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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. The high tea was even worse than the Mexican mess. Give the people what they want! Just Google it, genius. For people accustomed to bland food, you don't make it real hot. Put some hot sauce on the table and everyone can adjust it to their taste. He really is a piece of crap. It's really not cool to bad mouth a whole country. I hope he goes and this isn't a tease. Stellar tip though for only one night! Bye Magda! Better get that unlimited phone plan.
  2. I love Jason. No BS. Storm is an idiot. And Kyle is the breathing bad stereotype of gay men. Throw his ass overboard. And take Natasha with you.
  3. Time marches on.... Thanks again to all the feedwatchers for making this possible. I love to know what's going on, just can't stand to listen to it. At this point I think I'm rooting for Turner. Why not? What is the deal with the 2 tone hair? I hope this isn't some new "thing" ugh.
  4. I read somewhere that the Rapture is coming 9/25. I even wrote it on the calendar. Somebody will start a thread when it happens😎
  5. Dad always said "Let the tool do the work" These people with the saw are pushing too hard.
  6. I'm very illiterate on these things, but isn't there some way you could set a limit on how much data Magda uses? When she hits that she's shut down until the next scheduled recharge.
  7. Brittany should just fess up. "I knew Turner was voting Alyssa, so I voted for Taylor to force Monte to get the blood on his hands and maybe get Alyssa's vote if I make F2" That seems to have been her "plan" just not a good one. But nobody will believe her now.
  8. I don't know how women wear these dresses, they look so uncomfortable. I don't think I've worn a real pair of pants since I retired 14 years ago😎 I might have some work khakis that still fit should I need them.
  9. The question is how much of that initial Taylor hate lingers. If it's alot, she's doomed.
  10. I think Brittany is the only one she might beat in F2. But with this budding showmance, who knows.
  11. She has a point though. Monte takes Taylor to end he wins, with this showmance going on. And woot, there it is.
  12. He can't without a replacement. He's been on the phone looking. We'll see😎
  13. Being a guy, I can totally believe it. All hat and no cattle comes to mind (and I'm from NJ) 😎😎😎
  14. So Terrence and Alyssa are on the block. I wonder if Turner smells this backdoor plan. He better win Veto if he does, but of course Michael is in the way. Can Michael afford to burn his jury vote?
  15. Michael has those long, skinny fingers. He would probably win it.
  16. Blubbering Kyle is hilarious. eta: I'm going to have to stick on this thread to see who wins HoH😎
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