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Everything posted by Brookside

  1. She anticipated that Halstead would ask her about the phone and preempted it by saying "a friend" had received the call and told her about it. Yeah right. Prediction 1: She has relapsed/relapses. Of course Choi saved the day in yet another (as said above) TV doctor/firefighter/cop trope (under fire/held hostage in a bodega). Prediction 2: I don't think we need to speculate too long as to whether he and America's Next Top Model will be back together. And of course Natalie cleared Menendez's name. Prediction 3: The next episode, whenever it is, will open with either them, or Choi and April waking up in bed together. Prediction 4: whichever couple it is, the woman will be wearing perfectly applied make up and a bra.
  2. I spent the first few minutes wondering why Penelope Keith (I watched her in The Good Life and To the Manor Born in the 70s) had had so much plastic surgery. And I don't think I've seen Helen Hunt in anything since Mad About You. So your mom wasn't the only one a bit surprised!
  3. It's tragic. And nothing to do with coronavirus since he shaved the rest of his face.
  4. I will never be sad when someone with a butt ugly neck tattoo goes home. (Full disclosure, I find all neck tattoos butt ugly, but his is particularly egregious.) And skinless chicken breast? As Tom Colicchio said, not the first choice of chefs around the world. Bitter and immature - glad he's gone.
  5. French toast for dessert at a (supposedly) high end restaurant? That's worse than the ubiquitous French toast and icecream on Chopped. It screams chef's ego to me that people go on these competitions thinking they don't need to know a couple of basic desserts. And that butternut squash "soup" deserved to be presented in a Gerber's jar..
  6. Sorry Tyler, I do like you, but you can't be "a little head and shoulders above everyone else." You either are or you aren't. I'm being picky, yes, but what else to I have to do in The Age of Coronavirus?.
  7. Why do meat eaters on TV cooking shows feel obliged to say "beets are meaty"? Is it because beet and meat rhyme? As a former meat-eater, now vegetarian, I can tell you that the texture, taste, and particularly colour don't make this comparison work. Myself, I thought it was NSFW. 😉
  8. Anyone else wonder how many times they have to reshoot the elimination scene because the super cheap French doors fall down when the cheftestants rush through?
  9. I love Gregory too and pinkie swear (with myself of course) that I will go to his restaurant when this is all over, but that puffy sleeved leather jacket/waistcoat thing he was wearing in the talking head was tragic.
  10. Hidden Valley Ranch where the woman takes cucumber slices off her eyes, dips, then eats them. I'm all for repurposing and eating up leftovers, but this makes snot seem appealing. Not to mention that HVR sounds like some kind of autoimmune disease.
  11. Most of what I eat is vegetarian or vegan, but I have yet to come across "avocado tofu". Anyone able to explain this, beyond pretentiousness?
  12. Don't you hate it when you can't enjoy a show because you're fixated by someone's idiocy? Is it my TV or did everyone have black bands at the top and bottom of the screen, making everyone short and fat (or shorter and fatter in some cases)? Can I blame coronavirus for everything that's wrong in my life?
  13. "Tessemae's: 100% real ingredients." As opposed to other dressings that are made of 99% imaginary ingredients.
  14. Allison Janney for Kaiser: "When this is over, we will all thrive." No, dickheads, some of us will be mourning dead family members and friends.
  15. This sounds like some kind of weird Fanny Dooley clue.
  16. I'm sorry, but I can't bear to look at Josh. Not only because of his hideous neck tattoos (I dislike tattoos in general, but these have no artistic or design merit and draw attention to his long scrawny neck}, but he looks very ill. Drugs?
  17. Not just you! I agree about Michelle's dish. Since the contestants were announced I've been cheering (if a person cheers in coronavirus solitude does anybody hear?) for her and Gregory.
  18. I'm guessing either drug related or failure to pay child support. They might have more luck raising money if they had someone check their begging letter for hubris and spelling/grammar about "the huge inconvenience" coronavirus has specifically caused them since "the primer".
  19. https://www.kgw.com/article/news/community/local-top-chef-offers-social-media-cooking-classes/283-f356deb5-f901-4623-bebe-587bd81ff175 Gregory Gourdet presented a cooking piece from his own kitchen. I haven't seen it yet but you can get in on Facebook or Instagram. It's free to watch but he's helping to raise money for Sage Hospitality Group (owners of the Portland restaurant where he is head chef) employees affected by coronavirus.
  20. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2020/apr/02/comedian-eddie-large-little-and-large-dies-after-contracting-coronavirus-son-says British comedian Edward McGinnis has died at age 78 due to complications from coronavirus. He was best known as the "Large" half of the comedy duo Little and Large. I didn't particularly like their humour, but sad nonetheless, especially because his family couldn't be with him.
  21. My local NextDoor community has a few groups for games varying from Scrabble, to cards, to Dungeons and Dragons. I was about to go to my first gathering when coronavirus struck! I was interested for companionship, not to find a romantic partner, and I'm still looking forward to trying it out when the madness is over. One of my coronavirus resolutions is try to bring back the lost art of letter writing.
  22. Dear Jeopardy! clue writers, "Similar" and "same" do not mean the same thing.. For example, "Dove" and "Dove" are not similar words, they are identical. Same problem with Delta, Pandora, and Whopper.
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