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Everything posted by TVbitch

  1. I think maybe Ellie didn't get into her dad's face sooner or insist on visiting mom in the mental hospital because she was actually enjoying being out from under her tiger mom. Maybe she's ashamed to admit this now because of how it all turned out. She's cut off ties with her dad and put him on Dateline, so at least we don't have the delusional syndrome we saw in Thursday night's episode. You guys have already said everything else I was gonna say, so I will just add, damn, Angela's side of the family are some good looking, accomplished women!
  2. I wonder if it was in her contract that someone had to guess Mariah!
  3. Franco is an ass for not telling Liz immediately. He's already had one creepy hallucination/dream of him holding a bloody knife. Teri told him hallucinations are a symptom, and he lies to her about that. He knows the tumor "caused" him to be a violent serial killer in the past. So yeah, let's just go home with the family without informing them. He's putting all of them at risk. I'm happy to at least see some stories moving along this week.
  4. Also, the ME said time of death was hours earlier than he stated. He either bashed her head in, then spent some time cleaning up and staging, then maybe left the house so he could come back to perform the discovery. Or, he found her in the shower already dead for hours, then put her on the bed, then the floor, and somehow got blood all over the walls. I think he probably bashed her while she was napping or something. Even the totally frantic, freaked out delicate flower of a daughter was screaming "Don't move her, she could have broken her neck!" So then why the fuck did they move her? It is totally weird though, that he didn't demolish that crime scene as soon as the police were out of there. I mean, the ME rules it accident and everybody leaves. You just got away with murder! I would have a cleaning crew in there gutting that room the next day.
  5. Every time Phil says "Hung and Chee", I hear "tongue in cheek". Every time.
  6. Nooooo, not Mark! His smiles were like little bombs of sunshine that blew up stress. I think Lottie had a bit of a crush on him. I can't believe nobody made a Hello Kitty cake!
  7. Will you guys stop trying to get Gleb fired! He's my eye candy and I need that right now! : D I really fear for Johnny next week. The judges seem to have some pets and Johnny isn't one of them.
  8. That sure sounded like CT as Helena. Maybe she's agreed to do some voice work. Glad they are writing Nik to have a brain now, versus when he first came back. Boy they REALLY don't know what to do with Julian, but I do like he and Ava's relationship and the actor, so I hope they figure it out. Not into a tumor story. I actually like Friz when things are good and they are happy.
  9. I noticed it too. I also felt like Dante and Maxie had some chemistry going when they were chatting. Maybe he can pick up her pieces after he kills her fiance!
  10. RH and the Cyrus actor seemed to enjoy working off each other, they were making me smile. Really enjoyed how twinkly Robert was with Jackie.
  11. https://talentrecap.com/wendy-williams-staff-speaks-out-make-her-go-to-rehab-and-get-the-help-she-clearly-needs/
  12. I just can't warm to Gwen, although I think some of the really good singers are smart to pick her, cuz she usually ends up with the weakest team. I hate how she asks Blake whether she should turn, and how she and Blake promote each other as coaches. I don't understand how having them both on the same season is not a conflict of interest.
  13. Supposedly today today she addressed the issue on air, saying she is not perfect and is doing the best she can. And that her viewers are a tough audience.
  14. I am almost caught up! Just finished epi 6. I like all the kids, but Ben and Filo seem to still be in that magical phase of childhood where they are very genuine and excited about things, and just say exactly what they feel without thinking too much about it. I adore that. ...I miss it! I agree that Andy works better with the kids. Let's keep him here and get someone else for the adult show. I like Jock better here, too. He is looser and funnier. When he told one of the safe girls that he didn't think they couldn't be friends anymore cuz she doesn't like potatoes. ~That was probably my favorite Jock moment ever.
  15. This documentary is so much more detailed, it makes the Vow unnecessary. The Vow comes off more and more as trying to portray its main four characters in a good light. This one does the same for India, but less egregiously. At least she is not running down the street yelling "we did it!" like a superhero who took down a villain. India still needs a lot of counseling. The only time she "cried" and couldn't continue with her script was when she talked about how much Alison lied to her. She is not over that Alison did not really care about her, just like Mark cannot get over that Keith did not really care about him. What can even be said about KR at this point. He convinces the men that rape is okay and should be enjoyed. Convinces the women that there is really no such thing as rape, and that they might even actually like it if they stopped playing the victim. ...sounds like a guy who is really into rape. He even mentnioned raping a cat. ~Please get a life sentence!
  16. What I don't understand is why everyone says she is back on cocaine. Cocaine is a stimulant! She looks like she is on booze or benzos to me. Of course, it could be some kind of psychiatric medication, but even if it is, she is clearly not fit to be doing the show.
  17. I don't know why the statements of the other people in the car/house were discounted. Also, did they collect the pants that were wet? Did they have any blood on them? There did not seem to be any forensic evidence that they presented. I was left confused. I feel for the guy if he wasn't involved in the murder. How awful. I was hoping he would at least get another trial, so they could do a better job of it.
  18. I don't believe for one second that anyone would come home with a tasty burger and crispy fries, and then go run an errand before eating them. Just no. Case closed! Guilty! : D I'm not sure who pulled the trigger, though. If you look at when the pastor guy is being interrogated, the detective asks him "Did you shoot him in the head?" The guy does the biggest head nod "yes" I have ever seen, while saying "no." Then the detective asks if Cindy shot him and he says "I don't know" while totally shaking his head "no." I cannot believe the detective did not point that out so Dateline could replay it over and over for us like they usually do.
  19. Thanks @akr. I will keep the suspense for Heidi's name as you suggest. Sherry's crimes were disgusting. Glad it came out before the show aired normally giving her a spotlight.
  20. Just catching up with this season. Had no idea there was a huge scandal, and can't google it cuz it will spoil the winner. so I guess I will find out what Sherry did when I finish the season. Had to stop in to give a kiss good-bye to my fave, Heidi. I loved her so much. I know she stumbled here and there, but I still thought she deserved to stay over Jackie and Sherry. I got the feeling Ru is going get her into allstars sooner than later, or maybe help her in some other way. Does anyone know what name she is currently using? I was wondering if she stuck with Heidi Afrodite.
  21. This is a way better show, but India does sound like she is very scripted and rehearsed in her talking heads. Catherine was much more involved than I got from the other series. The Vow made it sound like she attended a class or two, but in this one she admits she did all of level 1 and 2 and paid for India to go further. @EdnasEdibles, I also can't get over that huge auditorium full of people with adoring smiles on their faces as KR described sexual abuse of a father to a daughter as something "the daughter likes and is fun for her" until society judges dad so, "who is the real victim here?" For fucks sake, people!
  22. Yesterday Wendy was a mess in her interview with Barbara Corcoran from Shark Tank. In the middle of it, she started rambling in a total non sequitur way about her cats. Barbara had no clue WTF she was talking about. But being a professional, Barbara just said they have had some good cat products on Shark Tank and mentioned one whe thought Wendy might like. Then Wendy went off on that product like NO I HATED THAT PRODUCT, I'M NOT BUYING THAT and rambled on some more. Egads! She must say that her state is caused by medication, cuz how else is the network letting her get away with this ridiculousness.
  23. I only eat cage-free tarts. (I oppose dessert cruelty.) While some of the cages were nice, it made it hard to get a good look at the tart. But, at least some of them were beautiful to look at this week! I continue to be beguiled by Prue's necklaces. They are all obviously made by the same designer ...or by one of her grandkids.
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