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Everything posted by coppersin

  1. I'm curious about Michael's actual age. He's only 7 or 8, right? So when did he age and how quickly? It adds an interesting layer to his personality and motives because even if his mind and body are fully developed, he has less than a decade of actual life experience. IIRC Cordelia went public at the end of Coven. There was a long line of girls outside the house and Kyle was showing some new students to their room. (This is also why the boys' school is now underground, because of people's reactions to her going public.) So it makes sense that boys with powers would start coming out of the woodwork as well. I suppose you could also fanwank that witches and warlocks would also start sprouting up as a natural response to Michael's birth. In Coven the girls started developing multiple powers and Cordelia (or maybe Myrtle?) mentioned that during times of need their powers would increase. So maybe the birth of the antichrist woke up a bunch of latent powers to combat him?
  2. Queenie's little wave during the shit just got real scene was cute. The little we got of the Langdon-Meade found family was nice. So naturally I'm awaiting the reveal that one of them betrayed the other. Pre-amnesia Mallory seemed to have more life to her. Hopefully that continues, though I hope they're not foreshadowing her as the next Supreme 'cause I really doubt she can fill Cordelia's shoes. Also: Cheyenne Jackson. Yum.
  3. I don't get a Constance vibe from Meade and I really hope I'm right, because Michael said Meade was a replica of the only person that loved him and I just don't think he'd have a great relationship with his grandmother. Once he was old enough to understand her, I suspect he would share his father's disdain for her. In fact I'm betting he killed her at a young age just like he did the babysitter. If it's actually Halloween then that explains how two deceased witches are walking around, but I'm hoping that Venable was lying and Cordelia resurrected her people because I very much want another Halloween episode set at the murder house. Still loving Cody Fern has Michael.
  4. I really want everyone to live just long enough to pack up their corsets and candelabras and get to the sanctuary, only to see all the other survivors dressed in yoga pants and hoodies. Maybe Michael wandering around in a pair of Uggs.
  5. Timothy and Emily need to get evil or get dead; those two are dull as dishwater to me. As for the rest of the bunker crew, I think they're actually enjoyable (some more than others) but there's no one I need to survive yet. Honestly I'm probably rooting for Michael most because he's the most entertaining. I 100% expect this to change once the previous seasons come into play, though.
  6. So far, no. You'll get more out of the story if you know the background of certain characters but you will probably be okay treating this entire season like a standalone. I suspect they'll reference or give flashbacks for at least some of the old storylines to help viewers along. If you do decide to watch previous seasons, AFAIK you'll only need to watch Season 1 (Murder House) and Season 3 (Coven).
  7. Yay, it's official: October 19th. It has been such a long wait!
  8. It would help if they at least gave us an image that doesn't look exactly like the one second we saw of her in the trailer. Meanwhile we're, what, six weeks from the premiere? And they're giving us basic promo pics that show us nothing new. Didn't this show begin filming months ago? Some episodes stills or a new trailer would've been nice. They're launching a brand new streaming service and this will be their first original live series, so I keep expecting more effort. For me, I'm still waiting for a reason to start a subscription immediately rather than wait until all 12 eps are released so I can bingewatch.
  9. We're getting eight episodes this season. Agree that last season was too short - it felt more like a prologue than a season 1.
  10. Trump was elected on Nov 8th, it's probably a reference to that.
  11. I suspect the writers sent Claire to Havana for the same reason Bobby went to California as an organ donor: to take away Luke's moral compass. Maybe he would've ended up in the same place, but I don't think it would've happened as easily with either of them around to keep him grounded. IIRC his dad has left NY too because he asked Luke to come with him. By the end of the series, Luke had lost most of his support system.
  12. I'm fine with the Mariah/Shades relationship as a concept but the execution feels lacking. I liked both characters separately last season so I can't decide if it's the actors' chemistry falling short, or if one of them is playing the other and I'm supposed to find the relationship a little off.
  13. FUCK YES, AND THANK YOU TERRY MATALAS. Normally I go for the darker endings but wow did that hit all the right spots! This show is gonna be awesome as a binge rewatch. I don't think they were married. They were getting there - I think engaged or he was planning to propose before Cole popped up the first time and Cassie's life kinda fell apart? - but not married.
  14. So, finally seeing Hannah as Cole's mother reminded me that last season I thought Constance may be his mother. Constance was the woman in the portrait in the 80s heist and randomly appeared at the plague ball when they were hunting Athan. Did we find out who she is and I just forgot, or is that still unresolved?
  15. Ye Olde Smackdown was a bright spot in this episode. I'm not convinced that all the weapon build-up was for nothing. Either that was a decoy of some sort or the Seers knew there was a way to undo it. If only because Olivia was so smug when they met in the church that every Primary in time probably felt it and knew to work around it.
  16. I did a double-take at that list, because haggis? But it's haggis spice, which actually sounds quite tasty.
  17. I just realized that we didn't get the "Where are you?" voiceover. I know we got it at the beginning of seasons 1 and 2. Did we get it in season 3? I wanna say yes, when Cole was searching for Cassie but I'm not sure. If we get it during the finale, that's at least once I'll be blubbering like a baby. I'm waiting and hoping for this too.
  18. Glad Cassie and Cole are together again. It's the final season, I don't want them working to different ends yet again. Just look at how well they kicked ass side-by-side in the splinter room in ep 1! Cole + Jennifer is delightful, as always. I love the evolution of every relationship on this show. Cole being the Primaries' Chosen One or whatever is probably a big ol' neon sign that he's doomed. And I'm sorta fine with that if it means saving everyone because he would be fine with that, and because I've been bracing myself for a realistic and not-so-happy ending from the start. But that won't stop me from plugging my ears and going "lalala" anytime Olivia or whoever implies doom and gloom, because I love Cole (and everyone else) and can't help wanting something more hopeful. It could be Cole. Thanks to time travel I don't think we can 100% eliminate many people aside from Athan since we (the audience) saw his birth.
  19. This was fine but it didn't feel like a season finale. Maybe a winter hiatus level of twist at most? Like, not much actually happened in the ep and I can't believe they spent an entire season building up to this. It's weird; other shows have filler episodes, we get filler seasons. There were good bits, at least. We get to keep Jack and none of the core group are supposedly on the brink of death. And Lucifer is gone and will stay gone this time, dammit.
  20. A few different wikis list his name as Dru-Zod. I don't think I've ever heard it mentioned on a show/movie, though, so it must be from the comics?
  21. It's 50/50 for me. I love this show so I want it all, and now. But with some space between eps I think discussion will run more smoothly on the boards. Usually when I bingewatch a show I barely browse through the individual episode threads unless there's something I'm really psyched about.
  22. Went a second time and took my mother along, and she was basically Bruce through the whole movie: "Why isn't Steve with them? There's an Antman AND a Spiderman?" And mind you, she's seen the movies. Everyone else was walking out talking comics vs movie and death speculations, and she just wanted to know if Hulka Hulka Burnin' Fudge was real. Ah, to view the MCU through the eyes of a non-obsessive viewer. On a more serious note, my lips got just as trembly the second time around during the mass dusting and I think I finally figured out why. I knew going in the many people would probably "die" and that because of the infinity stones, most of those deaths will be reversed. Pretty much every scifi series ever has done an "everyone dies" or similar alt-timeline storyline and usually reversed it by the end of the episode, so I was expecting to be completely immune to it. But it wasn't really the dustings that got to me, it was the others' reactions. Each loss felt individual and earned, and it was happening to all of them at once. And that was the kicker for me. Mixing up the cast was fun but it never fully felt like an Avengers movie until our original team, spread across space, were sharing the same loss and fear. And knowing that they would all band together (hopefully in the same location) to fix it.
  23. So I give up on this show and then they double down on Blake Ritson? Well played, Syfy. I'll take a peek next week and see if I like it any better.
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