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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. What is the Shibs’ Coldplay trilogy? I know they danced to Fix You and Paradise. What’s the third one? I’m not a fan of Huble/Donahue (pardon if I misspelled). For the Americans, I’m rooting for the Shibs, and for Chock/Bates. I’m also rooting for the French team. I’m over the beautiful Canadian team. If Adam is milking this for all its worth, I get it. In a year or so, many people outside the skating world won’t remember his name. Might as well enjoy the sun while it shines; and it might be a way for him to make some money to pay for all the perfectly sculpted eyebrows. And I can’t imagine his trainer is cheap.
  2. So Nathan won the free skate. Wow. Huge achievement. I don't know why they don't give out medals for that as well. Does he get a certificate or something? CONGRATULATIONS to Hanyu, Shoma, and Javi!
  3. When Hanyu retires, Disney Stock is going to plummet because people won't be buying Winnie the Poohs by bulk anymore. 2 Reds? Not all greens? Yowza. But he'll take the gold (unless Javi has the skate of his life).
  4. Hallelujah need to join the ranks of Moulin Rouge in the overplayed department. (and this comes from someone who loves the song). ETA: Jinx @ChicksDigScars
  5. Three for Three Adam. And dammit, I like how they cut his music.
  6. I wonder what the Night King would skate to...or what he'd do at the Winter Olympics... Wow Alexi, what a great skate. Good for him!!!
  7. Did Johnny just called Terry "Terrence?" Methinks he's channeling Adam now...
  8. Whoever danced to GoT won my heart tonight when I saw that he was dancing with a gold hand. And then I died laughing at all of the awful GoT references in the commentary. "A lannister always pays his debts." Back to skating: I hope Nathan slays tonight. I don't care if he medals or not, I just want him to skate like he knows he can. And then, because I like upsets, I want Javi to win. Or Patrick Chan, just to hear the echo of billions of cries of joy and/or despair.
  9. I'm wondering if Nathan is injured somehow.
  10. Is this a new costume for Nathan Chen? Also, I'm beginning to wonder if Johnny Weir is staring to lose his hair, and is overcompensating? Hoping for a great skate from all.
  11. The Ralph Lauren gloves would be tolerable if someone had cut the damn fringe off them.
  12. Thank the Gods Johnny/Tara shut up for most of their skate. Because: Wow. I could barely watch for the tension.
  13. How old is the North Korean Skater? She looks about 13.
  14. Dave Lease? I'm going to have to check this guy out, now that I've read the article. He sounds great (if controversial).
  15. This is a very eerie "Everybody wants to rule the world." Not sure I like it. At. All.
  16. It must be said: I suspect that if one were to turn off the lights, Adam Rippon’s free skate outfit would glow. https://www.google.com/search?q=adam+rippon&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=niv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj95pbr2KDZAhXKq1kKHUF3BIMQ_AUIEigC&biw=1024&bih=666#imgrc=8cGlibWzA9bjLM:
  17. V/M are selling it tonight! I'm not their biggest fan but this performance is killing it!
  18. Nice new mix for the Shibs. I like it better (although there is still that one clunky bit). go Shibs!
  19. Adam Rippon is punch drunk happy.* I like how he's also talking about Mirai; didn't know they were roommates at the village. They both waited a long time for the moments they had tonight. *Either that, or I want some of what he's having.
  20. SO glad Mirai has maintained her lead. I loved how happy her teammates were for her. Adam getting so emotional, Chen and the Shibs and everyone. Awww.
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