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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Ugh, Ugh, Ugh. Rooting for Azah. Derf gets even more annoying, as if that were possible. X is cold, but that's how you win this game.
  2. I didn't think it possible, but after that I dislike Derf and Ky even more. The family segment was sweet. The race discussion was enlightening. Some funny bits here and there, mostly meh. Azah for the win! She was great. (I know there's maybe a 1% chance of that happening)
  3. The jury is very heavy with women so they could all vote Azah just for that reason when faced with 2 weak finalists. I can see Tiffany leading the charge.
  4. BOOM! I guess X finally convinced Derf he had a better chance against Azah in F3 HoH. Would love to see her pull out a miraculous win and take out X. Then Ky gets all pissy in the house. Going after X's nephew was really low. Then he gets all sanctimonious with Julie. Adios. The jury segment was great. They don't seem bitter at all. So who's the initial favorite for Favorite Player?
  5. So what is X going to do? Azah is guaranteed to boot KY, Derf is iffy.
  6. I would try and be more discreet. You could do it in the dark, HoH bathroom, etc. Also they do seem to forget the cameras are there at times. I've lived happily alone for 39 years. No way I'm going into that situation voluntarily😎
  7. It's also a good way to sniff out gingivitis. I had problems with it years ago and would do that to see if I was making any progress. Got it cleared up with Vince Tooth Powder, which I don't think they make anymore, and flossing. Even had to have some surgery. Now I use a Water-Pik every day and the dentist is very happy with my gums. No more floss.
  8. I always sniff my food because I'm single and things hang out in the fridge for awhile, but it never touches my face. That's too weird and it probably makes stuff go bad faster.
  9. I laughed at Derf whining about Azah not doing anything. She hasn't done much, but it's more than he did. She was also more sociable instead of sleeping all the time
  10. IIRC a steady diet of only coconuts tends to give people the runs. I've watched a lot of "Naked & Afraid". Funny how "the potty" is never mentioned on this show.
  11. That was fun! Quite the eclectic cast. I think the funniest part was blue trying to row their boat with the anchor attached.😎 The "guys" thing is silly. He could use "people", "players", "folks", even "ya'all". Just do it. Most people wouldn't notice. JD had me convinced, but I'm not very good picking up on these things. I feel bad for Sara. They should have voted out Graybeard.
  12. That was fun! See you all next week!
  13. Well I'm blindsided! They're going to miss his strength down the line.
  14. Well done blue! So if the loser's fire is still going, somebody needs to be on fire duty 24/7. If I were to ever go on this show (LOL) I would have learned some bow drill or other fire making skills, just in case the flint got lost.
  15. That's a wicked hike. I wouldn't risk my vote this early.
  16. Previvor has quite a story. eta why did they cut the shooting schedule.
  17. My TV guide tells me there is a veto episode tonight after the 2 hr Survivor premiere.
  18. X is the lawyer I want on my side. I've been unlucky to need a good lawyer, got one and succeeded😎
  19. I agree with all of this. A single emoji won't do😎 I'm a guy, whiter than rice, and I hate the sexism and racism, especially toward black women. My teenage home (built 1828) in NW New Jersey may have been a stop on the Underground Railroad. Love Harriet Tubman. In the immortal words of Rodney King, "Can't we all get along?"
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