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Everything posted by needschocolate

  1. Very good question - I have no clue how they do it now. For a long time they had the models lined up on the runway, and the person who won the last challenge got to be the first to pick his/her model (picked before going to Mood). Then they used the button bag to choose the order that the other designers picked models. Usually everyone picked the model they had the week before and the model who was with the losing designer ended up going home too, but there were occasional changes. Back then, the show was only an hour and some of the time was spent picking models. Now it is 90 minutes and it doesn't feel like we are seeing any more of the design/sewing process. I think they must be spending a lot more time on the judges deliberations and Tim's tattling. I am not sure about that though, since I usually fast forward once runway portion is over and go back to watching when they announce the best and worst looks.
  2. So, if Amanda made the pants too small, then Amanda must have been the one to cut out the pants. Which means that Korina didn't even have the pants cut.
  3. I was surprised that they didn't keep Danny for the drama! and for redemption angle. I was also surprised that they didn't keep Jamie Rae so that Tyra could have a very special moment - a heart to heart talk with her about her addiction to make-up and lack of self-esteem. If Tyra just read off the 14 picks they wouldn't have been able to get the hamsters hopes up then crush them. Plus this method made it possible for Tyra to talk more - saying 2 names each time instead of one. Not good reasons in real life, but this show never had anything to do with real life.
  4. I don't know if Korina (and Char? really?) said what Amanda told Fade, since none of it was on film, but I am leaning towards the it-is-probably-true side. I think if Amanda were making it up, the producers would have found someone to let viewers know - it would be more drama! Unless Amanda really is the show's untouchable darling or if she has the producers duped too. Okay, so now I am not so sure Amanda was telling the truth. In any case, if Korina really said "When you win, you take the win from someone else," Amanda should have told her, "Well, when someone loses they take the loss away from you." Sean should have said, "I designed and cut the blouse and pants, and Kini sewed the blouse." However, Sean seems like a nice guy (Kini snarks more in the THs than Sean) so I will give Sean the benfit of the doubt and say that he may not have pointed out that Kini sewed the blouse because he was confident that Kini would be the winner of the two of them. I can understand not wanting the judges to know that your time management wasn't good. Besides, when they have the finale and past contestants come back to help the finalists, no one seems to care who sewed what - it is all about the design. Furthermore, I don't know enough about sewing to know if Sean's shirt design was complicated to sew or not, but, if it was easy to sew then Kini not getting credit is really not such a big deal. You should help your partner finish in group challenges because you don't want your partner's unfinished look to put you from being in the bottom. Especially when your partner has immunity, as Sean did this time - If Kini hadn't sewed and Sean would have sent a topless model down the runway (or a model wearing half-finished pants and a half-finished blouse) an your team ends up in the bottom, Kini could be the one going home.  Still, I think Kini was robbed because his dress looked better than Sean's blouse and pants.
  5. I also record The Chase - also GSN - and my DVR records every episode. It is set up to record only new episodes of both shows, but, even though only one of the episodes is labeled "new" the DVR records all of them. I think it is because GSN doesn't give an episode number or a real description. It is more annoying than Mythica and Dutch put together. Well, maybe not that annoying, but close.
  6. I agree that it would be more fun if there was more of a chance the contestants could win, and that I will get bored with the show sooner rather than later - or at least I will stop watching the final Chase. In the most recent episode, all three made it to the final Chase (2 of the three went for the lowest offer) and they only got 13 answers in the final Chase (technically they got 10 correct, as they started with three). They wasted so much time. The group was made up of 2 people who followed the illogic of "if you don't know the answer, just stand there for a while, staring blankly" and one guy whose motto was "if no one is answering then babble anything that comes to your mind, even though you are pretty sure it was wrong." I don't think they ever passed. Brooke and the Beast tried to make it sound like that might be enough, but anyone who has watched the show knows that the magic number is closer to 20, so I only watched the final chase to see if the Beast could beat them in less than a minute. My suggestion is that the contestants each have a "pass" button (in addition to the button they press to answer). If they don't know it, they hit their pass button and once all the pass buttons are hit, they move on to the next question. I think contestants are often afraid to pass, thinking that one of their teammates may know the answer, a pass button would solve that. Or, at least they should let the contestants discuss the question before they answer - then they could tell each other hat they don't know it and one of them could answer with "pass."
  7. I loved the way the flying monkey was able to display such a wide range of emotion - angry face, surprised face, etc. I don't recall any character in other seasons able to make so many faces with so much foam on their faces.
  8. I think it was that Men from Mars, Women from Venus book that pointed out that women look for suggestions and men look for answers. So when I woman asks which shoes to wear with her dress, another woman would debate the pros and cons of the strappy blue sandals vs the peep toe ivory pumps, but a man would say "wear the blue ones." Conversely, when a man asks where to hang the towel bar, a woman may point out that near the door is good for waching your hands, but another wall would be better if you have taken a shower. The man asking just wants to be told where it goes and if he knew where to put it, he would have just put it there and wouldn't have asked. If this theory is correct, when Sasha and Stella were discussing their character, they each gave suggestions and tried to merge their favorite ideas. And when Sasha discussed the character with male partners, she gave suggestions "maybe we should..." and "what do you think about ..." meanwhile the guys were thinking "You don't have an answer so we will go with my idea." Unfortunately, both of her male partners had crappy ideas. Assuming the theory is correct and applies here, the men should learn to have a little more give and take, and the women need to learn to be more adamant or forceful about what they think is best. Most women can do this, but Sashi is not one of those women. She doesn't like confrontation and she defines confrontation as saying anything other than agreeing with the other person, no matter how small their differences are. That said, Jason wanted to make a monster and I think the only way his character wasn't going to be a monster is if his partner did the sculpt and the make up Edited to clarify - I don't mean to imply that men can't help being pushy and demanding or that women can't help being walked over (one of the worst steamrolling we have seen on this show was with Autumn, a female, steamrolling Eric). I was more speculating that perhaps Sasha made more suggestions than we heard, and perhaps Jason, in his great desire to make a monster, interpreted her suggestions as "she doesn't know what to do, so I will decide." And that perhaps, Stella would have taken Sasha's suggestions as true suggestions. However, given what we have seen from Sasha, it is also likely that her suggestions, if there were more of them, were very timidly made - instead of "they told us to be whimsical and I don't see the whimsy in your design" she might have said "maybe it should be more whimsical. No? Okay."
  9. Even though they were going for "Beach" in the backyard and "Spa" in the bathroom. I suppose Beach and Rustic can be similar - driftwood anyone? But Spa and Rustic - nothing luxurious about rustic. If you want to sell your flip for as much as possible, you should be neutral in design - going with a theme won't help you. Part of their problem was trying to have a theme in each room and another part of their problem was not having the same theme everywhere. Every time I watch a design completion show (Design Star or White Room Challenge) I marvel at how each designer has to have two styles, and they don't always go together - "My style is Early American Eclectic." Curtis and Amanda's style is Eco-friendly Rustic Spa at the Beach
  10. I have seen HGTV designers expose beams or add fake ones to rooms in people's houses (though not with exposed wiring) that is why I thought it was a "thing' now. I can't think of a particular show right now (but I remember them talking about how wrap a fake (foam?) beam to with boards to make it look like solid wood), but it seems to me that it tends to be with vaulted or high ceilings more than flat, 8 foot ceilings. A friend of mine bought a house where the beams are exposed and the rest of the celling is painted white - it looks great and everyone that sees it loves it. Her ceilings are slightly vaulted. She also has a one story house. I think Curtis and Amanda's looks odd because there are stairs in the same room - unpainted wood ceiling with exposed beams and wiring, plus a staircase running up one side would give that basement feeling.
  11. I think you have a better chance to answer faster if you are by yourself, because politeness hinders you, but if you have the other two people with you, you get to start two steps ahead. It is kind of a wash. I think this would be different if the three people knew each other well beforehand (co-workers, friends, family) - then they would probably be more like to jump in and answer or pass, instead of waiting until someone else has a chance to say something. Thought it was interesting last week when no one made it to the final round - I always hoped for that to happen, just to see what they do for the last 20 minutes of the show.
  12. I didn't mind Curtis and Amanda's ceiling, but I have never lived in a house with a basement. I have noticed that exposing beams or even putting fake beams on a ceiling seems to be a "thing" now. To those who hated the look - Do you think it would have looked better if they left the beams bare wood (or stained them) and painted the underside of the upstairs floor white?
  13. They have gotten better, so this may be unfair to say now, but my first thought reading this comment was that, if the brothers had their own show on HGTV, it would have to be 35 minutes long, because they can't finish anything on time.
  14. I didn't like the picture frames on the wall - looked unfinished - and I am pretty sure that anyone who buys that house will take them down. Even if they liked the look (perhaps the buyer is a hermit that wants to be reminded that he has no friends?) if they don't want them to be turquoise, they would still take them off to paint them. Using a brad nailer is not the way to hang up a picture frame, with or without a picture in it - unless you happen to be decorating a hotel room. However, it isn't that permanent - it would have been so much worse if they decided to glue the frames to the wall (the way some people do with mirrors). With the brad nails, all the buyer has to do is yank those frames off the wall, smear a little spackle in the holes, let dry, and paint. Yeah, it would be a bit of work, but, if they hung the frames the normal way, each one would mean one or two holes in the wall to patch up when the frames are removed anyway. John could have attached those empty frames with only 2 brad nails. However, I think he used more than 2 brad nails for each and I doubt the paint had completely cured by the time he nailed up the frames, which means that when they are taken down some of the plaster will come off too (which is like using glue). I forget now what the three criteria are that are used in the judging (I think "quality of workmanship" and "value added through making smart choices" and ???). I am not sure how having an open beam ceiling plays into those criteria, but I realized last night that winning individual weeks may not be a prediction of who wins in the end. The winner is the one who gets the most for their condo, so winning the finale is based on what other people will like ---- As someone upthread said, the brothers may win because they have the least individualized condo. However, they don't have a bath tub, which has the potential to turn off many buyers. I think John and Whitney have a good chance. They made a few permanent (or semi-permanent) choices that may not be for everyone (like the frames and the stair railing). However, they also made the most changes to the floorplan, and they seem to be good changes - moved the washer upstairs, made the bathroom bigger - so they may have an edge over the others. Even though most of the orange in the sisters condo can be easily removed (that one wall would have to be repainted, probably with a coat of primer first), a lot of potential buyers may have trouble looking past the orange (orange is gaining in popularity, but it still tends to be a love it or hate it color - certainly not neutral) Curtis and Amanda probably made the most choices that don't have wide appeal - like the tin backsplash and the sand pit it a big turn-off to everyone but the crazy cat lady. Plus, I don't think are staging their condo well - most of the time they put in too much stuff, which makes it look cluttered and smaller.
  15. Perhaps I was asleep and dreaming, but I remember Mike coming home and telling Rachel that he found Louis a job/interview in New York. Rachel kissed him, as she was very happy about it - until she found out it was with her father (she was standing by the refrigerator at the time). Rachel mentioned that she didn't go to her father for help in paying for law school because he always wants something in return. Mike responded that he doesn't care if he now owes her father if it helps Louis. I also remember commenting to my husband that Rachel has a unique looking nose when viewed in profile. So which one of us was asleep? Note: I have, on occasion, had rather detailed dreams, so it could still be me who was asleep.
  16. Well now, this may not have been so dumb. Let's look at the history of life under the dome. People get shot and two days later they are fine. The town is running out of food, then they are not, then they are again. The lake is full of methane, then it is safe to use. Tunnels appear in a school basement where there wasn't a tunnel before (heck, according to Junior, there wasn't even a basement in that part of the school). It is actually quite smart for Julia to realize that even though Barbie couldn't hear her a few minutes ago, the soldiers may be able to hear her now. Things change fast under the dome. What was stupid was that she thought the soldiers would listen to her when she is trapped under an invisible dome. Rebecca was thinking that she could use the parts from the walkie talkie to solve whatever crisis arises next. Even if it doesn't solve that crisis, she can use the battery acid (got to be at least a 9 volt, right?) to "thin the herd" when food runs low again.
  17. This may not have required much acting talent - he might have just been thinking about what being on this show is doing to his career.
  18. I agree that, if you are planning to sell the property your are fixing up, anything that is time-consuming and'or expensive to replace (tile, flooring, light fixtures) should be neutral and timeless. Heck, I don't plan to move until I am old and grey, but I still won't put up wallpaper. And if you want a theme - beach backyard, spa bathroom, rustic bedroom - the theme should only be in the accessories you choose, so that when the new owner moves in, there is no theme left.
  19. This show is so convoluted that they would probably go with Breaking Bad Under the Bridge that is Under the Dome
  20. I am not a fan of Mythica but was very happy when she was picked for top looks over Dutch. Dutch is the biggest hindrance to my enjoyment of this show. I thought Gear's model had hairy legs. That was a horrible paint job, but the lace on the arms was great. Did he hand paint all the arm lace or did he use a stencil? I wish they would show us more of the actual process.
  21. Turquoise/teal with orange accents (along with touches of green and yellow) is very popular right now. By "popular" I mean that it is the most common colors found in stores and magazines, and I have noticed the turquoise/teal appearing in many tv shows (the offices in Suits, walls in the Dunphy house on Modern Family, etc...) I recently repainted a few walls of my house and used shades of teal. I love the color and it has been really easy to find things like pillows to go with it, but am a bit afraid that teal and orange will be to this decade what harvest gold and avocado green were to the 1970s. The color the Whitney/John and Amanda/Curtis used is very on trend. The Sisters' orange works well as an accent color, but the orange wall was too much, IMO - any small items, like vases or pictures, would get overpowered by the orange. Maybe a softer orange and painting the shelves white (as another poster suggested) would have been better. I am surprised by how much I am enjoying this show and I find myself wishing that the condos were bigger so there would be more episodes. I really appreciate the lack of drama. Everyone gets along - each pair gets along, and the teams get along with the other teams. The could have gone another route and had couples that bicker an argue or had teams that would sabotage. The talking heads are all about what their team is doing- not their thoughts on what the other teams did (do they even see the other teams' work?). And there are no sob stories that get repeated every episode. I may like some of the people better than others, but there is no one who annoys me too much. I wish we saw more of the actual work being done, but these aren't tv stars or professional craftsmen (except for the Brothers) so it makes sense - having Curtis tell me how to hang a door or having the Sisters tell me how to put up a shelf or paint a stripe would not be helpful .
  22. I just hope the dog found the locker, went through the tunnel, jumped off the cliff, and is now happily curled up on a big, fluffy dog bed somewhere in Zenith.
  23. I have always thought of myself as a "doesn't judge a book by the cover" type. However, this show, with people with oddily colored hair and eybrows, and guys like Cig, Glenn , and Eric (past season, long hair on only one side of his head) has taught me two things - One, I am not as non-judging as I thought I was, and, two, you really can't judge a person by their appearance.
  24. When the show opened with a shot of a round skin-covered dome, I thought, "Oh great, now who is pregnant? It better not be Julia." I had to laugh when the pregnant belly turned out to be Big Jim's bald head. What was the point of having Phil tear down the windmill, set the car on fire, threaten and handcuff Big Jim, get beat up, and end up back in jail? If this were a different show, one where the writers have memories and pay attention to big details, I would think they were setting up some rivalry in the future, or providing the background as to why they can't use the windmill to solve some other dilemma in the future. But this show doesn't care what happened in past episodes - First they are out of food, then they are not, now they are again, next week they will have a hot dog eating contest. Did they just do all this stuff with Phil so the Junior can make me laugh by saying that listing Big Jim's enemies will take a long time (that did make me laugh, but not funny enough to waste a third of the episode)?
  25. While I liked the look of all the yards, except the "beach" one, I would have given the win to the sisters - I thought the fake grass was a nice idea. No one wants to buy a lawn mower or pay a gardener for a little patch of sod. The twins was a little to plain to win (hgtv like yards to by really full, as evidenced by the one that won), and the married couple's yard was impractical - the hose was too far away, and to mow the lawn you have to drag all the stuff off of it - and where would you put it while mowing. However, the sisters should have put the potted plants where they decking was missing - it would help hide the missing parts and might have even made the missing sections look intentional. I didn't like the twin(s) attitude - acted like they deserved to win just because the actually finished this time. I watched an episode with my daughter, who hadn't seen any of the show. I was telling her about the teams and said that one of the women looks like the type that would annoy me on a show like this (hair always done, make-up always on, and she looks like the type that would normally never go out without wearing heels and something that sparkles), but she is actually quite normal.
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