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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. A friend in college was in EE. That's a tough program! Good for Lauren
  2. Didn't Danny plant the fake idol for Jaime to find?
  3. Here come da merge! Bye Mr'. Beard.
  4. Scruffy Matt and Frannie. The new power couple. The nerdmance is just gross.
  5. Bye Alissa, but Sandy is the worst. Nice to see her working. Justice for Camille! These guests are really over the top. A drag show? oy! And obnoxious At least they brought their own crowns. Oy! Fraser seems to have learned to kiss her butt better. Rachel kills it, as usual. A gold plated steak??? Rachel has the toughest job on board. Not only does she need to make 3 5 star meals a day, she has to feed the crew. I assume production fends for themselves, but who knows. Katie, Katie, Katie Have you no self-respect? Drop Ross like a hot rock. So Ben and Camille really are a thing. Cute. Tyler is so adorable. Why couldn't the woman sleep in her cabin? claustrophobic? At least the silly beach picnic got rained/blown out. I spent a lot of time at the beach when I was younger and it really sucks when the wind is howling like that. It's like getting sandblasted. (And I used a sandblaster at work) We're happy to have Captain Lee back, too!
  6. Alissa really let her mean girl fly. Poor Hayley. As a great tweeter @Stonekettle would say of her performance on WWHL: "No more self-awareness than a dog licking its butt on a public sidewalk" She never takes out garbage. oy! She loved Frazer because he's spineless and let her lead him around by the nose. All the stews should be equal. Giving her any power is a bad idea. I liked Camille showing up at dinner. Alissa was of course the only one that had a problem with it. Katie should drop Ross like a hot rock. He won't change. New guy seems cool.
  7. Too funny! I love how your posts just drip with acid😎 (I was a chemist, Teflon-type plastics mostly, before I retired😄)
  8. I've really come to dislike Alyssa. Totally BS ing Mama. Cry me a river. Now she has to pick up the slack. haha We'll see if she jumps on the new stew. Fraser and her acting like they didn't know when Camille told is kinda sleazy. Tony is hilarious "at least I'll get some sleep" I couldn't understand most of what Lee said. Nice touch by Sandy to let him know. Not a bad pep talk either. Ben seems more heartbroken than I expected. Ross is still useless. Katie needs to drop him like a hot rock. Don't twerk Fraser. Things seem smooth now. Time will tell. Guests seem pretty mellow. Not a Dr. so not sure how serious Hayley's condition is. Medic doesn't seem too concerned. So Rachel saved the super spicy for people who don't like it. Oops! I think she has the toughest job on the boat. Breakfast, lunch AND dinner. Trying to accommodate all the various tastes. That's a very long day. Not sure she could make it go faster. It's not McDonald's. LOL. Sorry Sandy, they wanted this "tasting menu" which always take a long time. They should just start earlier. Lunch at 2:30? These picnics are silly. Eat aboard noonish, then go to the beach. Who parked their boat too close to the other? Wreck potential!!! Darn!
  9. What does the dog think? LOL Nice we have this little space to have some fun amidst all the turmoil outside It's sad. My baby sister has the same problem
  10. Camille & Alissa both have points, Both horrible in their own way, but threatening to go whine to the Captain and get her fired was bound to set her off. Sandy did what she could, her talk seemed to work on Fraser. She is right about one thing. It's his job. But she better get on the phone and start looking for replacements. The guests managed to still be obnoxious while liking the food. "Absolute wankers" LOL! And the silly cat fight continues. Just walk away. Ross is a lost cause, Katie. Walk away. Alissa is seriously trashed. The tears are a nice touch. She is a better worker than Camille over all, now Hayley wants to get in on the mean girl fun. What? They're always drinking with no guests around. Circus is right! Smart to get some sleep before the squeaking started. Tony is hilarious all grunting aside. Did that finally chase the guests to bed? Having sex with your roommate in is just rude. That boat is big enough they could find a private space. Bye Camille! Now Hayley and Alissa can go at it. I can smell that coming.
  11. But Faye, you haven't been "the nice chief stew" the whole time. You even admitted what a bitch you are and were surprised they supported you on that jumping thing. The bitchier you are, the less help you will get. Then they have this silly cat fight over something. Seth and Faye deserve each other. Her voice has become like nails on the chalkboard. Did Kerry keep quiet to Lewis about Seth's power move? Or did I miss it. Hmmm Jess is right. As others have said, these picnics are stupid. Have a nice (sand free) lunch on the boat and go to the beach for a few hours afterwards if you really need a beach fix. Kasie is taking bitch lessons from Faye. If switching bunks helps "calm the waters", go for it. But Oriana seems to be having none of it. She was on WWHL last night and was well composed and gave thoughtful, intelligent answers. Bugs? Get over it. They grow 'em huge in northern latitudes. I've seen giant mosquitos in Maine. Radio? That whole thing was confusing. Was Nathan's radio malfunctioning or was it operator error? Hair? It's probably one of the guests. It shouldn't be that hard to figure out. Jess should have done a better replating and reheating job. Faye thinks she's going to get Jess fired when she can't manage her own department? Good luck with that. I was hoping it would pour down rain when her stupid picnic started.
  12. These guests could win the award for bitchiest guests ever! Wow. Maybe it's just me, but if I were going on a yacht TV show centered on the crew, I would be on my best behavior. Alyssa and Camile can both go away. A shouting match in front of the guests is really, really stupid. What will Sandy do? Getting replacements has never been easy. Fraser is still clueless. Tony should quit whining and Ben is making a huge mistake. Ross is pretty useless too. I can't wait to see how hot Rachel's next meal is. LOL She and Big Red seem to be the only ones who get it.
  13. First a cat fight then Sandy arrives. Oh no! Did not see that coming. Time will tell. She seems reasonable so far. The stews are going to blow up. Camille isn't the brightest bulb, but she's in a tough spot. Her bosses aren't the brightest bulbs either. Ross is rather clueless and Alyssa is full on mean girl. FIRE! Especially scary on a boat. Rachel's food seems to impress. Portions look small, but it's hard to tell how much food there really is.
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