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Everything posted by needschocolate

  1. Oh, I think she wants to be a partner - she just wants a partner who thinks exactly like she does
  2. Jason tells Arm Candy about the comments the bully made and Arm Candy says "He watches cable news?" like that would be unheard of. Well, it would be unheard of among the adolescent kids I know, but it seems like Arm Candy's 3 kids watch nothing but the news, so why should he be so surprised? There is a third possibility - the writers have made the season-long "Who killed George?" story line so convoluted that they forgot the other information. I wasn't too fond of this show in the beginning, but it is growing on me. But I hope they end the season-long story soon, I am tired of trying to pay attention to it - too many details (I have to be very detail oriented and focused at work, I don't want to be that that way when I watch tv).
  3. We didn't hear him make any religious comments and he could be one who thinks of his religion as a very personal matter and doesn't discuss it publicly. Or he could be one of those guys who has a bible tattoo but isn't a churchgoer. He may have gotten the tattoo years ago and has since lapsed and now breaks 8 commandment a week. Or maybe he is a atheist who got the tattoo after getting too drunk one night and thought it would be a funny joke on his atheist friends. Or maybe he wanted a tattoo of his dead sister so that he could use it to pick up girls, but the tattoo artist had a grudge against him. We don't know how he handles his religion or how religious he is. All we know is he has no trouble (loudly) giving his opinions and he has a huge tattoo of a bible verse number on his back. The simplest perception of him from this is that he would loudly preach his beliefs. If we apply Jeff's rules of Survivor (be self-aware and perception is reality) then it makes sense that the woman who said the beard comment would think Mike is obnoxiously religious, which would inspire her to make the god and his beard comment.. And her making that comment (she is there with him and she thinks he is overzealous) gives the viewers further reason to think Mike is one of "those" types. Many viewers think the guy who made the "mother is a whore" comment is an immature wannabe comedian who doesn't possess the sense to know that comments like that are offensive. But maybe the other guys's mother is a whore and the guy who made the comment has personal knowledge of it.
  4. It is even more special at 9:26 am/pm today - making it 3.1415926 (I did a google search to get the number - I am apparently too smart to memorize it - lol). In the past (and for the next 99 years), pi geeks had to settle for 1:59 am/pm and leave out the year - 3.14159
  5. When did Penny change her hair? It was short at the beginning of the season but now it is "frosted": and had a Anne Burrell "flair" to it. Actually, she reminds me of Kate Gosseln from the early years of "Jon and Kate Plus 8"
  6. Too bad they didn't have to herd the cats. That would have been fun to watch. Is March Madness on 7 nights a week? I can understand that they have to show the game live, but why can't they move TAR to another night. CBS did it with Big Bang Theory during football season.
  7. My prediction, in season 25 of CM, there will be a case of men being killed during sex and through the magic of Garcia's computer, they will discover it was a 20-something year old woman who had witnessed her father trying to strangle her nanny to death during sex. Why kill the women if they were willing to do the breath play thing with him? Wouldn't it be a lot of trouble to keep finding new women? I suppose this is because he gets off on the killing - then why doesn't he still need to kill when he is having sex with his wife? It doesn't seem very plausible to me - "If I can't have non-fatal sex with my wife, then I have to strangle women to death during sex, there is no in between." The wife should have been wearing turtlenecks and long sleeves to hide the callouses from the bondage. Motive illogical and Garcia's computer aside, I think the most ridiculous thing about this episode was the first victim weighing herself after she got out of the shower, she wouldn't weigh herself dripping wet, she would weigh herself before she got in. She knows what a gulag is but doesn't doesn't have a clue that the guy sending her photos on facebook may not actually be the guy in the photos?
  8. Wow, I wonder how common that is - maybe that is why Robert doesn't get many "wins" - or maybe they all pull that sort of stuff.
  9. I think that while one tribe is at TC, the other tribe(s) is sitting around the fire speculating who will get voted out. In this case, they probably thought the older woman or the out of shape looking guy would be the one to go, then the tribe shows up and the relatively young, relatively fit-looking guy is gone and they are surprised. I have no explanation why they would look surprised when it is a more obvious boot except that maybe there was a choice between two and their tribe got into a "I bet it's A" "well, I think it is B" discussion and they are flabbergasted that they "lost." For instance, if we see people on blue collar look surprised that Nina is gone, it could be because they were firmly in the "I bet they get rid of Will - the guy was no help in the challenge" group.
  10. Thanks for looking into this and summarizing everything. I guess what I was getting at is - to be legally blind, your vision can't be better than 20/200 with glasses - which isn't even close to perfect vision. A Cochlear implant doesn't give you perfect hearing, but is it good enough to not be considered "legally deaf" (the hearing equivalent of 20/200 vision)? Don't worry, ProfCrash, I don't expect you to do more research for me, but I am hoping someone out there knows the answer. I have a few friends/relatives with hearing aids. And each of them says that hearing aids make it better but do not give you "perfect" hearing - it depends on what you difficulty is and how the aids work. In general, hearing aids amplify the sound, but don't do much when it comes to making the sound clearer. Also, despite the promises made by hearing aid manufacturers, they aren't very lessening background noises. Speaking in a small group with sound in the background and my friends/relatives understand pretty well. Having a conversation in a noisy restaurant or at a party is a different story - the aids help, but there is still a lot of misunderstanding.
  11. Though annoying, Hayley's method of "keep telling him how he should have listened to you" may work. The next time they have a difference of opinion, he might just do what she says just so he won't have to listen to her drone on and on about it if his way is wrong and hers is right. There are a lot of people who just do what someone else wants because they don't want to hear the complaining - squeaky wheel gets the grease and all that.
  12. Or going on The Amazing Race without knowing how to drive stick.
  13. You may bad a the social game of Survivor if --- --- you tell a guy in your three person alliance that the third person in your alliance thinks he is weak --- you think calling someone's mother a whore is funny --- you tell everyone else on your tribe that you are the only one working --- you hug someone for more than 3 seconds in the first 3 days on the island --- you are describing monkey porn and everyone else is looking at the ground or off into the distance and you still keep describing monkey porn The others were not saints and may have treated Nina differently because of her deafness, but, IMO, the person who discriminated against Nina the most was Nina herself. It has got to be difficult to lose one of your senses and it would be a life changing event - forcing you to find new ways to adapt and make changes you never planned on making. If I suddenly lost my hearing, I may end up just like Nina, but Nina's deafness isn't her biggest problem , it is the huge chip on her shoulder. Every perceived slight is deemed to be solely because she is deaf - I have a felling that if the waiter put lemon in everyone's water glass except hers, she would complain that he only left it out because she is deaf and the waiter doesn't think deaf people can handle lemon. It would be horrible to exclude her from the challenge because she is deaf, but I don't think her deafness had much to do with her being excluded. I think they left her out because she is older (age discrimination is also horrible) and because she doesn't look strong enough to be much help carrying a heavy bucket. Plus, excluding her for being deaf would make no sense - verbal communication wasn't really necessary in this challenge, as opposed to those challenges where someone is standing on a platform shouting commands. Getting into semantics here - the definition of legally blind is that your vision is worse than 20/200 with corrective lenses. Can Nina still be called deaf if she can hear with a cochlear device (the equivalent of corrective lenses)? My husband's vision is much worse than 20/200, but he has normal vision with glasses - no one says he is blind. With the cochlear device, Nina may not be able to hear as well as "normal" but she can hear well enough to have conversations without having to lip read.. Why do we say you are not blind if you can see better than a certain level but you are still deaf if you can hear good enough to have a discussion? (Note: this really about semantics and I am talking about people in general - I am not trying to start an argument or get into a discussion as to why Nina, in particular, might identify with being deaf when she can hear) I had the opposite take on her comment. It was so odd to say "your God and his beard" instead of just "your God" that I figured he must have said something about God's facial hair for her to go there. Maybe he mentioned that he is hoping to grow a beard as long as God's in the cartoon drawings or maybe he commented that he thinks the stubble he has grown on the island makes him look like Jesus. Survivor is the only show I watch "live" (actually, we start about 15 minutes in so that we can skip the commercials) because there is a family tradition of phoning my mother to discuss the episode right after the torch is snuffed. But I realize now that there is another tradition --- every year, sometime during the pre-merge episodes, my mother says something to the effect of "this season is so boring, there is no one to root for, I don't like any of these people..." and I reply with, "you say that every season before the merge. Just wait, it will get better, but we have to suffer through the early, boring episodes in order to enjoy the post-merge ones." Some seasons are better than others, but every season gets better after the merge.
  14. I guess I must have missed an episode (I thought I saw them all) or had drifted off during a previous episode (not an unlikely occurrence this season) but I do not remember Bishop ever telling Alicia that he started/funded the PAC, as was shown in the previouslies. I have been viewing under the impression that, although she may have her suspicions, Alicia didn't know that Bishop was involved. Wow! She is more of a hypocrite than I thought. This episode reminded me of the episode where we get to find out what goes through Elsbeth's mind - at least there were no bunnies or whatever it was that Elsbeth was distracted by. I started thinking that this episode was an attempt to make the viewers think Alicia was losing her mind or needs to be treated for Adult ADD. Then she starts imagining sex with Will, Finn, campaign-guy-whose-name-I can-never-remember, and Peter (maybe he was just having sex with Kalinda, but she was still imagining Peter having sex) - I have now come to the conclusion that what the writers are pointing out is that Alicia needs to get laid. I think it might have been clever if one of the guys Alicia imagined sex with was Bishop - Since the other thing weighing on her mind was his Pac and her being perceived as being "in bed" with him. Especially after they point out that Grace's texts were appearing on Alicia's phone (and Graces's too since she responded to the text) because Zach updated their phone plan. Therefore, Zach must have a cell phone. Poor Grace...she must have no friends. She is a teenage girl, but hours go by and she only gets one text (no others were on Alicia's phone) and she spends all her time doing nothing (every time they showed Grace she was just sitting or laying - never doing homework, watching videos, online, etc...).
  15. I kind of want to invent something, start my own business, make it so successful that all the sharks want in on it, and go on Shark Tank and take Robert's offer, no matter how much better the other shark's offers are. I was hoping the twin pillow people would turn to Mark and say, "We know you are out, but we really respect you and you know these other sharks well, which offer should we take?" I realize that the other sharks would probably drop out because the entrepreneur would be then be considered flaky, but I really want someone to ask an "out" shark his/her opinion on a which deal is best. Coconut guy - a flighty guy with a product that has a very small market Truck bed guy - being strapped in takes all the fun out of riding in the back. I wonder why the inventor and guy that owns 85% didn't show up - the salesman avoided answering by saying they agreed on it, but didn't give an explanation. Twin pillow - that thing is huge. It would take probably take up too much shelf space to do well in retail. It also seemed a bit cumbersome to use - it looked like the mom couldn't get herself and the babies situated by herself - someone needs to hand her the babies after she gets in and then take the babies away when she was done. Plus, it probably isn't the right height for everyone to breastfeed with, so that could be uncomfortable or you would need something to help prop the babies up to the right height. I had my babies one at a time, but I would think that using two pillows would be better, once you got the hang of it. But new moms and friends/relatives of new moms will buy anything if someone tells them it is better for them or the baby. Frills - If there are enough foolish college women that want to belong to sororities that make them spend $500 on matching outfits, then someone might as well take advantage of them I felt like the blond was on her way to being Lori 2.0 - she smiled through everything she said and had sickly-sweet, condenscending tone to her voice
  16. Now that you mention it - I would like to see a season of only people between 40 and 50 -- young enough to make challenges interesting, but old enough that they might not be so immature (better socialization skills, less mean girl, etc...). Of course, that might lessen the "eye candy" so they would probably never do it.
  17. I also liked this show ans would watch it again. I enjoy competitions where the contestants get along and there isn't any backstabbing or mean talking heads. And I like watching people create things. I found most of the design to be very creative, even though many were not my style, I can see how someone would like them. I am not sure what a "furniture expert" is, but, considering that I avoid even dusting my furniture, I am pretty sure I would not be one.
  18. Thanks for the info on the prisoner who tried to save them. I thought the guard who gets knifed, the guard who spilled the beans, and the guard who was worried about his daughter were all the same guy. And I didn't realize that they didn't say who killed everyone until you pointed it out.
  19. Probably so that viewers would see that she dropped everything and rushed to the hospital as soon as she heard the news. However, Haley doesn't seem the type to think "oh my goodness, I can't go to the hospital dressed like this" - she is more the "hey, I have clothes on and maybe some cute doctor will notice me" type. I think it would have been better if she had been in the pool when she found out the news and showed up at the hospital in her bathing suit, with wet hair and no make-up.
  20. Too bad the couple that went home last time - the ones who kept discussing marriage - weren't around for the proposal this episode. I would have loved to watch the looks on their faces. They seem to be using the hashtag names as their nicknames - however, since I can't remember any of the hashtag names right now, those nicknames aren't helping me remember who is who. I am not sure they even give the same hashtag name every time the couple is shown. It also doesn't help that most of the teams left are "blind dates" so there is no references to their outside lives to distinguish those couples - no comments about doing it for their children or how their jobs as flight attendants or country singers candle makers would make a task easier. Some of the blind date couples are in the same profession, but they don't work together and son't comment on it, as much as would be done with couples that have history together.
  21. I felt like they did take anticipate problems and tried to negate them with HOO - making them wait overnight. Still, as you said, it would have been better to pre-book the flights.
  22. I am in favor of this, but only if the series is set in the past. Otherwise, it is just Louis talking to a urn.
  23. I think it is her real voice, but I think it can give people the impression that she is not as smart as she is. I don't think she means to sound like a "dumb blond" I am guessing that her voice has to do with her job - she is a pediatric trauma nurse and likely spends a lot of time talking to small children who are very sick and/or very scared, so she has developed a higher and lighter tone.
  24. Haley's voice and speech patterns give the impression that she is not too bright - she comes off as a stereotypical "dumb blond". I presume that her opinions/suggestions get ignored a lot because of it. She probably often finds herself thinking (or saying) "if you had listened to me, things would have been better." I can understand her going overboard with the "I told you so" but it is not a smart way to race.
  25. I will take this cliffhanger over any cliffhanger involving The Big Not-so-secret Secret or the firm possibly splitting up.
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