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Everything posted by coppersin

  1. This. I have zero interest in a baby storyline of any sort. Especially now that we had to go through the whole Sam mess. It does seem to be going that way though. And it confirms my hunch from ep 7 that the boy Cassie was with in the red forest is the Witness. Fingers crossed that there are all sorts of twists in the finale. Cole or his offspring NOT the Witness, Cole and Cassie NOT having a baby (at least not now, sorry you two), the future storyline NOT a pile of corpses. I'm holding out hope that Jennifer will somewhat save the day next week. I felt so badly for her covered in blood and constantly botching her role this week; then giggled when I was telling my boyfriend she had "fortune cookie wisdom" and it turned out to be exactly that. Seems that Jennifer's scenes always do that to me: I get to enjoy the dark humor while my heart is breaking for her. Given enough time, I can see Cole getting to a very low place emotionally. But logically I don't see him ever considering the red forest as an option, because he seems to have a very clear idea of just how bad that would be for everyone. Unless the time travel really starts to scramble his mind, I don't think Cole would ever see the red forest as better than whatever happens to him/Cassie/their hypothetical spawn. I think I'm just going to enjoy seven days of denial, pretending that everyone in 2044 is revived and no one in 1959 is knocked up with an evil snowflake baby, and accept that my denial will be dashed within the first 10 minutes of the finale. Bright side: Madeleine Stowe! Finally!
  2. Totally worth it for Ramse telling him to get over it. When I rewatch this season, I'm probably gonna imagine Ramse saying that to a few characters (including himself).
  3. Hurray! To paraphrase Jennifer, "Faith in Syfy restored. Faith in the target demographic, not so much." (Because, really, how are more people not watching this?) Easier to enjoy the next two episodes this way, the only trepidation is the inevitable cliffhanger(s) of the season finale.
  4. Ohmygod, this show. Just. This show. It pulled all my heartstrings, which was a little unexpected since the first 15-20 minutes were me getting fed up with half the characters. It would've been worth it just for the lovely and heartbreaking scene of Jennifer 1 and Jennifer 2 meeting and parting. Hearing Jennifer tell her younger self that she loved her was beautiful, and their twin snorts added unexpected cuteness, and then younger Jennifer walks away with shaky nerves but also with focus and purpose. The show was immediately an A+ just for that. But then, we see Jones take her last stand. Watch the strangely beautiful disintegration of the facility. Get Cassie smiling and reuniting with Cole. And I've meant to mention this with previous episodes, but the music is aces. Whoever composes their instrumental pieces deserves a round of applause for always highlighting the emotion of the scene without being melodramatic. Also, Ramse needs to die. I'm not being pissy (despite how annoying he has been), I just don't see where his character goes other than dying. He worked with the bad guys for years because of his son, had that son tell him point-blank that it was wrong, and then continued to make more awful choices. He seems fully aware of who he was become. I don't see him getting redeemed or snapping out of it like Cassie; I think that what we see is the only Ramse we'll ever get, and his usefulness on the show is done once we get the big showdown at Titan. On a lighter note, I had some retroactive giggles when Deacon was sliced. Older Jennifer hadn't liked what she saw yet, so either she likes who Deacon becomes next (possible) or likes that he's scarred as payback for shooting her (more likely). Have I mentioned that I love this show. Because I really, really do. Guys, we are so screwed if Syfy doesn't renew...
  5. I tend to keep my tech minimal but this sounds cool: 12 Monkeys is now available as a VR viewing environment.
  6. Demore Barnes is joining American Gods.
  7. It's interesting that Pallid Man had the Witness' time map scanned and being analyzed. Looked like maybe he's trying to figure out what's on the missing section? Curious why it's gone, and why the Witness didn't choose to tell him that missing info. Question: Do we know if Jennifer can somehow sense the Witness? When Cole disappeared and then immediately reappeared at her door, I wondered if it was possibly the Witness incognito again. Glad to see them back in the hotel room - IIRC, we haven't gotten an explanation for one of the room's artifacts yet: the microscope in the bedroom. I'm hoping we'll get more of Cassie using her medical knowledge eventually, somewhere in time. Keeper scenes were good, and I'll like them even more if Cassie and Ramse actually heed his warning and work their shit out. Couple of amusing bits: the old printer, and the light ping from the lie detector - Cassie and Ramse confess something awful, and there's an upbeat response from the machine. Probably from Amazon.com, literally. It's one of the headquarters he said he walked right into after things got bad. He probably took their entire catalog of music along with all their ebooks. Would be cool if he was the one broadcasting music in the earlier episode, though he seems more like a hoarder than a giver. I think it's a combo of Sam's disappearance and possible (but probably not) death, Aaron's death, and being thrown into the red forest and the Witness' head. And mostly (in my opinion), she's a mess because she's in the future. Before she was using her skills to fight the plague and working with Cole to save the world, and helped him on a personal level; now, she's in a time and place she didn't want to be, she was separated from the only familiar face for months, and her contribution now involves missions that often include shooting people. Last week in the time loop, she referred to saving the world as Cole's purpose, and shrugged off life in 2015 because she would've only had a few years left. Cassie is lost, and while I don't think she has a death wish like Ramse said, I don't think she really cares about avoiding death either. He pointed them directly to the '70s serial killer Primary too, when they were still trying to narrow it down. I'm on the fence: is he manipulating them for his own benefit, or is he so sold on the 12 Monkeys' "inevitable" success that he can afford to taunt the good guys by stringing them along? I had been thinking it was part of the Witness' big picture, but now I'm betting on hubris. We're seeing this with Olivia too: he thinks he has the upper hand with her and is treating her badly, but I suspect she'll be striking back very soon. One of the best things about this show is the writers/showrunners, who seem to have a very clear idea of the story they want to tell and where all the pieces of the puzzle go because of that. Even though 99% of my theories are probably wrong, it's still fun trying to pick up small details and compare info to previous episodes because I don't feel like I'm wasting my time. Nothing about this show seems careless, and I love it.
  8. Rewatching the episode and I noticed something: When Cassie is pulling Sam down the corridor and she's seeing it as the red forest, it's not Sam (or at least not as he's dressed now) but a little kid in a suit. Maybe confirmation of the Witness' age when he was living in the creepy house in '57-'59?
  9. Dammit, Cassie. You clearly wanna kiss the man, so do it already. Poor Cole. Honestly, he'd probably settle for just a nice long hug. Hell, I'd settle for them hugging. I know it's only season 2, but we don't know how long this series will last. At least if they're together before this season's inevitable cliffhanger and the show is cancelled, I can lie to myself: "Obviously, they all lived happily ever after." It was so so good to see Cassie go back to her medical roots, noticing the discrepancies with Hanna's illness and then saving her. She seemed vitalized by it as well, so I think I was hoping for a slightly more uplifting moment between her and Cole. Them holding hands during the execution got me a little verklempt, though. Also, I feel that if your job results in repetitive blood loss and vomiting, your employer owes you a splinter to the Bahamas for a long weekend. Thank you!! I knew I recognized her, but I couldn't remember where.
  10. As someone that has zero interest in Sam beyond his use as a plot point, I really hope he isn't the Witness. When that plague mask finally comes off, my reaction shouldn't be "meh" or "ugh, you again." Despite already having an adult offspring pop up, I'm still hanging onto my theory/hope that Sam shows up all grown up and evil because he was raised by the Witness or one of his followers. They'll probably have Ramse have to kill his own son for Maximum Dramatic Effect!, but Kirk Acevedo would rock those scenes.
  11. She actually says, "We have to go monkey hunting." Though given the Supernatural-esque black eyes, a demon mention would've been appropriate. Jennifer: You don't believe in ghosts, do you? Cassie: I don't. Jennifer: You gotta open your mind, doc, before someone opens it for you.
  12. "You've still got plenty of fight left. Take yours to the future. I'll take mine to the streets. -J.G." I love the creepy factor of this show, like the Witness' outfit and the house in the red forest, so the black eyes work for me. And next week, more Witness! And the entire team in one location! I'm loving each episode more than the last, so please, please, Syfy, give us a renewal.
  13. That website was so counter-productive for me because 1) it reminded me of Disney rides, where I got distracted with trying to see the mechanism of everything and completely ignored what was on the screen in front of me and 2) I want to see the presumably fake movie they're showing in the effects videos. Who is that woman with butterflies for hair, and why is she so angry? Also, two hours of 4D seems excessive. Is it constant, or just during important scenes?
  14. The headline was something like "Night of Terror, Morning of Grief." Ugh, if this is true, it takes away one of the few positives I had with this movie: Superman's death being useful. Someone making a Big Hero Sacrifice seemed inevitable, and I knew it would probably be Superman who I also knew probably wouldn't stay dead. So why bother? Because it gives them a smooth way to get rid of the Clark Kent angle. In a world with internet and facial recognition and high-def everything, it's a little much to believe that no one would look past the glasses because Cavill is a pretty pretty man, and people are bound to stare. I actually didn't mind Eisenberg's portrayal because it seemed clear from the start that he was a bit "off" and it just kept building. Then he mentioned "him" at the end and wondered if his wackadoo behavior was Darkseid's influence all along. There were several times in the movie, with him and with others, that clearly felt to me like hints of future storylines, except that it was such a muddled mess that it wasn't clear what we should be curious about and what was just the film being badly done. It's like they want us to have all these reasons to be eager for Justice League, and most of those reasons got lost in the incoherency of the movie. Was Bruce dreaming, or was that really a glimpse of a possible future? What was Flash really trying to warn him about? Lex: WTF?
  15. As someone who hasn't seen the movie yet but might, I'm curious - is the movie actually about her figuring out that it's option C? The idea of "it's bad outside and bad in here too" is obvious in the trailer, so I thought her realizing it's option C would just be how they begin the movie.
  16. My vote is trailer-dub. It's basically him breaking the fourth wall to greet the audience. And I'm fine with him not cracking a joke - ending the trailer on a lighter note was a nice touch, but too much humor would go against the theme they were establishing.
  17. It's the final season. It's also (I think) only 10 episodes, so the completist in me is going to stick it out to the end.
  18. If the movie lives up to these very satisfying trailers, as soon as the credits roll I'm gonna want more of every single character ASAP (possibly even Deadshot, even though I'm not thrilled with Will Smith in the role). We should start taking bets on what song DC decides to use for the next trailer, 'cause the first two were aces.
  19. I wondered if they would somehow fit Batman into the poster despite having (I think) very little screentime. Making his insignia part of Joker's face is a clever way to do it, since Joker's fixation on Batman is a defining part of him, without letting unspoiled people think that they're getting Batman in the movie. I'm so psyched for this movie. The look, the attitude, the chance to experience villains with an actual personality! I'm reaching comic-movie-burnout, and knowing the deluge of releases to come in the next few years isn't helping, but Suicide Squad and Captain America are still my two biggest must-sees of the 2016.
  20. Not quite. This movie takes place about 30 years after RotJ - Luke hasn't been missing that long. Some info is implied and some is said outright (and I think the tie-in novel had slightly more detail?) but basically: -Luke restarts the Jedi Order -Luke begins teaching Ben -Ben goes dark and destroys or helps to destroy Luke's foundation -Luke becomes a hermit That third point is where we need more info, IMO. At the very least, how old was Ben when he went dark, and how long had Snoke been influencing him? I'm all for Ren going on a villain's journey for the next 2 movies and never being redeemed - I'm actually fine with his story either way, so long as it's well-written - but if they're going for redemption, I'll bet that we get some interesting reveals about when everyone at the Jedi Order was killed. Most of what we know now comes from Han and Leia, who may not have the whole story.
  21. Han and Leia didn't give away Ren, they sent him to train with Luke. I hope they flesh out Ren's youth and how he was indoctrinated, but it may be left at "bad guys lured him to the Dark Side." The part that didn't seem "wrong" necessarily but just a bit "and you allowed it, seriously?" was Leia saying that Snoke was giving her bad vibes. Nevermind the generic instinct to protect your kid from some hovering weirdo - 1) Leia's been through enough crap to know that good things can go bad, so maybe protect your force-sensitive son from the possible temptations of the dark side and 2) understand that your son is a descendant of Vader, which would be very tempting to bad people, for either his potential power or just the symbolism of his lineage. And yes, he was offering to train Rey at the end, which is hilarious considering he's still training and clearly doesn't have the patience to be a mentor. I'm with you about wanting more backstory. Honestly, I'd be fine with several exposition dumps if it means we get all the juicy info in the second installment and don't have to keep wondering about where everyone comes from until the third. Although Finn's my lowest priority re: history, since it's nice to have someone who's story is all about the present and building a new life for himself. Being a Solo/Skywalker comes with some serious baggage. It's sad, but maybe his story is as simple as he was kidnapped and will never be able to find his birth family. Not everyone gets closure or second chances.
  22. As someone that has only seen the movies (and most of those when I was a kid), I'm curious: has any character (including the EU) been on the Dark Side and then come over permanently to the Light? I'm not counting Vader because he died so soon after saving Luke that his change wasn't really time-tested. I enjoy the SW movies but I've never been a hardcore fan. But when my friends who are start talking about Kylo's possible redemption, it's 99% because of his parentage and making things right for their sake. No one seems interested in seeing someone make the full journey to the Dark Side and then working their way back out again. It's sad and unexpected that Han and Leia would lose their kid like this but as a casual viewer I'm not particularly invested in their lineage beyond going, "Oh, good twist." For me, Kylo's story is mostly about Kylo, and wondering whether the tantrum-throwing creep from the first movie will have evolved into the ultimate baddie by the third, or go dark only to find his way back.
  23. My dream setting is New England - it could have such a different look and attitude than previous seasons, and I think it would be a nice palette cleanser after the glam of Hotel and wtf-ery of Freak Show. A Maine fishing village could be spooky, or if Ryan Murphy has his heart set on something posh, go a little south to Newport for the Gilded Age. I don't mind the flashbacks to other eras, but something much more streamlined could add suspense if everything was clearly connected from the beginning. If, for example, someone in the present is trying to solve an old family murder, we could watch the victim's storyline throughout the season, knowing he/she would die and trying to solve the murder before we see if happen. Having different decades share the same focus would be much more engaging than just using flashbacks to tell backstory - Murder House, IMO, did the best job of fleshing out many characters and backstories while still keeping focused on the main storyline, so we at least know Murphy is capable of it. I've heard the Western rumors too. No idea if it's true, but if so, I vote for a fort. We could have diverse groups of people (military, traders, pioneers, etc) and a location that could be isolated and claustrophobic once everything inevitably goes to hell. And cannibalism is a given. (They should use Ravenous as source material.)
  24. Kudos to the show to committing 100% to a telepathic gorilla - and then giving him an ongoing storyline instead of making him a one-off villain. I'll admit, I was a bit gutted by the poor guy - bad cgi aside, some of his facial expressions were so sad to see; his reaction to Wells is basically "you're not nearly shitty enough to be my father"; and reaching out to Caitlin right before the vortex finished sucking him in? Heart. Was. Aching. I struggle with Iris, because I like Candice Patton but find the character extraneous. I see the issues that others point out re: her storyline, her place in her family, the role of women on the show, etc. but I feel like if she wasn't in the comics, she isn't someone the showrunners would've chosen to add to the cast. And I tend to have an inverse reaction to "destined" couples so it's like I'm just watching her hang out until her role as his girlfriend finally comes around. Also, I see zero chemistry between her and Barry and find the idea of them dating creepy when the show has done such a great job of establishing her and Joe has Barry's adoptive family - and this is coming from someone that has shipped actual brothers and sisters on other shows. I still think that alt-Henry is Zoom and that's why we're seeing Barry's dad again, but even if they brought him back because Barry needed him, then that's a nice bit of realism that most shows don't bother with - I wouldn't have been surprised if they had one throwaway line about calling Henry to reassure him or didn't bother mentioning him at all. That was a nice creepy moment - and poor Barry's angry reaction was well done (angry Barry is much more engrossing than mopey Barry). And then the intensity was completely counteracted by Harry removing his hood to reveal some truly adorable bedhead. Admittedly I'm a sucker for Tom Cavanagh and tend to love villains in general, but I'm pretty sure my reaction to that scene wasn't supposed to be, "Awwwww." I don't mind Patty like I thought I would, but since I'm pretty sure she exists just to die tragically at some point, it's hard to be invested in anything she does. But hey, if it gives Joe a personal life, then I'm game. As for Caitlin and Wells, I actually thought I saw a bit of chemistry at the end, but I'm not sure how that would jive with CW's target demographics - and I'm convinced that the cardboard cutout Caitlin calls a husband will eventually reappear on Earth 2.
  25. No one else is commenting on this, so I'm probably just missing something, but I thought HRG assumed Phoebe was the problem but actually the problem was that Tommy had already lost his teleportation power? He touched Luke in the ice cream parlor (skin-to-skin contact, I checked) when he was redirecting the flames. So shouldn't he have Luke's power now instead of Hiro's? Except I can't see the writers giving up such a useful power as teleportation/time travel. (I'm also wondering if this was the writers' loophole in case of future seasons. Once Tommy "stole" a new power, what if the old power was somehow returned to its owner? Baby Tommy took Hiro's power quickly, so Claire's corpse could've healed; and we never saw Hiro die, so he may have survived and just now gotten his powers back.) Miko and Carlos aren't bugging me now that they're more interesting and the plot is moving along. If they needed to include them, the writers could've shaved a few eps from the beginning and still given us what we have now - Miko somehow showing us where the future leads, and Carlos introducing us to Parkman's job and Micah's jail. I don't even mind Carlos not having powers, since he's on the side of Evos - it's like the hate crimes and the murder spouses, it would've been interesting to see the bigger world of Heroes in the hands of better writers. If Mohinder is alive, I doubt we'll know before January. How frustrating. What's also frustrating is that they'll probably leave the fall finale with either a) a cliffhanger that no one cares about or b) the death of yet another original recipe character.
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