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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. Also, wounds can be sexy (Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer ).
  2. SA is pulling out the acting chops for this scene. Nice to see him use them (I feel like he's been phoning it in this season). I forgot how much I like Tommy/Colin Donnell. Can chicago med let him off to do more episodes, preferably as a less evil Tommy?
  3. Mick needs to officiate their wedding, after they've defeated the nazis from earth X
  4. Mick asleep in the pew while Iris walks down the Aisle. Beautiful!
  5. "I heard you fall out of bed this morning and it sounded like it hurt." Ha!
  6. Hey people, PTV's first rule in our social contract is "Be Civil." I use the cocktail party example: At a cocktail party, if you get into a disagreement about the show, you don't throw a drink on them or besmirch their parentage; you respectfully, politely agree to disagree and move on. Please be mindful of this before you post, otherwise, I will be forced to hand out warnings.
  7. Yikes. He must have one hell of an anger management/aggressive behavior problem. I wonder how he has gotten away with this kind of behavior for the last 30 years, or if this is a problem that has only started relatively recently.
  8. The Rose Beetle Man is in the the book, and it's a lovely, hilarious chapter. I'm hard on the show because I liked the novel so much, but hands down, this was an excellent episode. Bring on season three!
  9. Did Selena Gomez even want to be there? Even her lip-syncing was lackluster (and not very good, frankly).
  10. Hey folks, A general note here: Tom's death (as far as we know) and the show itself can be polarizing. Our number one rule here at PTV is to Be Civil. Be mindful of this when you are posting.
  11. Yes, I wonder what the timeline is on Liane leaving. After Lily's death but before Veronica getting roofied at the party?
  12. Is this the last time we hear Keith say "Who's your Daddy?" I hope so. The last episode felt crowded; I wish they'd had two episodes or something to elaborate on the many plot points (Liane, the note in the pen, etc). The car crash/violence/fight/fire/lack of stunt doubles etc was suspenseful, even knowing how it was going to end. Logan > Duncan in all ways (especially in the acting). Especially because Backup is the kind of dog who clearly knows who the good and bad guys are. Aaron is one of the best villains out there. I have heard icky things about the actor, but Mulhany does a good job playing the smarmy semi-corrupt Sheriff Lamb. Now that I've listened to the podcast, the way Keith handled the whole "sign away your Kane rights before I tell you you're actually a Mars" poorly. .
  13. But it wore off! Or is this one of the many flashbacks within flashbacks we're talking about?
  14. Is the actor who plays Joe (Slade's son) actually Australian? Because his accent seems a little hinky to me.
  15. Glad Adam got the Silver for his long program...I think it's gorgeous. I'm sorry Hanyu is injured, but it was interesting to see how his absence changed the mindset of his other competitors. Otherwise, yawn on Evegnia and Carolina. And good for Mirai for continuing her triple. The pairs and ice dancing were...boring. I like pairs- they are acrobats, but this season I'm not intrigued.
  16. Joe: Slade you are my father Slade: Noooooooooooooo! end Arrow does Empire Strikes Back.
  17. Slade's voice is so dry and raspy, I want to give him a glass of water. I think, just to give myself something to do, I'll ship Slade and Dinah. They can be haunted and in emotional pain together whilst everyone else trips through the Arrow Season Six Flowers.
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