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Everything posted by needschocolate

  1. When the father and son said that they had competition for their box airplanes, but the competitors included a box (and cost more three? times as much) and theirs was different because it was just the stickers, I was sure that Kevin would say that "there is nothing proprietary here" and he would be out. Instead, he, and others, said that they need to include a box or an option of a box. Has Kevin played the proprietary card this season? I don't think he has asked for percentage of sales in perpetuity either. He seems as obnoxious otherwise, so I don't think he is going for a kinder, gentler Kevin. Side note - I don't think Lori has changed either, but for some reason, I am now noticing just how much Lori smiles while she talks - even when she is telling someone they have a bad idea. Her talking through the clenched teeth of a big grin is really bugging me.
  2. I am hoping that the sheep task was supposed to be a road block, but somewhere along the line, someone realized that one person running around trying to corral sheep was too taxing on the sheep (causing them to run too much) and that two people running around corralling sheep made the sheep more likely to go into the pen - of course, we know now that one person could do it if they just slowly walk behind the sheep, but that didn't seem to be anyone's first choice. I don't think it had anything to do with Bethany, because you don't need two arms to herd sheep. I can understand thinking that, if a foundry is a place where metal is made into shapes, then metal in a shape has been found. They were wrong, but I can see how someone could think that. I can also understand not knowing what a quarry is, especially if the person saying quarry has an accent that is different than you are used to. If you grew up in a city, and never watched the Flintstones or purchased rock, you may not know what a quarry it, even if you understood the accent. But I cannot understand how a person could not know how to bend a nail with a hammer. Have they never used a hammer before? Or are they so naturally strong and precise that they have never tried to nail into wood that was too hard or hit the nail off-center enough to make it bend? Even if you haven't ever accidently bent a nail, wouldn't your first thought be that you could bend it with brute force - and whack it with the hammer? They were trying to bend it with the claw end. Or wouldn't you at least watch the guy making the sample one? I watched the show with someone who was a bit overzealous with the remote - did they ever show how the wrestlers figured out how to bend the nail? We need to start a petition or write to our senators to make this happen. Sheep hopping over the runway on Project Runway or America's Next Top Model. People laying around camp on Survivor, complaining about how hungry they are, while sheep are hopping in the background (the sheep would be untouchable). The Kardasians doing whatever it is that they do and the are surrounded by hopping sheep.
  3. I am glad that UTD is coming back for a third season. I have discovered, in the weeks since season 2 ended, that I don't watch any other shows that lead to such hilarious forums as UTD does.
  4. This show would win points with me if, in the fourth episode (2 weeks after the ex-wife told Jack he had two weeks to leave town or she would tell his big secret), the ex-wife tells the big secret, Jack then has to quit, and then, in the 5th episode, Beth catches Jack stalking the ex-wife and kid, and he gets hauled off to prison and that is the last we see of his character. And add me to the group who were baffled and disgusted by the treatment of the teenage girl. It would have been bad enough it Jack was the one who said it, but the fact that it was the cleavage showing hard-as-nails female detective who said it, makes it so much worse. I never watched Nikita, but I have heard nothing but positive things about it. This is the second series Maggie Q has starred in and I now think that someone at the network has a big secret about her that they are threatening her with, because I can't imagine any other reason why she would be willing to go along with such horrible writing.
  5. I think that is what we are supposed to believe, but I don't understand why she would need to warn him in the first place. Bishop killed the guy who wasn't the informant, the real CI should have realized that Bishop knows there was a "traitor" in his gang, and, eventually, Bishop would figure out that he killed the wrong guy and come after him. Also, why would the CI run, wouldn't it make more sense for him to go to the police (who he was a CI for) and tell them that his life was in danger - witness protection, anyone? Actually, once the police found another member of the crew was killed, wouldn't they pull the CI and hide him somewhere? Just imagine what the conversation with Gloria Steinem, the feminist to lead all feminists, would go like in the real world - Peter Florrick: Ms. Stienem, I would like you to encourage a woman to the run for State's Attorney of Illinois. GS: Who is it? PF: Alicia Florrick GS: Florrick? Is this your wife? Are you trying to take care of the "little woman"? PF: Oh no, it is nothing like that. She is very independent. As a matter of fact, she and I are married on paper only. We are only together to help our careers. GS: She feels she needs to be married in order to be successful? PF: Uh ... no... She has a successful law firm. GS: Then why is she still married to you? Isn't she strong enough to be on her own? PF: Oh, she is a very strong woman. You should have seen how strong she was when the news uncovered that I had multiple affairs with prostitutes. She was the pillar of strength, standing by my side the whole time.  GS: She stayed married to you after you slept with a bunch of prostitutes? Has she no self esteem? PF: She has loads of it - she went out and got herself job to support the family when I was in prison. GS: She didn't work before then? After becoming a lawyer, she just stayed home with the kids? Until you went to prison - I mean. PF: Yes, but that was, uh, her choice - to stay home with the kids. GS: Well, I appreciate that she was able to make a choice on her own, although, frankly, she doesn't seem like one who makes her own choices. How did she get back into law? PF: She went to work for the firm run by her college boyfriend.  GS: Relying on a man to take care of her again, huh? PF: Uh ...um... well....So, can you encourage her to run? She doesn't want to. GS: I don't think so, Mr. Florrick. edited to get fix the weird spacing, but the weird spacing isn't there in editing mode
  6. I know Korina's model's backstory was Peruvian photographer and I can see how it looked Southwestern or Northwestern or Native American, but I think the most appropriate back story would be "My girl is a homeless woman who is afraid that the others at the shelter will steal her clothing, so she wears everything she owns, which was all found through hours of dumpster diving."
  7. When Korina said, "Did anyone see this coming?" for a moment, I thought she was being sarcastic, then I remembered this is Korina - always delusional, too blinded by her own greatness. Still, when she asked the question, I hoped the others would shake their heads "yes" I can understand being annoyed that Char came back and got to fix her zipper last week - it is not pleasant when someone seems to be getting preferential treatment. However, Char being saved was not related to Korina leaving. If Char had not been saved, Korina still would have had the worst look.
  8. I agree that he had to keep the silicone bands. I thought he should sell them with different colors of bands, so people can keep track of which glass is theirs.
  9. jjj and biabiak - That makes sense now. Thanks.
  10. Are we sure it is a season-long unsub? I thought they were just making commentary on how perverse the internet can be - that it didn't just stop with ne guy killing someone and selling the parts, that there are a lot of steps and people involved (kidnappers to killers to butchers to fetishers), and they weren't necessarily going to eventually try to track down the kidnappers. There wasn't really an MO for the kidnappers or killers and there seemed to be more than one of them. I think it would be difficult to make a season-long story arc out of this. But I don't like season-long story arcs, so it could be wishful thinking on my part.
  11. I would guess that she would be more concerned that Phil and Claire would be stopping by her dorm room all the time. Speaking of dorm rooms - I thought it was odd that the tour guide said that they were going to visit the dorms next so the parents had to say good-bye now. I understand that they needed Claire to have to say good-bye (symbolism, foreshadowing, ...) but why wouldn't parents be able to see the dorm rooms?
  12. Josh's explanation made no sense - I didn't want the guys to think that I had an alliance with Baylor, so, instead of voting with the guys and voting for Nadiya, I voted against the only woman that voted with the guys. Baylor is silly for even taking that explanation into consideration at all. And, since Baylor was the only woman who voted with the guy alliance last week, why was the back-up target this week? Why not target Jackie (I think that is the name - the woman who isn't Val or Baylor). It was such a ridiculous comment to make - the challenge involved balance, concentration, and rolling a ball up a ramp, none of which requires testosterone or big muscles. Perhaps Jeff thinks that John spent his baseball career carefully rolling the ball to home plate or he carried the ball there on a giant paddle.
  13. I think it is just that he has a memorable name :) I have heard of Taye Diggs, but I could not pick him out of a line-up of 5 men. If I had been asked who Taye Diggs was I probably would have guessed "male model." Why does a law firm have a shower? And if you are going to let some homeless guy use the shower, wouldn't you tell him to use it early in the morning, before clients come in? And wouldn't you tell him that he needs to keep all him clothes on until he is in the bathroom? Yeah, they took "quirky" too far. They take a lot of things too far - Liike every time one of the kids appeared on youtube they were the most viewed thing ever, because people all over the world are so intrigued by the actions of the daughter of the Illinois States Attorney - or no one ever just walks out to quietly join/start a new firm, instead there has to be a large group of people parading toward the elevator - or the way Kalinda is always able to uncover critical evidence in a matter of minutes even though the police have been investigating for months...The problem with this show is that they take too many things too far. Yet, I still like this show.
  14. On my tv, Kini's model seemed to be normal-sized - or did his outfit make her seem larger than a ultra-thin model?
  15. The pilot felt like it had been a 2 hour movie and they cut it down to a 1 hour episode. They seemed to try to cram so much into it, but left out details - yet, by the end the whole plot could be summed up in one sentence (The new SOS saves to kids from the Syrians and has dinner with a polygamist), so there wasn't that much there at all. We kept asking "Who's that guy supposed to be?" - which I think may have been code for "Why should we care about that guy?" - all the older white guys blurred together in my head. But it was a pilot, so I will cut it some slack and give it a few more episodes. I like fish-out-of-water stuff, so I told my husband, who loves political dramas, that I would probably watch it for a season or two, then they won't be able to keep her as the anti-politics newbie, she will probably start playing the political games, and they will also go away from the crisis/case of the week to the long multi-week story arcs that become more and more ridiculous. Seen it happen on other shows, some of which I have dropped, and some that I continue watching, like Good Wife, because the acting makes up for the story. I haven't seen Tia Leone in anything lately, but I sued to be a fan - however, I don't think her acting is very good in this show. I think she does better with comedy - her "serious" acting comes off as very wooden and unemotional to me.
  16. I wonder if that is a tactic she uses when trying to sell a house - "How big is the bedroom? I am not sure. Let me take this yardstick, get down here on the floor, and measure it for you" Now, personally, I don't see how that would convince someone to buy a house, but those two were so full of themselves and gave off this "I'm pretty so I should get my way" vibe that I wouldn't be surprised that they would try to use sex appeal to get sales.
  17. My problem with the Save is its name. Everything else is connected with traveling - Roadblock, Detour, U-turn, they had an Intersection for a season or two and I think they may have had a Yield at one time too. Granted, Fast Forward and Express Pass aren't very travel related but they are better than the Save. I have been trying to think up a better name for it - the Stand-by? the Free Ride? - but haven't really found anything I loved (it is not like the producers are caling me for advice anyway). As others have pointed out, the penalty starts when you reach the mat, not when you declare it. So if you decide to take the penalty, say it to the camera, and, 10 minutes later, convince another team to take the penalty, you still have to get to the mat before the other team, or you will be eliminated. ETA: As others have pointed out, the information in the last paragraph above is wrong. Unless the rules have been changed, the penalty for not doing a task starts when you declare it. I should have known better too - I should have realized that you don't always go directly to the mat after a task.
  18. Now that you mention it, Joe does bear some resemblance to Will Robinson on Lost in Space.....
  19. I didn't mean to be so persnickety, but this business with Exile vs, Redemption is driving me a bit batty - When I watched last night, I was thinking that Nadiya might be back after the challenge, then I remembered that was Redemption and there isn't a RI this season. Then my daughter mentioned Nadiya going to Exile to wait for the next bootee and I reminded her that it was Exile this time, not Redemption. Then today, I had basically the same conversation with my mother. Then I came on here and it seems everyone is confusing Redemption with Exile. It makes sense since last time it was Blood vs Water it was a redemption island - and seemed to be the most popular use of redemption island they have ever had. Yikes. I hope they never add a third "island" to the mix (what would it be? - reward island? immunity island? singing monkey island?) I just know that once we all have redemption vs exile figured out, we will start getting confused between the different rules for the hidden immunity idol vs the individual immunity idol (when can you play it? who can you give it too? which one does Jeff ask about?). I hope they don't bring back the immunity idol with the special privileges (the Tyler Perry idol).
  20. A little "giving the benefit of the doubt" (sorry, I know very few names this early)--- Val's husband ---- Maybe he was playing into the "protect my wife" storyline because it was a better explanation than - "I feel bad that my choice to be a hero to my tribe means that my wife's chances to go far have now been reduced" and "I sent the oldest guy to EI because he is the oldest guy and would probably be voted out anyway. My plan is to form an alliance with the women, so I can't send one of them and it would be dumb to send one of the younger guys because I may want them to think that I am in an alliance with them sometime." The woman who was divorced 3 times ---- maybe she married those three husbands because everyone kept telling her than he would be the best thing for her and her family, even though her gut said that he wasn't the right guy. The model ---- maybe his abs are lacking because he gained some weight to be on the show - I think Jonathan Penner did the same thing. Nadiya --- I got nothing. I can't come up with any reason explaining how her comments weren't really offensive. That is what Exile Island is - the place they stash people after the reward challenge. The place where they stash people after they are voted out is Redemption Island
  21. I hope Julia's pants have good health insurance because it looks like they aren't going to heal anytime soon. But a butterfly and, later, many butterflies, showed them where to go. They have to trust the butterflies, they were sent by the dome, so they must be there to protect the townsfolk. These are the same butterflies that, when they were little baby caterpillars, tried to eat all the crops, even though those crops aren't part of their normal diet. Aargh! Hey, I just realized something - the dome is there to protect them. The dome sent the butterflies to show them the way out - the way out of the dome that is protecting them. Does that mean the dome doesn't want to protect them anymore? Can't say that I blame it. Have you tried following the fly? Or gently laying your hand any place the fly lands? You may have been chosen by building you are encased in. The building that is there to protect you. The fly may have been sent by the building to show you the way out or lead you to something important. Perhaps the fly will lead you to a glowing wastebasket that controls the building (if you find anything glowing, don't throw it into a bottomless pit). You should examine the doodles of everyone else in the building and see if they give any hint of what will happen next.
  22. Before the show aired, I was speculating what sort of imminent danger they would be in this time - the idea that the imminent danger would be a deranged Big Jim never crossed my mind. I guess I have to give the writers props for surprising me. At the beginning of this season, Barbie's voice-over states that "two weeks ago, a dome came down..." and at the end of this season, Barbie tells everything that they have been through a lot the last two weeks - so the first season was two weeks and the second season was all in a day or two? Wow, time flies when you are almost getting killed everyday. When Barbie was telling the townsfolk that they need to trust him even though he is a stranger, I was hoping he would say "You don't know me, unless you came to my hanging last Tuesday - really nice gallows you built too, by the way - but you need to trust me...." When they were trying to decide which way to go at the fork in the tunnel, I think I may have said out loud, "It doesn't matter, they both lead to the same place." I am pretty sure it was the same set they used for the last tunnel, with neon lights added. When Julia and Junior were waiting at the edge of the great divide, all I could think was that Junior needs to go get a log or two (a few seconds earlier, I was thinking Junior needs to practice target shooting.
  23. But then they would have to regulate the size of the items too. Generally, a hamburger is a meal and two tacos is a meal. So if people were eating meals, the taco truck would sell twice as many items. Then the burger truck would make sliders instead and they would sell 3-4 times as many items. If they had some sort of price regulation, they wouldn't have to care about the number of items sold. Except on the show, customers are willing to wait in long line and pay hefty prices because they get the chance to be on tv or get a story to tell at the water cooler the next day. They may charge different prices in the real world, but they wouldn't last long selling $15 quesadillas or $30 tilapias.
  24. If they base the winner on profits, they will have teams that will charge very high prices because people will pay them. If they base the winner on the number of items sold then they will have teams that make really small portions and charge very little for them. Neither case reflects real world food truck operation. It would be great if they could have them sell without the public knowing that the trucks were part of a tv show (which would also make the crowds more realistic), but I doubt that is possible - they must have to have them sign some sort of release. The only solution I can think of, and it isn't ideal by any means, is to have Tyler or some other food truck expert give the teams a range that they can sell each item for - "Your quesadilla can be priced between $4 and $10, your fish taco can be priced between $3 and $8." Chances are the teams will go for the top of the range, because people will pay it, but it would make it a bit more realistic. And it seems to me there have been a few times teams have lowered their prices because sales weren't good. Or - Maybe they could have all customers fill out something that says what they think the price should be and that would become the basis for the price they could charge at the next stop. That way, if the food isn't tasty, they won't be able to charge as much, in theory. I think I am much more interested in this show being fair and realistic than anyone connected with the show.
  25. The oddest things will pop into my head in the middle of the night ... woke up last night and immediately thought that, while Tyra would probably say that smiling with your butt = smile+tooch = smooch, it would be much more appropriate if smiling with your butt = smile+butt = smut. No matter what she calls it, I am pretty sure Tyra will someday teach them how to smile with their butts. Note: I realize I quoted myself in this post, please don't take that to mean that Needschocolate is one of those people that refers to herself in the third person.
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