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Everything posted by RedDelicious

  1. You guys called it! Bethenny Frankel, 53, and fiance Paul Bernon 'split two months ago' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13388333/Bethenny-Frankel-53-fiance-Paul-Bernon-45-split-two-months-ago-kept-massive-diamond-engagement-ring-worth-1M.html ETA: I actually think it's been longer than two months because she posted about a new apartment at the end of January and said she'd looked at it eight weeks earlier and closed in two weeks. If she's telling the truth and not exaggerating.
  2. Bethenny's made a career of it ๐Ÿงบ
  3. Oh I totally meant for us ๐Ÿ˜„
  4. Bethenny really, really needs to grow up. She must be flat out of her own money to be rehashing this on a dedicated podcast. Girl, move on. I call bullsh*t that women were "begging" her to tell her story. Why on earth would anyone want to hear it again? She's already mentioned it all. I've said this before - most of us who are of a certain age were there for the entire Jason relationship as it played out on television and if even the tiniest fragment of what she's peddling is true, she's a much better actress than I've ever given her credit for. I wonder what Paul thinks about this. I feel bad for him. I hope Jason waits until the podcast concludes and then sues her for slander.
  5. I would have liked to have seen Annie's brother get closure from Navarro as part of what we were shown onscreen, even if it was played over with music.
  6. I read in an interview with Kali Reis that Navarro's conclusion was purposefully ambiguous so the viewer could interpret her presence in the closing scene however they wanted. I like that. I choose to believe that Navarro checked out for a few years and lived in the remote house with Danvers visiting from time to time to make sure she's okay. Navarro's Inupiaq name was explained to mean โ€œthe return of the sun after the long darkness". That's what the closing scene in the beautiful winter light means to me. Navarro and Danvers needed each other in completely different ways, but in the end they both found their peace and their way to move on.
  7. They were being held on the boat, the group wasn't going to be swimming from the boat (like on the beach) and I don't think the people holding them considered that winding up in the water was a possibility. That's what I mean about not knowing what you don't know. I think it's probably called ignorance.
  8. Le sigh. I really loved season one and two of this show. I loved the characters, I loved the stories. Season three left me feeling empty and sad, especially the finale where I felt Sabi's treatment of Wolf was unnecessarily harsh and unfair. Wolf has shown nothing but kindness and understanding. I am glad Sabi is moving on towards living life for themselves but season three's path to get there made them unlikable which I didn't think was possible. It's as if they kept their feelings and emotions bottled up all this time and now they're taking it out on everyone around them unashamedly which isn't really fair. I wanted better for Sabi and Sabi's loved ones.
  9. I agree, Tammy's emotion seemed very genuine. I am really impressed by how far she has come, not just with her weight loss but also with her ability to express otherwise uncomfortable feelings. In the past she would shut down and now she is willing to talk about what affects her. Amy had some insightful things to say as well which leads me to believe a lot of her outward behavior is a routine for the cameras. Caleb's friends who attended the memorial service seemed very genuine as well. I hope they can all get/keep their sh*t together and continue to make improvements! Tammy is walking so well now and she's wearing lace up shoes too. She's doing such a great job.
  10. I loved the scene at the door of the geology teacher - great chemistry between Danvers and Navarro. Then he comes out and growls that it's Christmas. Eve. Cut to them all huddled around the laptops. One thing I didn't understand was the rock with the spiral on it that Danvers/Navarro found at Tagaq's. Is it true that Navarro left it at Qavvik's and it is unclear how it wound up in the possession of Tagaq? I read that somewhere. I think the rolling orange creeps me out more than the specters Navarro is seeing.
  11. I can't make sense of it, but the only things I can come up with are: I can't exactly fault the family for not knowing a baby should wear a life jacket if they are going out on a boat. They didn't grow up around water and sometimes you just don't know what you don't know. That being said, the tour company *should have made sure the babies were wearing life jackets regardless of everything. I wonder if it was hard for Amy/Tammy to hold Gage/Glenn in their laps while wearing life jackets or if they fussed so much that they refused to wear them. In retrospect I'm leaning towards they rejected them altogether and they were allowed to go freestyle for the sake of filming. We already know Amy is not a disciplinarian and melts down when they melt down. None of that excuses the obvious.
  12. Oh. My. Gosh. I was ITCHING all week to get on here and see if anyone else had anything to say about the lack of lifejackets. I was horrified. That was so incredibly dangerous, especially since no one except the boat crew could conceivably dive in after one of the babies if they went overboard. We don't even know if any of family can swim in water where they can't touch the bottom. My heart was in my throat. That being said I love seeing Tammy's joy of being able to participate in activities!
  13. That was my take as well, maternal but also inappropriate. A boss is not a mom. I don't get a Mrs. Robinson vibe from her at all and I don't know if Hank was just being a dick because she is mentoring his son. On another note:
  14. The big question mark I took away from this episode was: Otherwise this was somewhat of a connect the dots episode for me. Some of the interpersonal connections now make more sense. I feel there is much more to the Priors than meets the eye.
  15. I totally thought that Leah's dad, the geology teacher, and the husband of Kate McKittrick were all the same guy, but it sounds like they are not. But it does sound like the geology teacher could be Kate McKittrick's husband.
  16. You know what's funny, I was thinking to myself that Dead Travis has some real moves and sure enough, Erling Eliasson was a professional ballet dancer.
  17. That's exactly what I was thinking Mahamit! Amy needs parenting classes and some real guidance and coaching. And she needs to do the work. It would really help her a lot. I was also thinking perhaps they should have put the boys to bed and they could have brought a meal home for Amy. She probably would have benefited from some quiet/alone time after they were asleep. That part in the car where Gage is crying and she just tossed a stuffed toy at him, not really paying attention where it landed, said a lot ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  18. It's hard to feel bad for Amy when she says she's doing everything she can but she's actually doing nothing in the moment. Poor Glenn was asleep on his feet. I don't even think Gage's car seat harness was arranged properly on the way down. It looked like it was twisted and Amy's seatbelt was twisted too. That is very dangerous. I loved seeing Tammy enjoy herself and experience all these new things. Why couldn't someone step in and help her with her leg?? She's expressing herself so much better now too and I actually want to hear what she has to say. It's not all half assed (usually gross) quips like Amy followed by that laughter. Misty has gotten so tiny!
  19. My dad was USARAK (then USARAL) and he confirmed this - he said when they were up in Fairbanks they'd get to a point where they'd have a small window of daylight and as they went further north it was as you said, varying degrees of darkness. I know its weird for me as a viewer and it's the way of life up there. I think I'd want to sleep all the time.
  20. Hank's (kind of) trying to fleece her too, although she clearly has the upper hand if he's the one emptying his wallet. She asked for a photo and he took a photo with his phone of himself and Peter when Peter was still a boy, therefore giving the impression Hank is much younger than he actually is. *with his phone he took a photo of a photo in a frame.
  21. Yes, the answer is yes. Now I'm hungry for chicken parm.
  22. If that's Amy's perspective and I suspect you are 100% right and it is, that's pretty f*cked up. She literally went against her doctor's orders and put her own self in the position she's in with two babies under the age of two. Now she's inconveniencing the family (even though they are good people and completely willing to help) because of her own poor decisions.
  23. I love Tammy's new outlook on life. She's doing an amazing job all the way around. Amy isn't having it and quite honestly she should have sat out this season except that she needs the income. Amy is clearly having a major episode. She's allowed. But all this crying on camera is a non-starter. She shouldn't be filming with zero window of tolerance. Misty and Amanda have shown so much progress already. They were noticeably smaller by the end of the episode. Great for them! I appreciate that Tammy makes an effort to use the correct term for things like "bowel movement" etc. She's trying. Amy doesn't think with her eyes but since she's struggled with that impairment her whole life, I'm sure it stunted her intellectual development. It's really a shame, there probably weren't resources for her at any time during her school years and I feel bad for her for that. It isn't her fault. Alright, Caleb makes me feel very uncomfortable. The rawring and meowing made me cringe. Tammy seemed very over him in different parts of their scenes but that might have been embarrassment over the animal noises and frustration with his lack of commitment to any form of progress with his weight loss. I'm sure she really cares for him but they are not on the same path. The fried food is a no brainer. It made me wonder if he really does have some form of cognitive impairment possibly due to oxygen deprivation or a past stroke. I guess he basically served her what he's been eating since she left and that just isn't cool. It seems like he is in that facility to keep living the way he was living, not to get better. Wait did Amy lose her front teeth too or was she not wearing her dental appliance?
  24. I was wondering that exact same thing! I even wondered about Marian crossing the street to talk to Larry.
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