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Everything posted by coppersin

  1. Here's a family tree. Scroll to the bottom for Dany and co. Edit: Yikes, sorry to anyone I spoiled. So used to using the spoiler threads, I completely blanked. Sorry! Mod Note: This family tree includes characters from the books not mentioned on the show. Click at your own risk.
  2. Lazy person that I am, I just copied and pasted "Hooker Queens" to search AO3. Turns out the "s" makes a very significant difference in the search results. *squirms*
  3. Question: What exactly are Lieutenant Duckling stories? Seems like they're all over AO3. I can't decide if they're AUs of Killian still in the royal navy, or if they're just pre-Liam's death stories. That was fun. And reinforces my belief that the locals keep a wary eye on the royals so they'll know when to activate the phone tree.
  4. New trailer. No Eric yet, but it's nice to see the rest of the gang.
  5. As a rule, I only like Bill around other people (especially Jessica). And Sookie bugs me 99% of the time. And yet, I'm rooting for those two to end up together. *shrug* I think it's mainly nostalgia - nothing on this show is as good as it used to be, so thinking back to season 1 when they were getting to know each other and everything was simpler, makes me smile. I absolutely get why everyone else is hoping they stay apart, though.
  6. I like the idea that his knowledge comes from sending his eyes out in the shape of ravens, but if the gods truly speak to him then he may not need to. Odin used two ravens to spy on the world every day and report events to him. (Hence Athelstan's look when a raven appeared at his broken window.) Athelstan has had such a journey in these two seasons. It'll be interesting to see where he settles by the end of the series (if he survives). In England he is intellectually stimulated but I'm not sure if it's enough. Poor guy.
  7. So either Neal isn't a monkey or Rumple doesn't know he's a monkey, right? Otherwise he wouldn't let Charming hurt it like that.
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