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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Yay Ryan and Dusty. I think we've all known people like Dusty. It's just the way they are.
  2. I don't understand the point of having a 2nd and 3rd stew. It just breeds animosity. Make them both seconds, switch them back and forth on the tasks and tell them your job is whatever is needed at the moment. I suppose it's to increase the drama, but it's silly. I don't do any body licking unless I'm intimately involved. Ewww.
  3. Cynthia is delusional. Nobody cares about "blood on her hands".
  4. Nice move by the crew, pissing off the captain night one. Then Tom kicks it up a notch. Chef's food looks absolutely amazing. He's very stable, so far. Having to make more food didn't phase him at all.
  5. Why do I torture myself with this show? Lamar is funny. The rest is bad.
  6. Does anybody else think they've seen Souvlaki Lady on TV or in a movie before? She looks very familiar. Don't talk to the priest! lol Sad for the twins. They screwed up badly. Arun and Natalia better not stumble to the end.
  7. Understatement of the season: "Navigation is not our strong point" LOL
  8. Understatement of the season. "Navigation is not our strong point" LOL
  9. FA's are in a heap of trouble. edit: Arun and Natalia save them.
  10. Then there's the c-word..... Being a guy, I know when to STFU.😎 It's not hard.
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