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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. I thought the same thing, but quickly realized they are most likely protected.
  2. Nah, they're probably protected. Yet it wouldn't really matter. I remember a NOVA or Nature or something show from ages ago and something like less than 1% of baby turtles survive to adulthood. The ocean loves the buffet during hatching time. The birds too.
  3. I don't either, but it was funny as hell. One more for his clip reel.
  4. I was always picked last in gym glass. The fat nerd.😎 I honestly didn't feel bad for Heather. She knows what she signed up for.
  5. Oh my! JD will live in Survivor stupid infamy. He was a two-fer tonight.
  6. Shan played JD like a fiddle. So much for his "student of the game" fantasy.
  7. Enough of the tears and enough of Jeffy's canonization of her. And she sits that out :)
  8. That's a surefire way to get in trouble. Nobody trusts him at all. And to flog the horse, yes, too many confusing "advantages".
  9. I knew these guests would be demanding, but they were very nice about it. Crew got off easy last charter. Katie can still never admit she was wrong, even though she knows it and is putting up this ridiculous brave martyr front. Now with "expect the unexpected" and Lloyd going down she totally screwed the whole crew to satisfy her stupid "I work best under pressure" ego. No you don't, you just think you do. The guests are not "trying to break" you. They just expect 5 star service and your terrible management skills put you shorthanded. They seemed very good natured and not sloppy drunks. They didn't even get too cranky over the beets incident. So now she's "starting to think" she screwed up? That ship has sailed. Glad to see Lloyd is ok. Maybe Sandy can find him a job on a friendly boat. It's hard to know how spicy people like things. You can always add more but you can't take it out. I'm a low to medium, hotter and I don't taste the food, just the heat. Talent show was lame. Mat is one needy dude. Chicken??? The only way I eat eggs is scrambled. Are the eggs not fresh enough? The wrong temperature? The pan the wrong temperature? Is there some trick? No clue how to over easy them properly. Mat obviously doesn't either. New chef for the last night??
  10. they should have whacked bad man bun Ricard. smh
  11. I guess the engineers we never see get shares because those amounts translate to 11 shares. How does anybody sleep with that party going on. Zee falling in the bushes was hilarious. Another one for the clip reel.
  12. This Jersey boy can tell a NYC accent and yep, looking it up, she's from Queens and now lives out on Long Island😎
  13. I'm sorry. I didn't know of others bad experiences there. I never had a problem, but I tend to mostly STFU and so stay out of trouble, most of the time😎. And I agree, Primetimer is wonderful. It's been quite awhile now and I hope it keeps going. Early prediction: Danny wins.
  14. Had no idea this was on until tonight. Kate is still awesome. Agrees not bringing Delaney back was really stupid.
  15. Television Without Pity was great. I think a lot of us from there are here now and it's great! The "move a tribe member" sounds interesting, but green only has 5 now. (I liked Sara) And pity the Blue member who gets sent to Yellow.
  16. I had no idea who she was at the time. Still don't understand why she became a "thing". bleh
  17. Nah, he might barely make my top ten. Paul, Booger, Evil Dick...... eta: Frankie, Gina Marie, Amanda....
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