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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Maggot cheese? What is this, return of "Fear Factor"?
  2. I wouldn't hire her to clean my sister's cat box. I don't want to work with anybody who can lie as convincingly as she did to Heather. She's very good at it. Plus the whole "I'm a victim" schtick.
  3. He only gets maybe two minutes, careful you might miss it😎
  4. Rayna claims she has gotten sober. I don't believe her for half a second. I thought is was very diplomatic. Rachel had already been showered with accolades while Wes was being mostly ignored. Agree Lee does look checked out. My guess is the "investigation" (Producer) interviewed the production crew and no one heard Heather toss out the N-word at any other time and the footage backed it up. Heather sincerely apologized. Done. As Rayna kept going on and on, they either let it go for the drama, or encouraged her for the drama. Bad decision either way.
  5. Bye bye bye Mirai! Wow! Chris may be the first player to beg to be evicted, and then not get a single vote. I guess Miesha knew she didn't have the votes so just went along? She's playing too hard and doesn't know when to back off. Sad about Lamar's son. Opening up with stuff like that really ups his social game. He's not on anybody's radar. eta: I don't think he's using it as a strategy, it just comes out.
  6. Wes is so cool. Nice props from Lee. For Eddie, not so much. "No further action required". Indeed. Rayna can fuck all the way off. Heather foolishly copied her little ditty and she blew this totally out of proportion. She did a great job not being "the angry black woman" /s Heather had to be nice for TV, but she did slip in "parrot" which was totally ignored.
  7. With 10 people in the house, how did that cake last so long? It should have been gone Day 1, unless it wasn't very good. I love when they say "This HoH is soooo important!" Umm, they all are. I get Miesha wanting Carson out. He has the best social game by far and would easily win if he got to the end, but she needs to back off and let Chrisync do his thing. He's trying to keep everybody happy. Except of course Merai and weird Chris. Ah, the lame "we never talked game" excuse. As always, the Veto will determine who goes.
  8. Yeah! Now Teddi can go back to scamming overweight people with her dangerous overpriced diet "plan". I was worried when the hat almost nailed Todd. Loved his speech! Boring Veto. Carson crushed it! Well done Shanna. Who gave the hat to Lamar? He certainly wouldn't have been evicted.
  9. Cute hat. It's raining alliances! It's all going to blow up. Everybody's in an alliance with everybody else. Somebody's getting burned. Not another stupid alliance name. ugh Todd likes to sleep, like a dying whale. lol Lamar can quit whining any time now. Backdoor Teddi! I read about her diet scam. Wow! The great Callaphera has the full info posted in the Live-Feed thread and I have no clue how to put it here. https://www.thedailybeast.com/four-women-reveal-their-horror-stories-of-teddi-mellencamps-all-in-by-teddi-diet A possible 3rd nominee from the hat? Sorry Shanna. I've come to dislike her. Never be a pawn. Then make yourself a target blabbing to the target. Nice job Marai. So now Teddi and Miesha are dealing? Bummer. I missed some of that. Carson playing along. Smart not to argue. "Have you seen her arms?" LOL So she goes right for Marai, not the backdoor?
  10. What Rayna did to Wes was reprehensible. He should never want to see her again. Heather was disappointing. For the good-bye, she should have ignored Rayna, or Told her to go f*** herself and would do her best to insure she never gets a yachting job again. I imagine it's not that big of a world. She may have already achieved that with her behavior. I wouldn't want her in my kitchen either😎
  11. I would think there is some contractural penalty for quitting.. If true, I guess whoever it is figures they can afford it. They should have all been tested for CoVid before going in along with some pre-show quarantine.
  12. Goodbye Akbar. You won't be missed.
  13. They really compressed the schedule. Only 5 weeks. They really revamped the house big time. I feel bad for the people who have to clean up that mess
  14. What went wrong with R&D cheesemaking? They're in a bit of trouble.
  15. They really revamped the house big time. I feel bad for the people who have to clean up that mess.
  16. I've often wondered why those backpacks always seem so big. How much stuff do you really need? Is it possible to buy supplies/warmer clothes along the way? I've started bringing old clothes/underwear with me on vacation and just throw it away when it gets dirty. Makes room to bring more stuff home😎.
  17. The gross part is what goes into the grinder to make the meat mixture. That part was already done😎
  18. Those stairs look killer. I'd be making sausage.
  19. Sheri is by far the most entertaining cast member.
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