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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. So the dudes are going to bro-up Shocker!
  2. And who names their kid Romeo? Don't they know how the story ends? Not as bad as Adolf, but still very odd.
  3. Mostly admitted her shortcomings. Did what was best for her. Is really pissed that after she foolishly confided in Ashley, Ashley went and told everybody what she said. And she has a new job as first mate on a 53 foot sailboat😎 And Glenn was hilarious!
  4. Horny Ashley is just too much. Have some self-respect girl. I like how the Captain just sleeps through it all. Nasty fall by Kelsie. Nice villa! Who didn't see a drunken mess coming. What's Marcos' problem with Gabby? She's such an insecure mess, but he's being really thin skinned. Then she bails.
  5. When I traveled for work, chain restaurants were useful. You have a good idea what you're going to get. Hotels can be iffy and always overpriced. Around home, I have plenty of good local places so I don't need them. Never been to Applebee's though, hell haven't sat in a restaurant in 2 years. I'm torn on Tori. It swings from love to hate and back again and again.
  6. I don't think Jonathan has any chance of winning, but I'm glad he made jury. Just seems like an all-around decent person. Bringing in the food should keep him around awhile. Romeo better watch out. Jonathan could snap him in half and use his bones for toothpicks.
  7. Better episode than I expected with this ridiculous "Battle of the Sexes" premise. Nice seeing hippie dude getting along so well with Air Force dude. I could not tell the women apart, except for the glasses women and she kicked butt. "Scorpion on a stick" LOL😎 No desire to go to South Africa.
  8. My Dad was one of those people who could never, ever admit he was wrong. So hard to deal with. I'm the opposite. I screw up all the time. Fess up, apologize, move on and try to do better.
  9. I hope not. "Hate" is too strong of a term. Annoying as can be, oh yeah! I've had co-workers like her. Even a few hours a day was way too much.
  10. I so get Jonathan. Iv'e lived alone for 30 years.
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