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Everything posted by Broderbits

  1. Guess I'm the only one who actually liked the wood shelves contrasted against the white tile. I like varying textures. One thing I AM sick of on all these home shows is the checkerboard tile insets in showers & backsplashes and the resulting oohing & ahhing like it's some fabulous new design feature. Move on already.
  2. I still like Mike a lot better than Rachel, she's just so entitled and clueless. Best thing about this episode was how GORGEOUS Gina Torres was, especially at the end when she wore that tan dress. Project Runway should have creating an outfit for her character as a challenge, with her as guest judge.
  3. The Hot Springs home was in Arkansas, not Florida. The conch house was in Key West FL, an area that has always been fairly expensive. I don't remember seeing any remodels either, but my eyes sort of glazed over when I saw the hideous electric blue that couple painted one of the Tudor rooms. So they aired 3 episodes last week, there are none on the schedule this week, what's up with that? We get blocks of Property Brothers foolishness, but it's hit or miss with the new shows that might be interesting. I just don't understand this network.
  4. It might not be just Christina or California: the overuse of makeup extends to many other HGTV shows, so it might be part of the producer-driven shenanigans. Some of the women on House Hunters look like they totally cleaned out Sephora, and the fake eyelashes are ridiculous. Even JoJo on Fixer Upper wears a lot of makeup.
  5. I don't usually care for subway tile, but the vertical placement really appealed to me. The concrete floors looked ok, but how comfortable can they be to constantly walk on? What if you slip & fall? At least wood floors have a little give.
  6. When Flip or Flop first started I was fully prepared to hate Christina and her California-girl good looks. But I actually like this couple and really enjoy the show. And I hate everybody, including many of the useless fools of HGTV (Property Bros. I'm looking at you). As for annoying voices, the woman on Rehab Addict makes my ears bleed. Just cannot stand her!
  7. Oh, I think her Emmy submission episode would have been the flashback to her time in the asylum. That was spectacular work.
  8. I think the loss we are feeling towards these characters is due more to the artistry of the actors and the cinematographer than the skill of the writers. I almost gave up on the show in the 1st season because it was starting to bore me, but EG & RK pulled me back in. MsChipper, I too expected Vanessa's hand to pop up out of the grave, a la Carrie! Also, Lily was a snooze to me from her first scene; altogether too much time wasted on her in the series.
  9. I will certainly think twice before watching anything else from this showrunner. He wasted my time and squandered the talents of these actors with a disappointing final season. So much talking without resolution, so much useless dialog leading nowhere and explaining nothing!
  10. I feel like there should be a guardian ad litem appointed for all the animals involved in the 1st case. Those people aren't fit to be trusted with a cockroach.
  11. Catriona in the Stevenson novel is the granddaughter of Rob Roy, so that might explain her fencing skill. As soon as I heard Mr. Lyle mention Imhotep, bells went off. Surely next season he will be back with The Mummy! Lily, to me, has turned into Aileen Wuornos. It's perfectly understandable that women so horribly abused would strike back so ruthlessly given their lack of choices.
  12. I didn't care about Dodds when he was alive, and it really pisses me off that this character got a big fancy good-bye episode when a long-time fan favorite like Munch basically got a "here's your hat, what's your hurry". Plus Eliot Stabler only got a one sentence mention in passing YEARS after he left. This show has really gone down the toilet.
  13. And let's not forget how wonderful Patti Lupone is too! Loved her ever since seeing her in "Evita" many moons ago. This was one episode I could watch multiple times, and I'm easily bored. Just look at how the mentally ill were treated then, and how women who didn't "behave" could be tossed in one of these hell-holes. Vanessa was lucky to have a caring orderly; I'm sure he was a rare exception.
  14. I think you're confusing her with that businessman's wife, whose coloring was very similar. She showed up at his very important meeting with a black eye and bruises, and her head held high.
  15. The most shocking thing to me in that article was the description of HGTV as "a cable channel devoted to all things home and garden". Ha! Maybe once upon a time, but no more!
  16. Even without the electro-phobia, Chuck should be committed because of his to-the-death obsession with his brother. He'll never let it go. And no one is going to cheer him if he succeeds, they'll just shake their heads and be thankful he isn't related to them.
  17. I hope you're happy now Chuck, you son of a bitch!
  18. If there were to be some kind of lawsuit with regards to the Mesa Verde thing, I have to believe the question of Chuck's competency would arise. He can't bully his way out of every situation. And I can't blame Jimmy for Chuck's accident in the copy shop. Ernesto's supposed to be caring for him, he really should have called for medical assistance when Chuck started showing the strain. It was Chuck's enormous ego and inability to just let things go that got him hurt. And if Kim didn't want to be with Jimmy, she wouldn't. Free will, and all that.
  19. Wendy's story is the only one I'd be interested in for another season; the 2 male leads are just going to be doing more of the same old boring macho games. It's extremely disheartening to me that in 2016, what goes on between consenting adults in the bedroom can still be used for blackmail by people who are engaged in actual criminal activities.
  20. auntjess, thanks for the heads-up about Property Ladder! Discovery Family is not a channel I usually check, so I'd never have known it was on. I,too, miss Buy Me. Gone too soon.
  21. I don't know how the designers are supposed to figure out what to make for these challenges, when whoever creates the challenges has no idea what they're doing. They just throw out a couple of catchphrases and expect miracles. And by catchphrases I mean a couple of random words strung together without regard for logic. Most of the outfits looked like entries for a Futuristic Sci-Fi challenge, not remotely Baroque.
  22. smlait, you could try looking in the Genre Talk forum under House Flipping Shows. The people there seem to be watching stuff besides the usual HGTV.
  23. ElectricBoogaloo said: It only takes one time to get pregnant and the activity that accomplishes it has very little to do with orgasm for many women. Plus, she's only 15; plenty of time left for the Big O. You NEVER put human feces in the compost pile!!
  24. Just finished watching the new episode in Santa Ana, and thought the house looked over-staged at the showing. There were too many knick-knacks everywhere, too many patterns, just too much stuff. Obviously it didn't put off buyers because the place did sell, but if my livelihood depended on presenting a flip at its best I wouldn't be hiring those stagers again. It looked more like a retail store than a home.
  25. I'm sure the writers & producers of this show think it's High Art, but I disagree. They threw together too many story lines and did a poor job of sorting things out while wasting time on unnecessary dancing & poetry. I don't need for everything to be tied up neatly, it wasn't last year but things seemed to flow better. In spite of excellent actors this season plodded along much of the time and then felt rushed at the end. And I didn't believe some of the plot contrivances, like the detective friend of Kevin's parents taking the fall.
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