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Everything posted by coppersin

  1. It'll probably take an eyeroll-worthy plot twist to make it happen, but the robot had better be back in season 2 or I will riot. He was the only one that never annoyed me. And cheesy as it was, my lip trembled a bit at "friend." Seriously, screw physics, just show him holding onto the ship as they fly through the wormhole. Smith, on the other hand, can go. Posey's done a great job with the role but I think I can stand one more season of her, max.
  2. Irene owns Brakebills, right? Our baes got to stay in the house because its ownership was in question (I think because it kept moving?) and then Julia reinstated the wards so Irene couldn't find Brakebills, but it's still hers? So I'm hoping that Fogg realized stopping her and the library wasn't possible at the time and is either hoping to mitigate her damage to the school or is planning to take them down from the inside. First two finales were titled Have You Brought Me Little Cakes and We Have Brought You Little Cakes, so if we keep the ask/answer theme, next year's finale will be We Will Play With You. I'm also choosing to take this as a guarantee that we'll get six seasons so that the fifth and sixth finales have matching titles as well. ;) I really want to believe it's the latter, for Eliot's sake as well as any others that will inevitably get possessed to keep us wondering. But I'm guessing Eliot now has a new reason to drink. Though amnesia would give us the chance for another awesome recap like Ember's or Josh's... "So this is what happened this season, er. while that thing was playing hopscotch with your bodies."
  3. HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO WAIT A YEAR FOR MORE?! (side note: Hale Appleman is gonna rock monster!Eliot)
  4. The show is still very bland for me. Not awful, just kinda there. Take away the Superman aspect and we're left with a typical checklist of characters and an advanced yet oppressive society that has been seen soooo many times on scifi shows. I'll try to stick it out for a few more episodes in hopes of more Brainiac-centric stuff because 1) I'm a sucker for a good villain and 2) I'm a sucker for Blake Ritson.
  5. Family Business. Just finished reading it and really enjoyed every bit of it. It's 159k, the main pairings are Destiel and Sabriel, and even though it's an ensemble I would say it's mostly from Castiel's POV. Castiel and Gabriel are brothers that inherit a haunted estate, and Sam and Dean are the contractors (feat. Bobby and Charlie and others) that renovate the place. The creepy scenes are well done but you kinda get hooked on the rehab of the house as well.
  6. Is it Wanda? I assumed so at first, but I thought I saw a bit of red and gold? Maybe just light reflecting on her hair? Hard to tell on my tiny screen.
  7. I definitely think we're meant to believe the fairies are the housekeepers, presumably against their will. 1) The lights Penny saw were the right height, and there were two lights and two fairies. 2) Dean Fogg said that Irene was calling every day asking about new leads on magic; if the magic trapping the fairies is wearing off, she's probably worried about vengeful fairies getting loose. And 3) the ghost of Lance had spoken the "truth that could bury their family" which I'm betting involves decades of misused magic.
  8. Did you watch a repeat airing of it? I caught it again yesterday morning and it was censored then, presumably because of the time of day.
  9. One of the first trailers we got for this season showed Kady as the warrior and Alice as the torture artist.
  10. I just can't get excited about ScarJo as Black Widow so I'm a little torn about a Black Widow movie. I'll take all the kickass women I can get so I want to be supportive, but we're so spoiled for choice re: comic movies that it'd be nice to feel that way about female-led comic movies as well and I know that I won't get that psyched about a ScarJo-starring film. I do like her as an Avenger, just not enough to watch two hours of her. And while in the comics Black Widow is an awesome character with plenty of background to cover, I like that the movie version doesn't have much background. Characters like her and Fury work better IMO when they're wrapped in mystery.
  11. FUCKING FINALLY!!! I have been so well-behaved about avoiding pics online and the leaked con trailer. This movie is gonna rock my world and probably break my heart, and I'm 100% fine with that. The only reason May doesn't seem impossibly far away is because we have the awesomeness of Black Panther to help get us through. (One small negative note: I'm not sure how I feel about cgi Thanos. I think I would've preferred makeup and prosthetics.)
  12. There's a set of YT videos called Advice for Young Girls, and Ariel's sums it up perfectly: "My best feature is my voice... so I sold it for plastic surgery!"
  13. Agreed, that was the only scene in the entire movie that didn't work for me. When Odin was talking about the end of his life, the scene was so mellow that I thought he had months or maybe a few years left and wanted to spend them peacefully in Norway. Then 30 seconds later he's turning into a puff of sparkles and floating away and I was like, "Oh! Oh, so we're doing this now. Okay. Bye?"
  14. The coloring is different, but he kinda reminds me of Chernabog from Fantasia, especially around the eyes.
  15. Well, the good news is we finally have a season 2 release date in America. The bad news is that it's July, more than a year after it aired in UK. Apparently the rebranding of Cinemax is to blame.
  16. Considering last season's low ratings, I'm reallllly hoping they won't end this season on a cliffhanger. I can just see the final scene being one of our holy trio with an extra eyeball due to forced integration. Grace seems like a sweetheart. I'm probably wrong and she's just luring Andy in, but my bet is on ghost because I think she's an earlier victim of the demon. The promotional posters for this season had the phrase "it has awakened," so presumably this thing was causing problems before, probably long before Andy's wife died. So once upon a time Grace was killed and that's why she's afraid to go outside - because that's where it lives.
  17. The New Mutants Oooh, I wasn't expecting creepy. It certainly sets itself apart from X-Men. Good call releasing this trailer on Friday the 13th.
  18. I think I've simply reached my saturation point when it comes to "the whole world is at risk!" because spoiler: the world isn't gonna end. Occasionally, sure, a fun blockbuster with over-the-top special effects is fine. But there have been so many comic/action movies going this route lately that all the fun is gone, and all that "style" (aka CGI) doesn't mask the complete lack of substance. Independence Day and X-Men: Apocalypse are good examples of this. Avengers, on the other hand, did work, not because there was a chance that the Chitauri and whaliens would succeed, but because we got to hang out with awesome characters for two hours. They should've started out smaller. DC has tons of antagonists that are powerful, creepy, intriguing, scary, etc. Pick one. Any one, and give us a chance to know the team before expecting us to care about a storyline that is probably zero risk and low consequence. I'm sure that fans familiar with the comics are thrilled to see Steppenwolf and the demon insects on the big screen. Those of us that know little or nothing about them aren't getting much hint in the trailers about what makes this storyline unique in any way.
  19. I saw it with friends and we were negotiating the entire drive home, how one of them could come back in the third movie like Harry did in this one. All while carefully skirting around the fact that not everyone could come back from supposed death. It's like Schrodinger's cat - until the next movie comes out and proves me wrong, they're all alive.
  20. It's the 1996 tv version with Kate Beckinsale as Emma. Cast also includes Olivia Williams and Samantha Morton. Definitely worth watching if you like Jane Austen.
  21. Mark Strong is my favorite Mr. Knightley. There, I've said it. I said it the other day to my Austenphile friends and their jaws dropped in tandem. I adore Jeremy Northam's version, and Jonny Lee Miller did well even though I didn't care for the 2009 version. But Mark Strong's was most true to the book, IMO, including a real sense of their age difference, and he still managed to be endearing and romantic.
  22. Same here. The movie itself was fine and fun, while simultaneously ending my interest in more sequels. After reading reviews I lowered my expectations going in and braced myself for the deaths, and that helped, but I just didn't get the happy buzz from this that I did from the original. We've lost too much of the good stuff and the new stuff like married Eggsy doesn't appeal to me. I'll probably be more forgiving once I'm done sulking about Merlin's death, though.
  23. I haven't seen it in years, but I wanna say History Boys. I feel like there are other examples, but that may just be the influence of Cooper's charisma and my habit of seeing the gay in every fictional character.
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