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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Just a feeling, (and maybe feedsters know better) but the rest of the CO has been hearing this crap from him for weeks and individually/collectively just decided to let it go and not get into this pi**ing contest of who the "great founder" was. They all know he was the weakest link. eta: I should say goat, and I don't mean greatest of all time😎
  2. Tiffany wins AFP! My votes did it!😎
  3. Always thought the airhug thing was stupid. They have been seriously quarantined for months and I'm sure the crew is vaxxed or rigorously tested.
  4. Frenchie didn't get to say a word. LOL😎
  5. Tiffany firmly believed Xander had a real old-fashioned idol too, would use it and she would go and convinced the others and also her clairvoyant powers knew Voce had nothing. So this can end as badly as a Big Brother "twist".
  6. Poor Azah. Almost as delusional as Derf.
  7. You're not good Evvie, you're all doomed.
  8. This tribe is screwed no matter what, but Tiff is on my last nerve. Jeff's voice???
  9. Yellow is pathetic. I would have sent Tiffany, maybe weaken them further. Smart of Deshawn to go for intel.
  10. Quite the "advantage"! Yikes. Girl power? Then they should blindside Voce.
  11. Naseer, the jungle dude from Sri Lanka.
  12. Just adding to the thanks to the feedsters and thanks for the enjoyable discussions. @Callaphera I don't usually vote in these things either, but I got in 2 votes for Tiffany for you 😎
  13. Thank you both! Still wondering then why Mat would put that stuff on the plate at all. Producer shenanigans again?
  14. Do you have a link? Even Mat said he would be "disappointed" if that showed up on his plate in a restaurant, so why did he put it on one of the guests plates?? He won the reverse Lotto that it ended up being Queeg's plate. I never cook fish, never order fish, but I've liked it the few times it's been put in front of me. The dark stuff looks bad, but is there any difference in taste/texture? Had some awesome sea bass at a higher end Chinese restaurant ages ago when a bunch of us all ordered different stuff and shared. Or is all this production playing games. Again😎
  15. Let's do a little math😎 They started with 9 crew that we see - 4 Deckhands, 3 Stews, Chef, and Queeg. For simplicity say the tip was $18,000 which is $2000 each. Adding Delaney drops it to $1800 each. Taking out Lexi and D raises it to $2250 each. That's a lot of extra work for $250. I'm not that greedy. I'm not buying Katie's story. Everybody lies on their resume (sometimes by omission) to some extent. Besides it was for a 4th stew position, the lowest one on the boat (that we see). I hate to agree with Malia, but more hands are useful and that laundry isn't going to do itself. There were numerous short clips of other crew suddenly in the laundry. O/T I see Captain Lee is coming back 10/25. Hooray!
  16. The crew is already showing the strain of being down a stew. Lucky they have mellow guests. I wish Katie had shown some backbone the morning after. Simply go to Delaney, ask if she will stay because Lexi is going, and if she says yes, march in and fire Lexi on the spot. No need to involve the captain or anybody else. Then you inform Sandy, who has been going on and on and on all season for her to make her own decisions. And Mat: Why put the dark fish on a plate in the first place? It looked like he had plenty.
  17. All of this, North. All of it. Yet here we are 😎
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