Perry has already found a way to get in side.")
  20. Haley's cronut may have accepted, we didn't see any exchange between her and the cronut, just that post that she had married it. As much as Haley loves her cronut, I don't think the marriage will last - once it stops being fresh and new, things will get stale quickly.
  21. Being a pediatric nurse also explains why sometimes she sounds like she is talking to a little kid - she probably uses her "happy voice" when talking to scared children. I much prefer to watch videos in landscape, but when I uploaded a video shot in landscape to post on Facebook, it played sideways (so it still displayed as portrait). It was a bit of a hassle to make it play correctly (thanks Magic Movie Maker - I think). It wouldn't have taken much away from the video to record it in portrait, just wasn't the orientation I wanted to watch it in, so it certainly wasn't worth going through the trouble to make the landscape video play correctly.
  22. I wasn't thrilled with "gimmick" in the beginning, but the show was funny enough that I enjoyed it - the gimmick grew on me, i guess. However, note to any producers out there, I wouldn't watch a show that was filmed this way every week - it requires me to pay too much attention (I like to do other things while I watch tv - keeps me from snacking) While I agree that Alex does get overlooked and her siblings get far more attention, this was one instance where I think Alex was wrong to keep pushing the essay - Her family was in panic mode because her sister may be pregnant and may have eloped. The Hailey "situation" was the most important thing at that moment. Cam was wrong to expect Claire to drop everything and go buy popcorn, an Alex was wrong to expect Claire to drop everything and read her essay. Besides, she is Alex, far smarter than anyone else in her family, she wouldn't expect Claire to do a good job critiquing/proofreading the essay (maybe Uncle Mitchell could) - she probably wouldn't expect Claire to understand the subject matter. While I am writing this, it is dawning on me that Alex may have sent Claire that essay as just another way to show off how smart she is (Frankly, I think I am reading way too much into this, and should stop writing now)
  23. Jeff said that, in testing, all three puzzles took the about the same amount of time to solve (on average), and that they should pick one based on their strengths/abilities so they would have an advantage over the average player. Maybe they felt their strength was the ability to take 50 pieces out of a bag quickly. I looked at the size of the Honest bag of beans and thought "they will still think you are lying." The only way to make a choice without getting a target on your back would be to take Deceive, tell everyone you took deceive and then read the clue out loud.
  24. I can understand wanting to take pictures, even selfies, to document your time on the race, and the producers may want the selfies to post on Facebook or the website, so, I don't have a problem with them taking selfies - I have a problem with them showing them during the show. I just saw them take the picture, I know what they look like (would know what they looked like even if I didn't see them take the photo, I don't need to see what the selfie ends up looking like. It is a waste of time. I expected Phil to mention "Ford's new Selfie-Cam" and see a few of the racers saying stuff like "Wow, Ford's new Selfie-Cam is so easy to use and takes great pictures. And I heard you can get a discount if you book a trip through Travelocity." I hope the poster upthread is correct and the selfies end up being part of the final task - "Put these photos in order." There were 3 of us watching at my house, and when they first described the detours, all three of us, none of which have any sort of dancing talent whatsoever, said we would do the dancing detour. When we heard the names, we though "Wow, that is going to be difficult!" When we saw that the ten bottle would be mixed in with other bottles, we said, "Wow, that is going to extremely difficult!" And when it turned out that they only had to being the right bottle once, We all said, "Huh? Too easy!" Yes, there were extra bottles, many of the bottles looked similar, and the names were tough to say and remember, but, they only had to remember one of the bottles. Not all of the ten bottles had a white background with black writing, some had different colors on the label. Heck, they could just bring the same bottle out to each table, and in ten tries or less they will have their clue. I think it took longer than that to bee shown the dance routine one time. Editing may come into play, but the ones who did the saki task seemed to do it quickly, much quicker than the dancing. The detours usually seem more even in difficulty, but this time it appears to be an instance of a much simpler task sounding much more difficult.
  25. It seemed like they showed us Helen's "agony" over cutting up the others' work three time, confirming Helen's title of "Fakest fake crying by the fakest crier who ever fake cried." And Michelle gets the title of "Most obnoxious egotistical bully." If I made a list of adjectives that describe characteristics I don't like in people, the majority of them would apply to Michelle Michelle is so enamored with herself that she can't fathom that any comment that the producers would deem worthy of mentioning on air would have bee uttered by anyone but her. I was surprised that when they said Benjamin tweeted those things, Michelle didn't immediately say, "I told him to say that"
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