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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. These guests are nuts. Lee's talk with the idiots worked! Or maybe it was staged and production told them to knock it off. Remember, they don't show us everything. Either way, they really straightened up. Rayna needs to chill. Just work your shift. I guess this boatmance really is over? Wes seems so cool. Stuck in the middle. Lee lets Eddie take the boat out. Whoops! Why is this cover important? Can they fish it out or did it sink? Heather really needs to get over herself. A legend in her own mind. Smart of Rachel to precook that pig. No way there's enough time to cook it on the beach. Guests don't need to know. She puts out some amazing food. Still waiting for her to get drunk and explode. Smart going to bed early, skipping that ridiculous hot tub "thing". Pig on fire!!! LOL! They made that fire way too big. Pig should have been warm to start with. Lucky it was only the skin. Looks like it went off well anyway. Lots of stuff to drag back and forth. Jess is very mellow. She rolls with it well. A new boatmance with Wes?
  2. Video was great. Thanks! Looks like a 5 star resort. I hope she doesn't have to share her bedroom. Glad she's not bitter.
  3. Me too, but call me crazy, but I think Ricard is going to win. Time will tell.
  4. Bummer! Tiff has really grown on me.
  5. Do they have Heather tied up to the voting table?
  6. Whoa! well here we go. Heather speaks!!!
  7. X going for the advantage. Clever.
  8. Said better than I could muster. Thanks!
  9. Thanks. I must have missed it. All these seasons become a blur after awhile.😎 "On BD Med, didn’t chef Mat have to share with the First Officer for one night when the new female crew member was going to be in his cabin the owners allegedly said no co-ed rooms?" So that's how they worked that silliness out.
  10. First Officer gets his own cabin? Have we ever seen Lee's cabin? Heather is just so foul. Truly a legend in her own mind. Rayna (The Queen ICYMI) isn't much better. Heather's little "team building" exercise was cringeworhty. Even Jessica was gagging. Lee lays down the law. Fireworks to come? Rachel seriously needs some help. I had a mentally ill grandmother. It's hard to deal with. It was nice she tried to make nice with Eddie and he made nice back to be nice, but she's a powder keg, waiting for a Bic lighter. So the idiot guests arrive with the express purpose of (messing) with the crew. Great scenes with the golfballs! This lead deckhand thing has me confused. If Eddie "gets off deck" doesn't that make the deck shorthanded? I don't think we've seen a "First Officer" before. You still need a boson. And the two invisible engineers get a share of the tip. What a dinner! Blondie outdid bald white shirt dude in being obnoxious.
  11. Just re-watching and my opinion of Heather sinks even lower.
  12. Great episode! I don't really have a "favorite", but there are some I dislike, bigly. I live for the backstabbing.
  13. I'm sorry, this Tribal Council networking scramble should not be allowed.
  14. being stupid it seems. Damn was I was wrong! BRILLIANT!
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