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Everything posted by coppersin

  1. I haven't seen the ep yet (I'm in the US), but I'm assuming you mean Paige is being chem-tested with Nick, not his father?
  2. I've never noticed it before (I'm usually oblivious to details like that), so I choose to believe Dornan was inwardly wincing so much at the dialogue, that he couldn't hold it all in.
  3. Does season 4 reach some sort of syndication goal? Otherwise, I'm wondering if renewing the show months before season 3 airs is to give showrunners enough time to plan a final season.
  4. I haven't read Twilight or 50 Shades. I've seen a couple of the Twilight movies and read several hilarious recaps of 50 Shades (all, I suspect, much better written than the source material). What surprised me was how many recaps/reviews quickly say something like, "Wow, they weren't kidding. You can see the Twilight all over this." So I'm curious: Is book!Edward as awful as Christian? Because in the Twilight movies he was a bit of a creeper and melodramatic ("I just CAN'T STAY AWAY FROM YOU!"), but for the most part I could shrug it off as generic schoolgirl fantasy. Edward is overprotective and hyper-focused; a teen can look at that and see truest love and devotion (until they actually get a guy like that, and have to work for months to get rid of him... Ah, high school memories...). Christian, however, is a straight-up stalker and seems to constantly wave the red flags of abuse. Is Edward that bad in the books? Is that the comparison people are making? Or is it just the damaged-boy-meets-girl-and-SPARKS! storylines that people are comparing?
  5. The Kevin/Patrick storyline is well-done, but it needs to wrap up already. I've helped a few friends through the same issue in real life; going through it every week on this show is just becoming draining. ElectricBoogaloo is referring to Fiona Gallagher on Shameless.
  6. The casting for this show is very well done - not only do all the characters work for me, but they interact so naturally. I never feel like they're talking/snarking/fighting just because it's in the script. So kudos for that. Even though the future scenes aren't always gripping, the characters keep me interested. And I choose to believe that dog survived, and is happily wandering the halls of the compound. Pets are great for morale! A few bits like the General Tso scene are fine, but I have limited patience for "fish out of water" scenarios - too many shows/movies over the years with time travel and aliens, I guess. And for this show, I don't really think it's necessary, because 1) Cole probably remembers a little of how things used to be and 2) he's focused on his mission - not a lot of downtime to be in awe of television and air conditioning. I can't decide with Jones - I agree that she looks like Cassie, but is it coincidence, a hint, or just the showrunners knowing that viewers will see time travel everywhere and messing with us? Having her come from further in the future would be an interesting twist We have the Night Room by episode 5! More action hijinks with Cole and Cassie, which makes me happy, and we're moving at a faster clip than I anticpated, which makes me even happier. I'm interested to see where we are by season 2 (please let there be a second season, please let there be a second season...).
  7. Ep. 4: Atari - it's the last post. Not a blow-by-blow recap, but I think Just Here summed things up well. The relationship between Cole and Cassie is a highlight of the show, and I like that they have to rely on each other for so much. It gives them support they won't get anywhere else. No one believes Cassie; not even Ramse can really get what Cole is going through. And I'm guessing at some point the writers will use that by forcing them to choose between each other and the bigger picture (probably at gunpoint). I'll need to see more of the West 7 (is that right?) before I can decide. I know we need more storylines to maintain the show for several seasons, I'm just not sure this is what I wanted.
  8. Here's the Season 2 trailer. I've never loved the writing or some of the acting on this show, but I'm interested to see how the new season goes. Honestly, I can be very shallow, so the potential for naked Clay or Nick will get me through a few episodes at least. Well, that and shutting my brain off during the show. I'm still trying to accept that Elena, the awesomest tracker, couldn't smell her ex-boyfriend's decapitated and presumably bloody head from ten feet away.
  9. It was available for some people - Just Here posted a nice episode summary in Ep. 4. Back to his own time. Poor Cassie. I wasn't thrilled with her telling people the truth after she met Cole, but I get it. She was genuinely thrown by supposedly impossible events - the watch, Cole blipping out of existence. The show has done of good job of following this up, with her struggling to deal with their possible future before Cole came back to prove she wasn't crazy. Facing the end of the human race could be frightening/shocking for anyone, and in her line of work she would know better than the most the gory details of a pandemic. I'm curious about Pale Man/Florist/we really need one name for the guy... I mean, he seems a bit "off," but when Cole cut him, he just looked stunned and ran off instead of fighting. Surely he's had victims fight back before?
  10. I couldn't find a promo either, just a couple of sneak peeks. ...And while I was hoping that Hatake would have a more productive role this season than resident whackadoo, I love his little smile while holding the novelty mugs. Given the serious/action-oriented roles he normally gets, I bet Hiroyuki Sanada is having a lot of fun on this show.
  11. I agree it's unnecessary. I expected them to drop it after winter hiatus because 1) it doesn't really add anything, 2) the audience knows who Barry is by now or can catch on easily enough and 3) he isn't the fastest man alive anymore/yet, we have Reverse Flash for that. You'd think CW would want to use that 30 seconds for an extra commercial.
  12. When this show first started, I was expecting minimal enthusiasm at best. Now, every episode is better than the last and I'm already feeling worried/sad over the fates of characters by episode 4! Was this episode made available early as well? I'm dying to hear what people thought of it.
  13. Wells is my favorite, so anything that focuses on him gets my full attention and a big smile. Joe's my second favorite and gets the same reaction. So I'm constantly worried about which of them will die first. (Which is a shame, really, because I think they both bring some much-needed maturity to the cast. And excellent acting skills.) Didn't know that pulling bloody wire from one's ear hit my squick button, but I do now. So thanks for that, show.
  14. Put off watching this ep because I was dreading the BC reveal (which wasn't as bad as I was expecting, but made me roll my eyes). Glad I finally sucked it up and watched because wow, Diggle is perfection. Ramsey was the MVP in every scene and seeing him in that suit made me squeal like a teenager. Question though: why the hell is every baddie so obsessed with taking down/taking over the Glades? It's nearly as baffling as why every resident hasn't bailed from the Glades by now...
  15. If Jones is really futureCassie, I can see her faking her accent so he won't mention her to herself in the past... or something... timey-wiimey whatever. What I can't understand is why pretend she doesn't know what the corrupted message from pastCassie is - she seems genuine about wanting to fix things. Jones is played by Barbara Sukowa, and that's probably her natural German accent. Whether there's actually a link between Jones and Cassie, I'm not sure yet. But I do believe the show is at least trying to have us think that way. They certainly look alike, and have the brains to handle everything that's happening. And -a small, probably insignificant detail- but I noticed that Jones and Cassie had matching lipstick both episodes, red in the pilot and pink this week. It stood out to me because where is someone going to find quality beauty products at the end of the world, and why bother with lipstick at all when you're busy trying to mend an apocalypse? Humor highlights: North Korea, and Goines calling Cole an otter. And whoever compared Goines to Ally Sheedy is right on - and now I very much need to see her playing futureGoines. I love when Ally Sheedy gets to play crazy; even her hair commits to the role (as did the current actress').
  16. She's in this preview at 1:20, rising out of the water at (I'm guessing) Victor's lab.
  17. It has to be Cassie's watch because past!Cassie wouldn't recognize Leland's watch, she recognized the one Cole scratched as being like the one her father gave her, that she always wears. And the blast may have damaged the watch, but it will have to be repaired anyhow because it can't be scratched when Cole takes it back to meet Casie the first time. As for Cassie no longer being a doctor/not joining the CDC, that could sort itself out once the government realizes the threat is real and Cassie isn't actually crazy. Like others, I'm not sure how sustainable this show is. So long as we have a proper ending, I'm okay with 3-4 seasons of quality over 5-6 of drawn-out nonsense. My current guess is that Season 1 will cover plot points of the movie, but adjusting the past won't fix the bigger problems - Cole will do whatever is needed to stop the plague except (cliffhanger!) he doesn't go poof because the 12 Monkeys have a plan B.
  18. Our first teasers for Season 3. ....Y'know, the Season 2 trailer had shirtless Riario. I really feel they should maintain that standard.
  19. We have a season 2 teaser. Doesn't really give us any new details, but it's so nice to see the cast again.
  20. Minnesota Public Radio lists their top 10 television scores for the year, and Hannibal is rightfully at #1. I always do a little happy dance when I happen upon a Hannibal mention, not just because I love the show but because you never know what will persuade new viewers to tune in. Me, I fell in love with the show during season 2 after randomly clicking on a gorgeous Hannibal fanvid.
  21. Yes, the new season starts in 2015. Here's an article and video with mild spoilers re: season 3.
  22. Not much seemed to happen this episode; we had some progress, but by episode 4 I was hoping for more. Even if it's a long season, this is still the final season and I want the writers to go full steam ahead. Instead, the only real tension I'm feeling is re: Duke's hair. Off with the hat! I wanna see what the haircut looks like! There were a few highlights. Mara continues to be delightful with her sneers and snark. Dwight was front and center. And Nathan's deadpan of "delicious taco" was probably my favorite line. It was also a part of the short-lived Freakylinks and (I believe) namedropped on X-Files at some point. The genre-lover in me always does a happy dance when Croatoan gets mentioned somewhere - fun stuff usually follows. Maybe we'll get a Virginia Dare cameo? Perhaps as the first troubled person? ...I can't remember if we know how long the Troubles have been around.
  23. *raises hand* I'd goes because of the troubles - at least vacation isn't dull there. I can't be the only tourist with a lack of self-preservation. Since Dave was remembering from the p.o.v. of the terrifying thing, I'm thinking he's either psychically linked to it, or it's him. Maybe spending time near the portal brought out something latent in him. I don't mind Nathan/Audrey, but his True Love schtick has worn out its welcome. It's making me miss William and his cheery evilness even more. I know Colin Ferguson is busy on Vampire Diaries this fall, but we need at least a few non-flashback episodes of William and Mara raising hell. Poor Duke. And Dwight, with the bullets and the tasering and the putting up with Nathan's nonsense.
  24. I'm amused by how often people bring up the hot pants as a fail, because I had the opposite reaction: "Awesome, short-shorts!" Because, 1) Emilie's legs are gorgeous and 2) these are fairy tale characters, so their outfits are supposed to be a little bit bonkers. If you can't get away with this stuff on OUaT, then when? I love Blue's jellyfish dress and Snow's wedding dress too.
  25. I don't think I'll ever love this show, but it's infinitely better when I ignore angel-free scenes. Then it's all leather-clad protective brother Gabriel and "Gosh, Tom Wisdom is gorgeous." Does anyone remember if the diner was still standing at the end of Legion? When MIchael said they were making a stop, I was really hoping that was it.
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