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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Bummer with this Wild Card. I wanted Christian gone. I think he was calling Alyssa bait, but it still doesn't make much sense. The good news, I suppose, is he burned his WC and can't play again.
  2. I have a Maryland crab cake for tomorrow😎 So who does Frenchie plan to nominate when his BB VooDoo plan of taking Kyland down wildly succeeds? Travis? Does he have the votes? You need 7.
  3. Whitney? Didn't she say in her intro that she had bad taste in men? She has quite a buffet.
  4. It just hit me, he could have whipped up a little sled to move the meat. I'm sure it would come in handy elsewhere too.
  5. Whew! Finally got caught up. Frenchie sounds like a piece of work. Thanks to all the feedwatchers! It's great to have the old gang back together!
  6. They all seem to be losing a lot more weight than the Naked & Afraid folks in general.
  7. And Nate's out. Once he ate the squirrel poop and started feeling sick I was "Uh Oh". Puking is never good. Bummer about his big fish. Nice net, looks a little small. Little fish is better than nothing. Nice fishing pole. All for naught. Good on Clay getting the deer. Now he has to preserve it and keep it away from the bears. He should have this in the bag, but like with Nate, you never know. His smokehouse looks awesome. What a rainbow! Colton, why did you leave those berries out? Finally! A fish trap that looks big enough. Theresa needs better ventilation. Her fireplace looks like a good solution. Her shelter looks awesome. Now she really needs food. Interesting she is OCD and has never lived alone. I've lived alone for 38 years and am quite happy with it. Biko is cool. I like his rules. His trap is too small, but good job hooking one! I suppose I could eat those eyeballs in that situation. Yuck! Rose finally appears! She's had some tough breaks. The shelter thing confuses me.
  8. Do you feel lucky, punk? I wouldn't do it.
  9. I would have, but I was trapped inside. The fat nerd kid with zero athletic ability😎
  10. I was always the last one picked in gym class.
  11. In his (very limited) defense, he was totally hammered. Not sure in all these years have I seen guests drink like this all day and not crashing early. Katie got quite the upper body workout shaking all those drinks.
  12. Plus, once he returned, he seemed to put out some kick-ass meals that the guests were raving over. If his knee is really hurt, he should avoid the stairs more. So is the stupid wedding OFF? Or will Bravo push them into it. They were totally hammered.
  13. As well as feeding 10 or so crew members. That's a lot of work 3 times a day, plus throw in the silly picnics here and there.
  14. Sandy said she couldn't get another chef because of Covid. Duska came from another boat so had already been cleared, I think.
  15. I also noticed them and wondered...... Production driven??
  16. So true. Nice menu :) Oranges and Pineapples will last a week or so, assorted berries a few days. The show has never shown us, but I assume the cupboard is pretty bare at the start of a season, so the chef would have to order everything he might need. He may have overdone it a bit, but in this Covid environment, can you really have too much?
  17. For me, watching Sandy squirm was worth enduring Andy Cohen :) And Katie was worth it, too.
  18. Head first in a big pot of boiling water. 10 mins or so and done. True, but it's not like it's coming out of their paychecks. Stuff goes bad; order more :)
  19. The "sous-chef" was totally useless. Maybe Sandy's reputation is such that nobody good would take that job.
  20. I'm liking Katie on WWHL. Very smart and very diplomatic. Refused to get drawn into any BS. Sandy is pathetic. eta: so Mal-ia and Tom broke up. Shocking!
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