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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. I don't think the Shibs or Mirai will go to Worlds. They are on the big post olympic press tour and their agents are mulling through offers and I am sure they are exhausted. I don't think they will have the time to stick to a training schedule like they would need to have peak performances at Worlds. If the Shibs don't medal, then it will tarnish their "Q" rating or whatever it's called these days. They will have plenty of time in the coming months to decide if they want to continue skating competitively, I'd like to see the end of backloading programs. a) It's not fun to watch b) clearly it's not the crazy hard feat that it used to be. I'd rather see well balanced programs. Personally, I would like to see Chock and Bates, and Nathan do well at Worlds. I fear Nathan may be done with skating. I think the USA is going to take a drubbing at Worlds this year. I hope the Japanese make a big impact. Is Gabrielle Dalman going to Worlds?
  2. I'd like to see some kind of figures brought back into the sport; maybe not quite as detailed or long as watching-paint-dry-boring, but something that will show some skating/edges technique and not just the impressive jumping skills. if ice dancing has some kind of mandatory dance pattern that needs to be in every short program, then why not have something similar for the single skaters?
  3. I caught the Javier skate online; it was hilarious. NBC won't show it on air probably, but they should. I did not understand Alina's exhibition skate at all.
  4. I’m giving virtually everyone a pass on whatever they’re saying right now. Especially the women, who skated last out of all the figure skating competitions. They’ve been in a super intense period of training, competition and global media madness; I think they are all punch drunk (and/or, in some cases, probably drunk) from the stress and craziness that is the olympics. Co-workers/friends were elite athletes, and what they described sounded pretty nuts. And in all of that, they are supposed to compete at their very very best.
  5. I would have placed Mirai over Tennell.
  6. Add the prayer to the "overused and needs a rest" list of music.
  7. Did Alina Zagatova hurt her knee last night during the warmup or something?? It looked like one of them was bleeding through her tights.
  8. I want Sakamoto's short program dress. The skirt is a beautiful deep blue.
  9. Suddenly it got very dusty. https://twitter.com/USFigureSkating/status/966138525363023872/video/1
  10. I want Mirai to finish in the top 10. As far as I am concerned, Mirai is awesome and I don’t feel like she needs to prove anything. She pulled out the triple axel already in one of the biggest competitions on the planet. If she does it again, hurrah, but if not, I’m still super proud of her. I cannot wait for them to change the rules so that. Skaters can’t backload their programs.
  11. Congratulations V/M, and P/C! And HURRAY FOR THE SHIBS!!!!!
  12. H/D felt....tawdry tonight. V/M do a great job but I didn't like the over-the-top-ness of it. I must be old. Get off my lawn!
  13. I hope Chock/Bates go to Worlds and knock it out of the park.
  14. I really like the blue butterfly dress. Go Chock and Bates!!!!
  15. Exogenesis/Muse seem to be all over the Freedance; It's Despacito 2.0!
  16. Last night's judging/scores/programs made me grouchy last night. I am hoping tonight makes me happier instead of grouchier.
  17. Hoping the Shibs and P/C can slay it tonight (and Chock/Bates). H/D do absolutely nothing for me. Also, nice that the photos of the slip are being spoiler tagged. Because they are NSFW- especially mine.
  18. This group, I am all in rooting for the Shibs and Chock/Bates!
  19. Tanith is an amazing commentator, but I wish she would speak a little less during the programs so I could watch the skaters skate. I wish she'd save some of her thoughts for when they are showing the slow motion replays. But ymmv. Maybe she will be less talkative when the final groups perform?
  20. Thus far, what do people think about the judging? Are they being fair? Too Strict? Too Lax?
  21. I will be watching, rooting for the Shibutanis. I love their short especially. If an american is to medal, then I want it to be them. For the women (ladies seems so demeaning), I don't think either of the OAR/Russian women will fall. I'd love for a dark horse to get a medal. I am hoping for good competitions with good skating.
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