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Everything posted by needschocolate

  1. I can see why Cary felt he had to go in without the bodyguard - it was the only way to prove to Bishop that he still trusts him. Plus telling him about the tape, proves that Cary is still on Bishop's side. But telling Bishop about the tape has another benefit - Bishop now knows the FBI has evidence to be used against him if Cary dies. He couldn't just kill Cary right there in the apartment. If he is going to off Cary, he is going to have to do more planning than just disappear. When I read this, my first reaction was that Bishop admitted discussing killing Cary, but, supposedly, was just saying things in the heat of the moment and didn't really mean it - therefore, Cary, not Kalinda was the one he was talking about on the tape. Then I realized, he may have talked about killing Kalinda too. Or Kalinda was really the only target, and Bishop is smart enough to realize Cary "misheard" and Bishop played along. Either way, Bishop is too savvy to say "Um, did I mention anyone else?"
  2. When Cary told the FBI guy that Lana was sleeping with his girlfriend before the tape had been leaked. Cary makes this announcement after hearing the tape for the first time at the FBI office. Later, Kalinda asks for the tape, and Lana basically says no. Then Lana gives her a copy of the tape. This means that Lana is rather dumb - giving Kalinda a copy of the tape when she knows her boss knows that she and Cary are sleeping with the the same woman. Kalinda's magic vagine can get FBI agents to sell themselves out.
  3. I can completely understand how Erin could bother people, but, for some reason, she is my favorite. So, i am very glad she stayed, but I don't understand how she could.
  4. Kalinda heard Lana talking about Bishop on the phone (Lana was in the bathroom and Kalinda was listening at the door). It seems that there must be a connection.
  5. That hurricane window guy was very clueless - when he walked away, his only comment was that if he had it to do all over again, he would have left the table out. That's the only thing he would do differently? I suggest he add a few things to that list, like googling "what is the purpose of a patent?" before he goes on. I don't know if he meant that he would have just left the table out in view, instead of dragging it out from behind the display, or if he meant he would have left the table out of the pitch completely. I got the feeling that there had been some discussion about the table when he rehearsed his pitch at home, with him saying, "I will show them the video, have Barbara help me put them up, and then, surprise!, I will bring out the table and really wow them" and his wife saying, "I think the sharks aren't going to want to watch you carry a table around and it makes you look like an amateur." I don't like how sharks do this either, and they will do it even when there are a few others who haven't had a chance to make an offer and when the offer that was given is much different than what they were asking for. However, it might be a good idea for someone to do the reverse of this - ask for an "out" shark's opinion when they can't decide between two offers - "Mark, I know you are out, but I respect your knowledge immensely, do you think I should go with Robert or Laurie?" In the case of Heidi Ho, I think the sharks really liked her and wanted her to be successful, and, although I didn't like the sharks immediately yelling at Heidi when she asked if there were others offers, I liked how they stopped telling her what to do and they all quickly dropped out before Laurie could pull the "decide now or I am out." I can totally understand how it could be considered a medical device, but I could not understand why they would spend a bunch of time and money to get FDA approval for something that sells for $25. As someone else pointed out, the co-pay to see the doctor to get the prescription, and the prescription co-pay would be more than just buying one. I thought that perhaps the "FDA approved medical device" sticker they would put on the box might make the product seem more legit, but they have had plenty of sales, and so this claim probably wouldn't change much. I think the above quote hit the nail on the head - if it is an medical device, they can charge more for it. Like selling $300 hammers to the government.
  6. Plus, he has successfully landed a quintuple axel at the rink at Rockefeller Center. And he does needlepoint! I don't remember the name, the premise, or any of the scenes in the sitcom Tea Leoni starred in many years ago, but I remember I liked it and, I assume, I liked her, because I am generally good at remembering actors that annoy me. However, Tea Leoni annoys me on this show and I think I have figured out why - She's tired. She comes across to me as though she worn out, exhausted, and really sleepy. Some of it, like the raspy voice that sounds like she just woke up, can't be helped, as it is her natural voice. Same with her face - some women have "resting bitch face," Tea has "resting resting face" - her eyes are small and look partially closed, her mouth curves a little downward. But some of it can be changed, like the tone of her voice. She speaks so slowly, with pauses and sighs. I know she is supposed to be dealing with heavy issues and she is always looking for a solution to the crisis, but she sounds like she is about to give up. She also moves as though she is tired, or sore. Every episode is a new crisis, in which lives are as risk or there is a threat of war, yet she never moves quickly, never rushes into a room, never hurriedly tells someone to do something while racing down the hallway.
  7. Remember the episode where Josh and Keith were on exile together and they both talked about how they were surprised that they got along so well? There was a lot of discussion afterward about whether Keith's remarks were homophobic and whether Josh was being prejudice by implying (calling?) Keith was a hick. According to this episode, Josh was right - he may have made an assumption based on a stereotype, but it is true - Keith is a hick. Obviously, Alec proves that hick behavior can exist outside of the South - what are hicks called in the Northeast/Midwest/West? I can see why Josh tried to play the guilt card. He was dealing with a girl who cries when she feels that her mother is about to cry. It would be logical to assume that someone like that is soft-hearted enough that she could be guilted into not voting for you. On the other hand, it would be more logical to assume that she would do whatever her mother wanted. Do we know for sure that it was a schoolyard pick? I found it odd that Jon and Jaclyn ended up on separate teams. Perhaps Jeff pulled names out of a hat. I wish they would have at least told us how the teams were decided. Despite Amazing Race having a Survivor couple on this season and the Twinnies being on Survivor this season, the thought that any of these people would end up on Amazing Race never occurred to me. And now I can see the possibility of the Amazing Race producers casting any of these couples. I really don't want to watch Keith/Wes or Missy/Baylor on TAR, but I am undecided on Drew and Alec - they could be pretty funny racing around the world (not intentionally funny, of course).
  8. The program description (above, and the one given on Comcast) mentioned the SOS being separated from her daughter after the quake, as though this was a big plot point. Then they get reunited 2 minutes later (in show time), with no scenes of a desperate Beth in turmoil that her child may have died. Just "I have to find my daughter" as the SS escorts her to safety, follwed by "Oh good, you're safe" I halfway expected to find out that he had once worked for the Hotshots (or, better yet, he trained the Hotshots) and she would solve this week's crisis by having him fly to India and put out the fire singlehandedly.
  9. I wasn't expecting much, and am now pleasantly surprised to say that I like and will keep watching. I particularly appreciate that no one had a sob story - sure, one lady was doing it for her family, one guy started baking with his father, one was a home baker, but none gave any sob stories. There was none of the standard "I have to prove to my parents/teachers/children that I can do this, even though I have to overcome cancer/addiction/death of a parent. I also enjoyed that the challenges weren't ridiculous. They had to use normal ingredients like oranges and raspberry jam - No "You must incorporate squid and brussel sprouts into your cookies" Plus, the judges seem reasonable - no snarky comments in an attempt to be funny no Simon Cowell I'm-not-being-rude-just-being-honest type of put-downs. Lastly, none of them seemed like wannabe actors. There was one guy who seemed a little like he was putting on an act for the cameras, but I didn't think he was over the top. They all seemed happy to be on the show and the seem to get along - no one is rude or overbearing and their talking heads aren't overly focused on "look how horrible my competitors are doing."
  10. Late to the party here ---- So Beth's "investigator" spends and afternoon or two looking at some records, spots a suspicious 20 minute phone call, which turns out to be okay, and is told by a tipsy Nadine that she is good at her job, and the whole investigation is over? For people that will keep looking for a solution no matter how many times the President and the powerful Chief of Staff turn them down, they sure give up easily. I think the "romance" between the two staffers is supposed to provide some levity so the viewers won't get too depressed with the crisis of the week, but the ones upset by the crisis are the kids. The rest of us are just upset at the supposed romance.
  11. Are there really people out there that would admire a woman for sticking with her husband after her had multiple affairs with prostitutes? I can understand saying that what happens in their personal life doesn't affect how a candidate will perform in office, and voting for them anyway, but admiring Alicia for staying married to Peter doesn't seem like a common reaction. It also doesn't make sense to me that they way you "fix" the bad press of a photo of Alicia in an expensive business suit, cleaning an already clean pot is by having her doling out food in the same soup kitchen. As a voter, I would see that as more of the same BS. Then they have the focus group suddenly support Alicia - "Oh, she actually put food in a bowl and hugged a supposedly homeless person, she must not be entitled after all."
  12. I always roll my eyes when they give the profile. The info they usually give seems so irrelevant to actually locating the unsub and the profile doesn't usually lead to finding the unsub. For example, they will say something like "he is a white male in his 20s or 30s, who prefers tube socks and doesn't like sushi. He was lonely as a child and may or may not have liked reading" as though they expect the police to go out and ask every white male ages 20-39, "Let me see your socks, and do you like sushi?" or the cops would be thinking, okay, I don't need to check any sushi restaurants, just everywhere else in town. So, it was a welcome change that the profile actually worked this time - the sister saw it and and informed them that it was her brother. I don't understand how Garcia could see that the woman bought diaper cream at 5 different store last week but couldn't get any info to help locate the unsub. He pays all in cash? He works for cash too? Sure, he hasn't filed tax returns in 3 years but something like that was never enough to stop Garcia's magic computer before. But there were a few things that fit into the usual "Huh? That makes no sense" category - - The boy they found at the beginning had muscles so atrophied that he would need therapy yet he was able to fight back to the point he had to be restrained? - I would love to see the look on the judges face when Hotch tells him he need to let the prisoner/confessor go because his leg wasn't shaking.
  13. I like the ILY moment, not only because it was sweet and romantic, but because the writers surprised me. I fully expected Sheldon to interrupt Amy and say something like, "I know what you mean, I was hoping to ride in a limo too, they are my second most favorite modes of transportation."
  14. You're right - I wasn't paying attention (I am finding it difficult to pay attention this season). I knew they had equal numbers at the tribe switch-up and thought there was only one tribal council since then, but there were two (makes sense that I would forget about Kelly - every time someone on the show mentioned Kelly, I would think "there's a Kelly?")
  15. I think it is typical that they first post merge bootie does not get on the jury. It seems to me that it is usually a 9 person jury and 3 final players up forhe million - making a total of 12 that make it to the final TC. They had 13 players at the merge, so whomever was voted out (or quit) first wasn't going to be on the jury. ETA: This is wrong - there were only 12 people before Julie quit.
  16. I realized what is missing this season - humor. The closest we have come to a funny talking head was Keith admitting he forgot Wes's birthday, and it wasn't really funny. In the past, there were one or two players that would make humorous comments or give a funny reaction, but not this time. These people are rather boring. I don't want to liven things up with another Hantz, but a little levity would be nice. I am starting to miss Greg and his coconut phone. In a season where being voted out is the worst thing you could ever see happen to a loved one, it probably doesn't take much to save someone's life. Just imagine when they were children and their parents had company over --- Drew: Mr. Jones, my daddy says you are the worst boss he ever had and you are so cheap that you have been carrying the same $4 in your wallet since 1974. No one else was brave enough to tell, except me. I am brave enough. I am even brave enough to tell you that you ate more than your share of the roast beef at dinner too. Alec: Mrs. Jones, you have a really big nose and you stick it into other people's business. We were all thinking it, but I am the one who said it.
  17. I am pretty sure that it was the lab tech cousin who was with him and was killed. So the aunt is the only one of his relatives that could be a witness, but her testimony would be hearsay and inadmissible, if I am understanding correctly. However, I thought Finn taped the the phone call with Trey. Maybe he was just putting him on speaker phone or maybe it was the way they trace calls? Seems odd to show Finn putting the phone down and then not have it be that he was taping it - there should be some sort of explanation, because it wasn't necessary for the viewers' benefit.
  18. Kalinda may not be a credible witness, given her relationship with Cary and the fact that the court ordered her to stay 30 feet away from him because she is dangerous (even if she didn't have a relationship with him, the fact that she has been labeled as dangerous may make her untrustworthy). Then again, Kalinda and her magic vagina have strong convincing powers, so, as long as the jury isn't made up of gay men and straight women, they may believe her.
  19. I agree. But when they showed people that make clothing talking about poor children in a third world country, my mind immediately went to sweatshops with child labor. I remarked that I was going to hell for thinking it. If I really thought they were putting those kids to work making socks, I would have said that those people should go to hell.
  20. I don't know if it is true, but there is a saying I heard years ago - A person can survive 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, and 3 minutes without air.
  21. Since they Will die last season, I don't think that they will go there again with Kalinde (the writing seems lazy lately, but not that lazy). I predict that Kalinda will feel threatened by Bishop and will go into hiding or leave the country. My guess is that Castro is the mole - that Castro is closely allied with Bishop. He's going after Cary for political gain, but I don't think he wants to go after Bishop. I will admit that, if my theory is correct, it creates many inconsistencies - like why should Bishop set up the PAC for Alicia if he already owns Castro - but the way this show has been going lately, they would easily overlook/disregard those inconsistencies. Totally agree. I think the same cautiousness warning applies to Alicia and Finn. They keep bringing up that photo of Finn leaving Alicia's apartment, yet she keeps meeting him in bars and having drinks together (whatever happened to he sobriety test video scandal of the week?). This was poor judgement on Finn's part too - he is prosecuting her business partner - he shouldn't been seen talking to her either.
  22. While the belt lady was making her pitch, I kept thinking "if this is such a great idea, someone else - Carter's, Garanimals, whoever makes kid's clothing nowadays - would already be doing it." There must be a reason why no one does - no market for it, it doesn't hold well, something. I think she said she had a patent, but I didn't think you could patent putting velcro on a belt - perhaps the patent was for the designs on the belt. Maybe someone with a better understanding of patent law can set me straight (and, frankly, if you have any understanding of patent law, you probably have a better understanding than me). I am a substitute teacher and tend to do most of my subbing in kindergarten and first grade. I don't recall seeing a boy wear a belt. Nor do I recall seeing any boy's pants fall down. However, there have been quite a few times that kids weren't able to do the button or snap on their pants. Maybe they should make pants that have velcro instead of a button above the zipper. I would think that most any boy that could handle the snap/button and the zipper, could handle buckling the belt. I do believe that many, if not most, small boys don't want to take the time to undo and reclose a belt - which may be true even if the belt has velcro. Heck, I don't think most of them want to take the time to undo and redo the button and zipper and probably just pull their pants down and back up. This is just my opinion - I don't have any first hand knowledge (and I am not going to research it - watching young boys take off their pants would get me fired).
  23. Well, I guess I heard wrong, because i haven't seen anyone else mention it, but I thought one of the flight attendants (I think the mom) said that they should have kept fighting with each other and maybe they would still be in the race. The three last place teams left the hay task at about the same time, yet the scientists and the flight attendants got lost. I was surprised that they didn't try to follow each other. There has bee surprisingly little following this season - or maybe they just aren't showing it to us.
  24. I may be going to hell for this, but when the sock lady said that they built an orphanage in India, I thought she was going to add, "not only do these poor orphans have beds to sleep in, but now they can earn money making socks."
  25. When Korina was sent packing, she commented something like, "did anyone see that coming?" Initially, I thought she was being sarcastic, since it seemed obvious to me that she made the worst outfit that week. She wasn't sarcastic, she was actually surprised that she was going home. I was really hoping that, during the reunion, Tim would have said, ""raise your hand if you saw Korina's elimination coming for that hideous outfit she made"
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