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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. Slade's "Where's my SON?" beat Ollie's "myson" by a mile. It wasn't even a photo finish.
  2. Oh Slade, I love you, but you're bringing on the melodrama big time tonight. Ollie, you're going to lose your Broodiest of the Broody Title if you don't step up your angst game.
  3. How many people know that Deeks killed his corrupt, dangerous, misogynist, murderous partner? I feel like almost everyone knows.
  4. The last bit with Logan...I feel like it's the first (only?) time we see him wearing that much white/cream. For a moment, he was dressed like a hero.
  5. Pogo's falls were painful. And this is not the first time she's had a full-on, scary looking splat fest. I'm thinking she either needs to skate with pads or retire. I don't see how she can make the Russian Team if she continues to skate like this. I disliked Ashley until 2012, now I am a huge fan. Since she's probably aware she's not going to medal, why not skate the programs you love? The scoring seemed to be all over the place for the women (I refuse to say ladies unless they start referring to the men as gentlemen). Poor Patrick Chan. I'd like to see him go out on a high note. When Megan Duhamel is happy, she glows. The woman should never, ever, play poker.
  6. I'm agog. Happy for the most part. And horrified for one skater, who, I think, needs to pull out completely. And as great as they are, I'm over Virtue/Moir. They're the Michael Jordon of Ice Dancing, can they please retire now?
  7. Oh Mirai. I almost wonder if TPTB have it in for her. While not a fan or Kostner or Evegnia, damn they can skate. And also, I may have become a fan of Nathan Chen today. Who knew?
  8. When Red provides intel on an international terrorist, it puts Liz and the Task Force on a collision course with a rival CIA unit; Red and Hawkins lay groundwork for their new business venture; Tom goes undercover to find information.
  9. http://tvline.com/2017/10/18/salvation-renewed-season-2-cbs/ ...seriously?
  10. I wonder what precipitated this. http://tvline.com/2017/10/18/snl-ian-somerhalder-parody-climate-change-sketch-video/
  11. Oh no. You guys aren't.....kicking the Timeline, are you? Haven't you heard whispers anxiously. that the Timeline is very cranky? It's even more cranky than the Continuity Fairy. Their drinking bouts after the episodes are legendary! (Especially this season). :)
  12. Remember, the show airs in Canada on Sundays so the forum opens then. considers starting an Etsy account making sterling silver WWLD bracelets....
  13. My unspoiled theory is that his evil father (or one of his henchmen) wants Javier dead. And Silk is gone. Sniffle. I'm glad Letty has Jacob, but I'd rather she and Estelle shared custody of him. I'm so sad he is still estranged from his sister. Breaks my heart.
  14. I kind of hope we get some kind of flashback episode so we know a) how much of a jackass he was and b) what is it that made him want to kill himself.
  15. I'm wondering if the Producers etc. already knew and had footage of her, or if they searched her room. Because I don't see her flatly admitting things to them the way they did unless they had hard proof. If they didn't, she might have had grounds for legal action. But I'm sure I'm over thinking things.
  16. Sigh, I really like Logan and Veronica together (I hate acronyms like the deaded VeLo etc.). Since it's noir-ish, Logan is the male version of the morally gray femme fatale who the detective can't shake his feelings for. So I'm fine with them being together as I like to think they wound up together and are somewhere having a great time solving mysteries and cases. That's my story and I'm sticking too it. As for Popcorn Box with the hole in it, I just remember the SNL "Dick in a Box" song The crane camera work of the kiss was pretty good I think. It was a great kiss- not at all the usual tv kisses we usually see. And Logan punching out "Jump Street" (hee) was terrific. I don't know why Wallace didn't tell his Mom about Veronica's Mom being in Rehab. I truly loved this episode, both then and now.
  17. Raisa, not seen since the Pilot? Good call, Show.
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