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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. I keep hearing the song, "Have you seen the Muffin Man?" It must be because I keep hearing "Cinnamon" instead of "SinnerMan." waves at any Lucifer writer/crew/cast lurkers
  2. I can't go with Regina being called Roni. I'm re-naming her Gina. I shall refer to her as Gina henceforth (or Regina). This show was....I wonder if it will get cancelled before the season is out. And Hook has two hands! Finally!
  3. Hey guys...remember the media thread? I would recommend moving all articles/comments about said articles to the handy media thread.
  4. Dammit, I was all set to mercilessly mock this show, but instead I find myself loving it. It was very funny, and surprisingly full of un-ironic heart. Looks like I'm adding this to my Watch Live list. I hope it sticks around.
  5. I truly want to know why Brandon is playing the german jeweler. Were they planning on bringing the jeweler back at some later point? It seems so utterly.....random. I would love to know what the reasoning in the writers room/production office was. I wonder if anyone ever actually asked JP back in the day when the episode aired. Speaking of writers, it seems clear to me that they never knew what to do with Valerie so they kept looking for more family trauma to explain (and/or retcon and/or rex-explain) why she is troubled or a mean girl. (Actually I think it's too bad Valerie and Kelly never got to be mean girls together- that could have been awesome). I'm sorry they wrote Tom off. I fanwank that Val ended up with him at the end of the series.
  6. Because Lucifer is the devil, I think he should have black wings- also, it would match his lucious locks and provide contrast to his very pale english skin. /sartorially shallow. I feel that they wrote Ella as more quirky because Maze is on maternity leave. I hope Tom Welling settles into his role quickly. Amandiel and Linda continue to be amazing. But the man impaled on the spike made me look at my clock- pretty gruesome for an 8pm show.
  7. With the accent, I'm hearing "Cinnamon." And I don't think I'm going to let this go any time soon. Happy Lucifer is back, and full of Bon Mots!
  8. Okay, we're tying out posting the date when it airs in the USA, but remember, fine posters, the thread will UNLOCK on October 8th.
  9. We're not doing individual threads because there aren't enough people posting- we rarely get over 40 posts (if that) an episode. If that changes, we'll reconsider individual episode threads. Deeks needs to shave, and Sam has gotten over his wife's death remarkably quickly. I wonder how long it will take to bring Hetty back into the fold. I forgot- was she wearing one of her trademark brooches at that bar?
  10. Some of these comments would be better suited to the Relationships Thread. Or Speculation.
  11. Your NCIS: Los Angeles All Episodes Talk Topic!
  12. My high school had no mascot but back in the 90s pre-Columbine my school and our rival school would cheerfully call bomb threats to the other school's library on the friday before the big games (because clearly our rival team were geeks and would be studying on friday nights). I'm pretty sure campus security snickered every time they got a call and caller-ID-ed it, and I don't ever remember hearing of either library actually being evacuated. I'm sure kids would be jailed/expelled if they tried to pull that shit today. I grew up in the stone age of innocence, so get off my lawn. This episode was fun, but after the whole Logan Going Off the Deep End, it felt a bit filler. But I liked seeing Veronica in a different world where she wasn't persona non grata. And the boy she made friends with seemed like a good guy, unfortunate haircut excepted. I loved Veronica making the snickerdoodles and the friendship between her and Wallace. But good call on the Pep Squad Continuity. Too bad we never had any more Pan Shenanigans. I liked both Polly and the Goat. LeAnne drove me nuts- and I am sorry that . I will go to my grave convinced LeAnne and Jake were still sleeping together.
  13. Dammit Logan and Veronica- visual chemistry. Glad you have a still of Logan doing the gasp- touching the untouchable, outcast Veronica. Leo is great, but I seem to remember from...ye olde site (yes, I'm old) that they called Leo MarbleMouth. Be he's still adorable. The sketch of Veronica in the police office was hilarious- and very apt, given the circumstances.
  14. That was....underwhelming. Makes me wonder why I bothered to watch the series at all. Even if Santiago Cabrera.
  15. Relationships with Lucifer, relationships on Lucifer, or under Lucifer, or beside.... you get the drift. Discuss the myriad relationships on the show.
  16. Yes, we're back for Season Three! As a reminder, Canada airs the episode a day before the USA, so for many, the thread unlocks early. Enter at your own risk* *(and/or hum blame Canada).
  17. Hey fellow demons, a reminder that is the media thread. There seems to be an awful lot of speculation going on here, and that discussion belongs in the cool speculation thread. Spoilers belong in the spoilers thread, and if you must refer to spoilers here, please tag them. I'll talk to @theatremouse about opening a character relationship talk thread since I don't think we have one yet. Hang in there- the season starts soon and we'll have episode threads to play in then!
  18. Nice burn Stephen and Jimmy! (And I agree with them. One show a week vs 4 isn't exactly a fair fight).
  19. I'm not really a fan of the color yellow but this dress is beautiful.
  20. Congrats to Ann Dowd! I see Jeremy is on his Redemption tour...
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