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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Common or not, I made that mistake once and will never put ketchup on eggs again. But a must have for fries😎
  2. Not the outcome I was hoping for.
  3. Mine is the second week of January so it was always a good excuse for some post-holiday partying, but I never made a big deal about it. Nobody had any money anyway, so nothing fancy and no presents, except from Mom and Dad of course. I have known people who go nuts about theirs, like Jasmine et. al. So tiresome. She has to be a finalist for the "Most Spoiled Brat on BB" award.
  4. If Natasha's ex hasn't already run for the hills, he should once he sees this episode.
  5. I'm guessing that big, thick contract she signed will have something to say about this little threat.
  6. Benny Boy also needs to learn that walking away when you boss is talking to you is not a great idea. 99% of the time that will get you fired. It generally signals "I quit". "OH! You're just throwing a tantrum? Fine. Bye!"
  7. Benny and Ryan need to go off and have their own pity party. Aesha is showing tremendous restraint. Yes the guests are obnoxious, but it's chef's job to give the people what they want. "I only eat fish, but not this fish" Oy The captain's disco helmet is really stupid, but seeing him doing laundry and washing dishes is amazing. No other captains do that. He seems to try very hard to see the crew's concerns. The Marilyn act was lame, but the guests seemed to love it. The tip thing was weird. I understand Brittni feeling snubbed. Captain handled it well. Glad they all shared.
  8. She also said she didn't say "screw", it was Bravo editing. She was quite defensive. Jason was way cool. Said he would ever work with Storm again, so something big happens. Stay tuned!
  9. Neither one is blamess: She should have been up front and told him this isn't happening. Sharing the cabin was a bad idea. His obsession is bad, but he shouldn't have been such a jerk.
  10. Where's that fireworks emoji when we need it!😎😎
  11. And they pronounce it New-Ark so as not to confuse it with the one in NJ.😎
  12. So why the toilet backed up is never addressed. Benny, just walk already. Find a streetlight to cry under. Welcome to the working world. When the boss says dance, you dance. Or find another job. Capt. Jason has ice water in his veins. Nothing seems to rattle him and he pitches right in. Though it seems his patience with Benny is wearing very thin. As well as Jaime. Don't let the boss see you standing around. And then he sits in the tender while the Captain works. Not Smart. I don't think he is so much a "micromanager" as he is very hands on and sees what is going on and it's his job to keep it all together. I've had bosses like that and you really have to be on your toes. You can't BS a boss like that (some others were incredibly easy to BS😎) Nice chewing out he gave the deck crew post charter😎 Hey chef! It's your job to make sure the meat gets there. You work for the guests, not the other way around. Join Benny on the Crybaby Express I'm 63 and never got the pirate thing. I'm sort of a nerd and don't do "dress up"😎 Sorry Tumi. Culver is giving the guests what they want. I forget who said something like "they're rock music people and strippers". They have a different outlook than our usual "marketing", or "youTube", or "hedge fund " guests. Britt needs to get over herself, too.
  13. LOL! Not the best place to tell your opponents you're rich😎
  14. Thanks! That fired up an old brain cell. I remember them.
  15. I'm sorry, who was level 6? These seasons have become a big blur to me with some standouts. I'm impressed with the collective memory of this board. Thanks!
  16. Was it Cody who just got up, walked across the table, and said nothing to anyone? A truly classic move😎
  17. Indeed! I want to be rich. I don't want to be famous. Especially on some silly TV reality show.
  18. That whole color scheme just creeps me out. It it intentional? Or just growing out from a past mistake
  19. Mom escaped northeast Louisiana. (For which I am eternally grateful😎) It's a very weird place. Lots of snakes, bugs, and armadillos, etc.
  20. Staten Island is like the Texas {or Mississippi) of New York City.😎
  21. Anybody see this? https://screenrant.com/paloma-aguilar-big-brother-24-left-taylor-comments/ It really smells of BS
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