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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. So Xander needs to give Evvie his idol so Liana won't be able to steal it, unless somebody blabs.
  2. Will Nasseer play his idol? It's a long way to the end. eta: Liana would be stupid to play her steal.
  3. Ugh! Ricard wins immunity. eta: That's right Erika. own it!
  4. An advantage scorecard was helpful. Nice TH on Exile by Erika. YES! Smash that hourglass! New Blue isn't so smug now. LOL! The foot fetish folks are going to love this challenge.
  5. What a cheap trick with the shells. Sean is nuts. He's the walking talking definition of a micromanager. At least he's gone. Crew did a good job humoring him and docking. A "beach" party on a dock? Whatever. Frazer can't do everything, Heather. She's really starting to bug me. A legend in her own mind and not well organized. Jessica can stop doing laundry during service periods and help out. Spare me the towel drama! I've stayed in a lot of hotels and never used all the towels. The whining over that little almost empty trash bag is BS too. Nice to see Lee back. Glad they patched him up OK. He really knows how to schmooze. I think he'll get wise to Heather eventually. That tip was split 12 ways so it looks like Sean got a share. Surprised Rachel got liquored up and didn't go off on anybody. There's time. lol Her food looked great. Sorry Rachel, that wasn't "spineless". Eddie, as a supervisor, was right to go to Lee last season to talk about Rachel being a mean, toxic drunk. It impacts the whole crew. Awkward crewmance first night out. Oy! I like them both, but you know it will crash and burn. Lee said on WWHL that Sean treated Eddie like his go-fer, and intoned he didn't like it. Very diplomatic, as usual.
  6. Spitting coffee! Primetimer won't let me post the gif. ROTFLMAO Thanks!
  7. Kind of like clams. Chewy, not much flavor. Frittered up is kind of tasty.
  8. Indeed. Somebody said he speaks fluent French so I just tagged that.
  9. Heather is young and seems mean. She says she belongs there at 25, we'll see. Sean seems cool, then turns into Captain Bligh. Helps with provisions! Rearranges the deck! He is crazy. That beach micromanagement was nuts. At least we know he's not permanent. Lee can't come back soon enough. Jessica likes laundry! Caring for grandparents is sweet. French Frazer seems dedicated, but he's not a bartender Jake, Wes, Rayna seem OK. We didn't see much of them. Rachel Oh No! (eta: she really needs a better dye job) Eddie was always cool IIRC. "Rachel is talented. And batshit crazy" Indeed! Heather may not take her crap. We'll see. Guests are a challenge. Demanding. At least they went to bed early and weren't sloppy drunks. Starting up is tough when you don't know where everything is. Dinner was chaos, Frazer is right. Plan! He was running ragged. Heather seemed overwhelmed. The stupid pajama party went over well. Oh! A trash bag! EEK! Looked like it had like 3 tissues in it. Season has potential, once Sean is gone.
  10. Would the Shot in the Dark been 1 out of 3 instead of the original 1 out of 6? If so, she should have tried it. I missed the details, but can she only use her steal thingy at Tribal Council?
  11. No Shot in the Dark. No idols. No surprises. Ugh.
  12. Shan was dumb to give Ricard her vote in the first place.
  13. Liana knows Xander has an idol so this should be easy, right?
  14. I guess blue wasn't throwing it! Shan has the idol and an extra vote. Bye Genie. Not another (eta: stupid) journey. Ugh!
  15. They should have whacked Tiff when they had the chance.
  16. I have never understood why players feel the need to do this before the merge. Nobody is really going to remember the "Big Move" made on Day 4. And worse, they broadcast it to the rest of the tribe. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Fly under the radar with the Sandra "anybody but me" strategy, then after the merge, be observant, see how things shake out, then make a move of some sort.
  17. I thought the same thing, but quickly realized they are most likely protected.
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