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Everything posted by needschocolate

  1. We posters pay more attention to this show than the people that write and/or produce it. I don't know what that says about us, but I would like to think it means that we are a highly intelligent and inquisitive group.
  2. If the were to spend an episode following the winner for the first week they were open, then I would hope for Lone Star to win, only because I would love to see the looks on their faces when nobody bought a $15 quesadilla or a $40 grouper meal - "Gee we lowered the price of the quesadilla to $12.99, but still nobody is buying it."
  3. Well, my 17 second web search turned up sites that discussed which beans are better for you depending on your blood type. I figured that Rebecca took vital signs of everyone in town, had them eat a few spoonfuls of lima beans and then took their vitals again. Whoever improved were the ones with the right type blood. Now, I am not sure that lima beans are the right ones for type O+, so my theory could be wrong. One may say that this theory wouldn't work because lima beans wouldn't improve someone's health that quickly - to which I would point out that everything happens much faster under the dome than in the real world - people forget about their dead loved ones quicker, they fall in love with strangers quicker, they heal from stab wounds and gunshot wounds in hours rather than weeks.
  4. I think Lenox and the rest of the hamsters should be very grateful that Lenox's walking away did subject them to one of Tyra's stories about how tough it was when she was starting out -- "Don't walk away during my teach! You should be thankful that you have the opportunity to learn how to be sexy! When I was starting out, no one - NO ONE! - taught me how to be sexy! I was only 4 years old and my mama had to take me to the bad part of town to watch the hookers try to pick up men - just so I could learn how to be sexy! I spent hours - HOURS! - watching porn just to learn how to tooch! Do you think that head roll just came naturally to me? Do you? No - I spent many nights sitting in bars watching drunk women rolling their heads back and forth! I spent so much time practicing my sexy squint that I got cramps in my eyelids, but I kept squinting through the pain! Don't ever take my teaches for granted."
  5. I am fine with someone coming up, waiting until there is no conversation, and asking "where is the flannel?" - if there is no other employees near. But you don't put your fabric in the way or start giving orders to the salesperson while she is dealing with someone else's fabric. It is rude. Since they have a limited time, Mood should have a pad of paper, a pen, and some pins at the counter so they can write down the amount they need and then keep shopping. I was going to add that they wouldn't do that since it would decrease the chance of drama occurring, but then I realized that in all these years, I don't remember anyone every having an incidence like this at the cutting tables. Drive by most any elementary school and you will see parents doing stupid, sometimes dangerously stupid, things to make sure their kid makes it to school on time - Like stopping in the middle of the street to let their children and back-packs out of the car or having their kids jay-walk by crossing in the middle of the block. Not only do they put their children's lives at risk, their antics hold up traffic and delay everyone else's children from getting to school on time. They behave as though their children are the only children at the school. I think Sandhya suffers from the same malady - she is the only who has only a day to make the outfit, she is the only one who has to get her shopping done in 30 minutes. I think their is some sort of glitch in Sandyha's wiring that makes her turn every insult into a compliment - I think she was even smiling when Tim was telling her that he doesn't see what the judges like about her designs. It was like she was thinking "Tim says the judges like my designs" or "My designs are too sophisticated for Tim!" But somehow, she has figured out the others don't particularly care for her - maybe she has noticed that they talk and laugh with each other, but not with her. She feels sorry for herself because she knows that she is a wonderful person, but has no friends. I am surprised we didn't hear he speculate that the others are just jealous of her talent.
  6. And after it fades to black, a light switches on and we see Julia sitting up in bed and she says, "You won't believe the dream I just had." And her husband walks out of the shower and says, "Good morning."
  7. Hmmm, I wonder what the imminent danger is this time - it's getting hotter? tornado? hurricane? snakes? convention of insurance salesmen? shortage of deodorant? I suppose it could be the incredible shrinking dome, but no other danger has lasted more than 2 episodes. So I am guessing that they first thing Rebecca will say is that the hole that sucked down Melanie has stopped the dome from shrinking, and some new imminent danger will appear.
  8. Remember the cow getting cut in half? That was some cool special effects right there. Wonder what happened to those special effects guys? Now we have the moving mound of dirt to signify that the dome is shrinking. There isn't enough dirt to account for the 5-8 foot chasm, especially if the dome is really contracting/shrinking and the bottom would be pushing up too. Then again, giant holes in the ground are relatively common, so there must be a bunch of empty space under Chesters Mill that is getting filled by the moving dirt. Still, the mound of dirt at the "base" of the dome (doesn't really have a base since the dome is a sphere, right?) should have some grass mixed in - the grass went to the edge of the dome (the grass that is still green even though they have had no rain, except acid rain, and freezing temps, and dust storms). And when they have the dome moving in, the mound of dirt stays the same - it doesn't tumble, it doesn't get higher, it just moves closer. And the swirl of dust when Melanie fell into the hole was just pathetic. Dust swirling around, but even those right at the edge didn't need to squint? Apparently, the writers were hoping that we would be so distracted by the bandage and our concern for Julia's pants that we wouldn't be paying attention to the lima beans plotline. Are they running out of food or aren't they? It seems to change on a daily basis. I am guessing they once had the following scene --- Rebecca: We are running out of food! Time to thin the herd! Julia: Not yet, you science geek, there are 47 cases of lima beans at the hoarder's house. Rebecca: Like I said - We are running out of food! Time to thin the herd. Then the Lima Bean Growers Association raised a fuss and they cut the scene and instead made Lima Beans the hero. It is nice that some things are consistent - all men are murders/sociopaths (except Joe, but he is still young) and all women are threatened by all other women and they need to be b*tchy about it.("Why would you want to come. Rebecca? This isn't about Science" and all of Norrie's comments about Melanie). Another point of consistency - Big Jim's cluelessness. Melanie has been there for a couple of weeks now, but Big Jim has never heard of her. One would think that someone returning from the dead would be the talk of the town. Yet Big Jim still thinks that the Dome choose him to be the leader. Message to Jim - Dude, the dome didn't tell you about the egg, didn't tell you that your wife was alive, and didn't tell you it brought back someone from the dead - the dome doesn't care about you. And the dome certainly didn't save you from hanging - Julia did. Actually, the dome told the four younger hands to kill you - so did it ever occur to you that maybe the dome wanted you to die and Julia made one of those "mistakes" she was talking about?
  9. I am glad Natalie stayed, even though her PB&J sandwich was like one of those "Magic Eye" pictures where you have to stare at it a while to see it. I did eventually see it and it was more realistic than any of the others, but I have to agree with the judges that the blue was distracting. I am liking this show and hope it returns. I am a big fan of Face Off, partly because it isn't a typical reality competition show - everyone gets along and helps each other. They want to win because they are the best not because they sabotaged someone else. I was afraid that GSN would go for the "OMG They're naked!" and try to create drama among the contestants, but it hasn't been that way (perhaps because there are not enough body painters out there that they can cast solely for drama). Even though Dutch was obnoxious, Felle was passive-agressive, and Mythica was on the loony side, they were all within the realm of normal behavior (no one was over the top) and their behavior overall is what one would expect to find in a random group of people.
  10. She could be right - if his belly button is in between his nipples. I can't decide if it is weirder to rub a guy's abs on national tv or to rub his pecs on national tv? (Yeah, both are weird, but which is weirder)
  11. I was a little sorry to see Beach go home - they are the only ones that make food I would want to try (not that them winning would have given me any chance of trying their food, but whatever). There are plenty of middle eastern restaurants where I live, the Texans don't have anything original, and , I am tired of the whole everything-is-better-with-bacon craze (I like bacon, but apparently not as much as the next guy - I find bacon tends to overwhelm the taste) On the other hand, I will not miss Greta's (is that her name? - the Beach woman that does 90% of their THs) Valley Girl "accent" - the whiny-ness of it and the way she paused at odd moments (like she paused for emphasis but nothing was worth emphasizing) were starting to really bug me. I started mimicking her every time she talked, which, unfortunately seems to be what I do when someone's way of speaking bothers me, and I end up annoying myself). I agree with apparently everyone else - making them serve local dishes is ridiculous. When Tyler was telling each of them that food wasn't good enough and listing additional ingredients they should add, I was really hoping one of them would say, "Well, if we win this thing, we will make more authentic food, but as long as the competition is going on, we are not going to buy extra, non-essential ingredients just to be stuck with them when you tell us that all we can sell is the local specialty. And as much as I respect Beach for not gouging their customers, I have to say that the Texan's have a point - if people are willing to pay it, then go ahead on charge it. People are probably only paying a small fortune for a quesadilla because of the chance to be on tv, but, as long as the winner is based on who made the most money, then you should sell for whatever you can get. If people don't want to pay that much, they will not stand in line, sales will drop, and then so will the prices. If they win this thing and get a food truck they will quickly learn that $15 tacos won't keep you in business.
  12. When I saw Amanda's model walk down the runway, my first thought was "oh, she used wider fringe this time." If someone asks your opinion about something they are wearing or how they decorated their house, an you don't like the way it looks, but you don't want to hurt their feelings, you may something like "well, that is, um, interesting" or "my, that is, uh, unusual." I think Sandhya has heard so many people comment that her designs are "like nothing I have ever seen before" that she thinks it is a compliment. There is never-been-seen good and never-been-seen bad. Maybeit has never been seen before because 99.9% of the population would realize that it would look like crap before they every started putting it together. Sandyha doesn't seem to understand conversation the way most people do - she has a different version of reality.. Even when people are saying what is wrong with her designs, she has this look on her face like she thinks they are complimenting her - a little smile, a small nod of agreement, etc.. . Perhaps it is a not-my-native-language issue, or maybe her self-esteem is just ridiculously too high, or she is an incredible optimist. If a judge told her "your dress is the ugliest thing I have ever seen, there are too many colors and they all clash, and all the ruffles make her hips look huge. The average woman doesn't want her hips to look wider." Sandyha smile because she would be thinking "my designs are above average."
  13. Well, we have already diagnosed the writers with short-term memory loss. Now we can also diagnose them with low blood pressure. I suppose this is only the tip of the iceberg of things the writers are afflicted with.
  14. Oh, I think you may have hit upon a future Very Special Tyra Moment, where she tells them all about the dangers of alcohol and what it can do to you looks, with the obligatory story from her early days in modeling. Then she will have them do a photo where each on is made up to show how they will look at 70, if they kept with their current partying lifestyle. Plus, her ty-over was more "permanent" than his. Hers could be dyed again, but that takes more time than peeling tape/glue and cutting a few chin hairs.
  15. Or from the houses that were supposedly destroyed in the earthquake or the magnetic whateverthatwas. However, I am glad they didn't think to start a fire or else we would have be subjected to Rebecca running around telling everyone that they are going to run out of oxygen (despite the fact that they determined in the first season that the dome can somehow let air through) and people suddenly dying from carbon monoxide poisoning There is no way that this show would have gotten carbon monoxide poisoning correct either - they probably would have had people break out in a rash before collapsing suddenly (although one of the funniest moments to me was, earlier this season, when people would "collapse" as they ran toward the gallows - and by collapsing, I mean "slipped on a banana peel"). . Or maybe, if they had started a fire, it would have gotten out of control, because they have no water (and are too dumb to clear an area around the fire site) and then Rebecca would have the townspeople spend 30-40 minutes rebuilding the windmill to blow out the flames (which would work for no logical reason, other than science is different under the dome). Either way, I am glad they didn't build a fire.
  16. From their vantage point, it would look the same if was staying the same size, but moving. Was the wall of the Dome going towards, or away from, Zenith and the egg? I was think it was sinking further into the ground, which would look the same from their vantage point. However, Norrie put her hand on the dome and it wasn't moving down, so my prediction could be wrong...then again, how likely is it that anyone on this show will remember that part? The writers must live in southern California. The northern U.S. and Canada see outside temps of 2 degrees every winter. Not Southern California - they couldn't get the earthquake right. The jail falls apart, houses supposedly destroyed, but nothing had fallen off the shelves at the Sweetbrier Rose.
  17. I am laughing so hard reading all these posts - would have "liked" every one of them, but was afraid I would un out of likes, so you all get an invisible like. There were a couple of good things about this episode - People telling off Big Jim - Pauline, Barbie, and even Junior, if you count "Nyah, nyah , I knew mom was alive and didn't tell you." The other good thing - I thought they did a good job on the special effect of the dome rotating - either that, or the guy who plays Joe must have aced his "mime stuck in a box" test in acting school. Even the dome contracting or shrinking looked pretty good. However, my prediction is that next week they will realize that the dome isn't shrinking, it is sinking into the ground. I wonder if he would tell her that he killed her husband... There was so much ridiculousness in that plot. For instance, hyperthermia would slow down the blood flow, but, if it had hit a major artery, what would have happened when she warmed up? Wouldn't she have bleed to death then? It isn't like he froze her, pulled out the spike, stitched up the artery and then defrosted her. And why didn't he just carry her with the spike in her leg? It didn't go all the way through her leg, stapling her onto the ambulance - when he pulled it out, there were only 3-4 inches inside her (plus, I think he moved her with it in her leg earlier). Was the "logic" that he was afraid to move her with the spike in her because it may shift and she would bleed to death? If so, then it really doesn't make sense to freeze her, pull it out, carry her around, then warm her up again. This plot did make me realize one thing - the writers aren't just fans of Lost, they apparently are also big fans of Titanic - replace the gurney with a piece of driftwood and call Julia "Rose" you have Leonardo DiCaprio's final scenes in the movie.
  18. I don't know about all reality shows, but saw an interview a few years ago with someone who was on Survivor who said that they get paid and it works out to about $1,000 a day (so the first voted off gets about $3k, the second, $6k) unless you make it to the end.
  19. When she talks, she reminds me of a muppet (I wonder if I would say that if I thought she was a nice person....)
  20. Are you saying that in real life food trucks don't switch with other food trucks or stop selling what their truck is named for and sell fried onion burgers instead? Wow, next thing you know, you will be trying to convince me that when a food truck needs more supplies they just send one person out to buy it instead of closing up the truck and having everyone go shopping together. In all fairness, they didn't tell anyone that they would be rewarded if they were the first truck open, so no opened prematurely. However, it still wasn't a fair contest because different menus require different amounts of preparation. The Military Moms would have won this contest easily - how long does it take to open a jar of peanut butter and a loaf of store-bought bread?
  21. They should have at least let them add their twist to the onion burger - Madres could put salsa on it, Beaches could put avocado, etc.... They were required to sell the onion burger and fries for $10 a plate. My theory is that they charge high prices on this show because people will pay them, if it means there is a chance they will be on tv or can at least tell their friends they ate the tv show food trucks. I bet any of these contestants that go on to have their own food truck are in for a surprise if they try to sell their items for the same price they charges on the show. Actually, I was surprised that the avocado fries were only $2. I live in a state where avocados are grown and they are usually $1.50 each at the grocery store (if not on sale). I wonder how many orders they can make from one avocado?
  22. Joss and Main probably got their furniture back too - wasn't it just used for staging and not included in the sale?
  23. The fact that it was a sunny day in the pacific northwest should have been your first clue (yeah, I know, it doesn't always rain where you are, but I'm in my third year of drought, so I may be a bit jealous) If you did not have a dust storm a couple of days ago, and acid rain a couple of days before that, then you can't be certain you are under a dome. But, to be on the safe side, don't trust bald men who say they will save you.
  24. I agree that auction order had an effect on the outcome. They should have done a "silent auction" where people list their bid on a piece of paper - so all condos would effectively be auctioned off at the same time. Not as dramatic as having the auctioneer call out numbers, but much more fair. And they could still have drama by having Josh say "the lowest bid was ____________"
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