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Everything posted by needschocolate

  1. So many sob stories that I thought I watching Chopped adn had to check the program description to make sure I didn't accidentally tape the wrong show. I want to take a moment to publicly apologize to my children for staying happily married to their father, for doing my best to be supportive of whatever they chose to do, and for staying alive (including whatever role I had in keeping their father alive). I realize now that my actions and life choices have prevented my children from ever being on a reality cooking competition show. Add in that they have all turned out to be really nice people, they have no chance on getting on any reality competition show (except Face Off). I have no idea if you are right or wrong - I can't seem to understand anything Katsuji says (well, I probably could understand him if I tried hard enough, but it doesn't seem to be worth the effort). At one point they used subtitles for Aaron (I think it was him) but then didn't use subtitles for Katsuji - made me thing that the person typing up the subtitles couldn't understand him either. They aren't doing Last Chance Kitchen? That would be good news. I won't miss it, but I thought I saw a commercial for it, as I was fast-forwarding. It was during the episode and at first I thought that it must not have been for LCK, because it had Ron (?- the guy that went home) in it, but when he ended up being kicked off, I assumed it was a LCK commercial.
  2. I am known among my friends and family for being the one with the best memory (this doesn't extend to remembering names - I am worse than awful with that). While I can recall details about the most trivial things, I apparently wipe each PR season out of my memory as soon as the season is over. When the designers were introduced, there were few that I remembered a fair amount about (including Chris March, Dimitry, Helen, Patricia ...), a few who popped back into my memory by the time the show was over (such as Michelle, Gunnar, Ben...) Some that I could vaguely recall, but couldn't remember if I liked them or not (Kate, Fabio ...) The name Sonjia sounds familiar, but I don't remember anything about her and I don't remember Jay at all. I would appreciate any help on this. Although the talking heads describing their "girl" are often shown near the beginning of episode, I strongly suspect that they come up with the story after the garment is finished - an attempt at explaining the explainable. Some designers are better at this than others. Patricia should have said, "My girl is an uptown girl who was knocked up by a downtown guy and is attempting to hide her growing baby bump from her socialite friends. Since uptown girls are prone to hugging and air-kissing, I sewed in these darts to keep anyone from getting close enough to discover the bump."
  3. That was the way I saw it too. I think he was going for levity. I thought it was a poor choice on his part, because, given how much trouble Sandhya seemed to have interpreting other people, she probably wouldn't get the sarcasm.
  4. What, exactly, did Bernadette say to Amy? I didn't hear it. I get that it had something to do with Amy being jealous or having no sex appeal, but I don't know what Bernadette said. Note to self - don't eat crunchy foods while watching this show - especially if I am watching with other people and can't just rewind whenever I miss something.
  5. I suppose that LL looked into the histories of both women and the one-night-stand had no criminal record, but Kalinda has been charged with more serious crimes - note "charged" not convicted. Which leads me to my real opinion - the writers just wanted a reason why Cary couldn't see Kalinda (probably to lead into a plot on a future episode - maybe it will play into her leaving the show? - or maybe MC has decided to be more like JM and no longer wants to appear in scenes with Kalinda) and this was the only reason they came up with - or the most plausible reason they came up with - or the first reason they came up with. In other words, it doesn't make much sense to me either.
  6. Linda Lavin's pre-trail bail officer (or whatever her job title is) is now my favorite character on the show. A spin off with Kalinda and Elsbeth would be fun - if it were written as a comedy by someone who can write comedy. It would be like an updated Odd Couple - Kalinda with her sexy, leather clothing, her ability to kill a man while wearing heels, and her magic vagina, and Elsbeth with her Sienfeld-esque puffy, button to the chin shirts, fear of sidewalk grates, and her bad luck vagina (since he shredded her evidence and continued to do his job after the desk-sex, we can assume that Elsbeth doesn't have a magic vagina). They can leave the hallucinations out of it.
  7. I was confused (mislead?) by one part - in the scene where Linda Lavin is talking to Kalinda, Kalinda pulls out her phone, pushes a button, and drops her phone on the table. the next time we see Kalinda, she does it again. I figured it was done twice, because someone wasn't paying attention when editing, but why was it done at all (yhe fact that they show it twice, means, to me, that they really wanted that to be in the scene). It looks like Kalaida was taping the conversation, but then nothing happens afterward. In the forum for last week, i mentioned that it feels liekt he Kigs are trying to turn this into a comedy and that I didn't think they were very successful at it. This episode didn't change my opinion. While Elsbeth walkign down the street, hopping over the grates was kind of cute and somewhat in character, the sex on a desk scene was like something out of the horrible 1970's & 1980's sitcoms (not all sitcoms of those decades were horrible, but were, and those are the ones i am referring to) Why I pay attention to this show, I am not sure. Perhaps it is becoming my replacement for Under the Dome - a show to watch, not for the characters or plot, but because it is fun to look for all the ridiculous little things the writers try to sneak by the viewers.
  8. Initially, I agreed with those who would like to see the u-turn or w-turn come earlier in the leg, but then I thought about how hardly anyone u-turns someone unless they are very near the end of the leg (or they have a vendetta against another team). If the u-turns were earlier in the leg, there is a decent chance that they would never be used, because people wouldn't feel that they were in danger of being philiminated. I am more bothered that the u-turns seem to show up in legs after NELs. Whichever team was saved by the NEL ends up having to do a speed bump before the u-turn, which makes it likely that they will be late enough to the u-turn that they will also be u-turned - double whammy. Since it was the dentists this time, it didn't bother me as much, but it usually seems like they are trying to fit too much into a leg - speed bumps and having a couple of teams do both detours.
  9. I think that is because part of what makes them douches is that they brag without the talent to back it up. No talent = no win. I don't like men that babysit, hover, and feel the need to point out that they think they are better than teammates with a lot of history to back it up (it is only the second episode). It is not only women that do this (for the record, I don't like the women that do this either). There have been a few times in other seasons, in later episodes, that someone who has won a number of challenges is paired with someone who is barely squeaking by, and the better chef takes charge. Usually, they aren't as obnoxious about it and usually the lesser chef knows that they are the lesser chef, so it is okay. But this was only the second episode - Mai may have reason to believe that she is better than her teammates, but she should keep those thoughts to herself and her talking heads. No eye-rolling, no demanding to taste things - just ask to taste it.
  10. Shelley seems to have a compulsive need to teach someone a lesson, no matter how much it hurts her race. She didn't tell her daughter about Phil on the matter because her daughter needed to learn a lesson, and, even though they were near the back of the pack, I think her use of the u-turn saw more about teaching the Survivor guy not to take cuts, than to increase her chances of not being last. I think it is easier to root for the surfers because (1) they haven't done anything unlikable (no "right sort of people" comments, no foolish gameplay like asking judges for help or helping other teams), and (2) the surfers aren't the ones commenting on how awesome Bethany is.
  11. I found Jim to be so obnoxious and annoying when they won two earlier legs, that I find myself now looking for reasons to support my dislike, even though they haven't been any worse than most of the teams these last two legs, I guess he is one of those rare few that is a poor winner but a "gracious loser" (in quotes because they haven't really lost yet and gracious really isn't the right word). I will continue to be happy when they do something that causes them to be closer to the back of the pack - if only because I don't want to listen to Jim gloat when he wins. Plus, I am always bothered by the teams that think that God cares how they do on a reality competition show. The godbothering teams are always saying that God was watching out for them, and seem to be implying that they are somehow more worthy of heavenly intervention than the other teams. Just once, I would like to hear one of them say, after doing poorly on a leg, "God didn't help us out on this one - we must not be as worthy as the teams that finished ahead of us." i
  12. I couldn't make up my mind in the Penny and Leonard plot - I can see both sides. She wants/needs to feel independent and Leonard wants to be a nice guy. He saw the car as a gift without strings attached and she saw the car as a loan, of sorts, for someone in need. But I really liked when she said "Do you want me to take a picture and have it framed, etc...." Leonard's face showed that was what he would want, and then she pulls out the framed picture. This little interaction showed that Penny does care about Leonard and his feelings. Sometimes, they are very cute together.
  13. I am surprised that the people in charge didn't combine all the rice the old tribes had and give half to each of the new tribes. I am not saying that I think this would be a good or fair idea, but I would think that the show would do it that way for the increased possibility of drama - "you only get one scoop because your old tribe ate too much rice" - especially since the person who may "deserve" less rice might be your loved one.
  14. Is Missy more protective of Baylor because of the 3 divorces or has Missy been divorced 3 times because she is easily manipulated by those close to her and she overreacts to minor, logical things (you are a bully because you voted for my daughter in a game where people have to vote for someone and she targeted you first becomes I have to divorce you because you are an bully for telling my daughter to clean up the mess she alone made)? A possible explanation - Missy wanted Dale to see how it feels when it is his daughter that is the target.
  15. About a month ago, I opened an attachment from a client. - I get attachments from him every month and this one was no different, until I opened it - ransomware. I didn't get the "we are holding your files for ransom" pop-up. Instead, it immediately started adding an extension onto my files. There were a few new files added that gave directions on making a payment to get the encryption key. I didn't pay them anything - who would give money to a cyberterrorist? By the time the malware was removed most documents and about half the photos on my hard drive could not be opened. But I had backed up my hard drive recently, so not really that big of a deal for me. (By the way, the client has a Mac, I have a PC - Macs are rarely affected by viruses and malware, but they can act as carriers and pass these nasty things onto PCs). So I could fill up an entire page of this forum with how stupid the ransomware plot was. But I will limit my rant to this - how are there still viruses and malware in the world when Kalinda - who has shown no computer expertise in the past - is able to hunt down the cyberterrorist in under 2 days? We know her vagina has incredible superpowers -perhaps it is on wi-fi. There have been signs lately that they are trying to turn this show into a comedy - the guy taking off his shirt in the elevator, the office without walls, Grace's quirky friend dressed as a fairy, etc... I don't think it is working. I hope that the next episode starts off like this - Alicia wakes up and says, "I just had the weirdest dream - Cary and I started out own firm in an office without walls, and there was some guy that kept undressing in the elevator, then Cary got arrested and Diane joined our firm. Then someone held our files hostage. Elsbeth was there and there were clowns and kittens. It was so bizarre - I really need to cut back on the wine." Then Will walks out of the bathroom and says "Did you say something? I couldn't hear you, I was in the shower." Alicia replies, "Oh my, in my dream you were dead and I was still married to Peter. And I was running for SA. What a nightmare!" Then we could go back to real cases and stop the madness. Of course, if the Kings did go this direction, Kalinda would probably peek out from under the covers and ask "was I in your dream too?"
  16. When the Dumphy kids found out that Claire had her own room, they all decide to go stay with Claire. I thought the ending was going to be Phil being sad and lonely in a clean room with freshly made beds (since he would have the room to himself, everyone else's stuff would be out) and then we'd see Claire and the kids fighting and arguing in Claries now very messy room.
  17. To me, this episode felt like a pilot for a spin-off with airplane crash experts, except there were no plane crash experts.. It was just so odd to have the BAU be called in so soon for this. Then the BAU are the ones who determined that the plane wasn't hit from the outside and that someone took control of the plane. They should have at least had there be a suspicious glider accident, then a suspicious 6 seater plane crash, then this one - so that there would be some "serialness" to it. I did appreciate the show going through all the trouble to have the militia guys there and then have them not be the ones who took down the plane. In real life, there would be a lot of false leads (I am still waiting for CSI to find something at the crime scene that doesn't end up leading them to the killer - like discovering that the mustard stain is from a jar of French's, an not from a jar of specialized mustard sold only in three places in the US and only served at one restaurant in LV). It was also the plot of the latest season of 24 .
  18. Like the sharks, I don't see how a kid would be interested in in that jump toy long (forgot what it is called) enough to get a parent to buy it. A kid has two options, hold on to the bars and jump on the side of the inner tube or hang from the bar in the middle. That would amount to about 15 minutes of fun a day for a couple of weeks. At least on a trampoline, a kid can do somersaults, jump with friends and all those other dangerous things they warn you against on the box. Plus, you throw a few blanket over the sides and a trampoline becomes a great fort. I was surprised that the glasses guys get people to pay close to $10 for those glasses, but they were clever looking, and I might buy a pair - for $5. I did feel a bit sorry for them - Daymon made them an offer, they countered with an offer for Daymon and Mark to go in together (it was a crappy offer too), then Daymon says that he is closing the book and he puts the book down. I assumed that meant Daymon was out - they probably made the same assumption because they then made an offer to Mark only. then one of the other sharks chided them (paraphrasing) - "Daymon made you an offer, so you counter to Mark" They looked so lost at that moment - like their ship was sinking and they didn't even know how to begin to bail the water out. They are always asking the entrepreneurs to say how they came up with their valuation. Just once I would like the entrepreneur to reply "Well, we need $300,000 but we only want to give up 5% of the company." I don't think most of them try to figure out what the company is actually worth, I think they have an amount they need and they have an amount they are willing to give up, and that is what the offer is based on.
  19. If you click on the quotation mark at the bottom right corner of the post you want to quote, a little box will appear in the bottom right corner of your screen saying "Reply to quoted post". When you click on that, the post you are quoting will appear in the reply box. Then the poster's name and the time will appear with the quote. Plus, the person you quoted will get a notification that you quoted them. The best part, to me, is that you can click on the quotation marks for as many posts as you wish (no more copying and pasting quotes into Word nor having to sort through prior pages to find items you wanted to quote). The drawback is that their entire post will appear in the reply box, and you either have to erase the parts you don't intend to quote or have a really long post that includes stuff you are not responding to. Nor the other one, who may become a sobbing mess, shouting, "we are all going to die" when the plane hits a little turbulence. Neither of them seem to have the right personality for dealing with the public in a confined space or for dealing with an emergency. Of course, lack of sleep and being completely out of your comfort zone can make people behave differently than they normally do (I was going to include jet lag, but, being flight attendants, they are probably better at handling jet lag than most).
  20. I am, begrudgingly, wiling to let Phil hand back the Save on an NEL, because the racers can't know when an NEL will pop up, but if Jim and Misti ever assume they are last on a regular leg, when there is really a team behind them, and they hand over the Save, Phil better not hand it back. As others have said, there should be some strategy to using it. If this had not been an NEL, and they played the Save, would the surfers have to go home? The Save is already such too much of an advantage, IMO - using it shouldn't send home a team that already checked in. I don't think Shelley is trying to lose and go home, if she were, she wouldn't have told Nici that she saw Phil. I think she is just a horrible person.
  21. Watched the show last night and the first thing I did this morning was come on here to see if anyone could explain what happened in the village. I should have slept in, instead. I would think that you would want everyone in the village to know that this was a very deadly virus, so that if someone felt sick, they would go to the clinic/doctor, instead of possibly infecting their families. Besides, you tell people that it is nothing and then a bunch of people die, your are going to have a lot of trouble on your hands. So, yeah, they shouldn't have lied, but I can buy that they panicked while facing a large group of people that didn't speak their language, and, in the heat of the moment, thought that if they tell them how horrible it is, the people may force their way in for last good-byes. The drug company people made a bad choice, but it isn't like they said "Oh, it is just a fever, why don't you come in and visit for a while." They still told them not to come in. I don't get why the drug people lied about how many had died either. Why not just say we told people not to come in, but they forced their way past us (not the complete truth, but close). But even if they did lie about the number of people, I don't understand why that was such a horrible thing to lie about. Now, if they had covered up the entire outbreak, I can see that being an issue, but they saying 15 people died when it was really 28 (I made up these numbers) is not some major crime. It is not like if they owned up to all the deaths, then the deaths would have somehow had meaning or had been worth it. The whole village stuff seems like a very lame excuse to kill someone. Couldn't they have taken a few extra minutes to show us that the drug people had done something really bad - like leaving a bag of contaminated bedding in front of their makeshift hospital or somehow contaminating flyers they handed out to the villagers, or go the really evil route and show us a brief conversation like "hey, we don't have enough info about how this spreads, we need to expose a few people." While I found the village stuff distracting (obviously), I liked the episode. Lots of Nick, Sara and Greg makes for a good episode. And only a few minutes of Finn makes it a great episode. Plus, in the few minutes we saw Finn, she wasn't making out or having sex, so this was a pretty fantastic episode.
  22. The only time it makes sense to throw a challenge is if you are getting rid of the crazy guy, who you fear so much that you hide the machete so he doesn't murder you. Technically, they didn't throw a challenge to get rid of Brandon, they forfeited, but it made sense in that case.
  23. Yup, my perception is my reality - and Drew's delusion is his reality, but it isn't real to anyone else.
  24. So, Drew throws the game because 4 is more than 5 and Kelly is a mastermind trying to control the game – except, they have never gone to tribal, so what, exactly, was she controlling? Drew knows that he is really the one in charge and is so charming, intelligent, and good at strategy that everyone will go along with whatever he wants. Also, Drew is a ladies man, which apparently has a different meaning than the one I know. This was such a satisfying episode that I laughed for 2 minutes after the show. The only drawback is that I won’t have the opportunity to call him Drewlusional when posting.
  25. Dina wasn't the first to use chocolate as a substitute. I have read that Alfred Hitchcock used chocolate syrup for blood in the shower scene of Psycho. He found that it looked more realistic in black and white that fake blood. Perhaps this proves that whether you eat it or not, everybody needs chocolate (see what I did there?)
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