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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Biggest reason I love Marcos: He's not trying to bang any of the stews (or deckhands๐Ÿ˜Ž) A close second is how fantastic his food looks! (And I'm a very picky eater) Third is how he just seems to roll with changes and doesn't seem to get rattled and cranky. Just sucks it up and gets the job done. Time will tell I suppose, we don't have many episodes left. This!๐Ÿ˜Ž eta: I hope this gig lands him an awesome job somewhere!
  2. Circle gets the square!๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž
  3. I'm with you. Born and raised and lived in New Jersey for 63 years and this "Jersey Girl" schtick is just an excuse to be rude/mean girl. I've seen my sister do it. g
  4. Small, little, tiny, limp, useless, etc.... Does it really matter? LOL ๐Ÿ˜Ž She put him in his place.
  5. Marcos is just the coolest! Colin too. Glenn too. Gary is just a slut. Barnaby is hilarious, pissing off the boat lol. And of course the usual cat fight among the women. Kelsie - the farter, lol - did well mostly staying out of it. Such bad news about Marcos' friend's mom. I hope he can center himself. The only way to go is forward. eta: Polite Canadians, a breath of fresh air.
  6. It probably did, but I honestly don't remember๐Ÿ˜Ž. It's been a while.
  7. That didn't bother me. For a small minority of women their pageant thing is their whole life. That Romeo seeks to inspire them to do their best, I think is a good thing. I think pageants are stupid and well out of date, but it's his career whether he fell into it or chose it and it's what he knows. I'm sure people would quickly get bored if I talked about plastics a lot, but that was my career and that's what I know about. At the end I did paper treatment for grease resistance. Compare untreated newspaper/paper towels etc. to your treated fast food/food wrappers It was quite interesting.
  8. Good for Marianne! Annoying as hell, but she played a great game!
  9. Anybody have the name of this ep? So I can find it on my On Demand? I screwed up and hurt myself and missed it. Thanks!
  10. I don't think you mean Greatest Of All Time. ๐Ÿ˜ŽLOL
  11. I did! Never got the "dumb jock" vibe from him.
  12. Thanks for the synopsis. I am not well versed on the subject and happy to admit I was wrong.๐Ÿ˜Ž (Something my Dad could never do. lol)
  13. I was a HUGE Dark Shadows fan back in the late '60s. I would literally run home from school to catch it!
  14. Ashley is such a spoiled whining brat, but Scarlett doesn't look too great either. Who names their kid Scarlett? IIRC, that movie didn't end well for her. Dinner at 11PM? Oy! Marcos is great just rolling with it. At least they left a good tip. Back in 1999, I did a week on a 20 passenger "yacht" in the Galapagos. Nothing like this. Cabins were the size of the crew cabins and they had us up at 5:30, breakfast at 6 and tromping around the day's island by 8. We were all crashed by 10PM.๐Ÿ˜Ž Chef was amazing.
  15. Finally saw the episode. Wow! These guests may win the prize for Most Obnoxious Ever. I've done a lot of business and personal travel. You quickly learn to bring things that don't wrinkle, especially for a two night trip. It was kind of fun though watching Ashley steaming clothes for 3 or 4 hours even if it was an obnoxious request. She's really a nasty piece of work. Barnaby looks very competent. Cute how they didn't show the face of the new "blonde bombshell" stew.
  16. Whenever someone says "I'm running this game" is usually the kiss of death. Sorry Hai!
  17. Dam is just the cutest thing. Sorry Gary, whacked the wrong tree.
  18. As for Jonathan (and the rest of us at times): When you find yourself in a hole, Stop Digging!
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