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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Hoping karma catches up with her too :)
  2. Kiko karma comin' at you Queen Sandy. eta: Have dinner catered at the dock. There are plenty of restaurants around.
  3. It's like crack or something, I just cant quit it. Plus the snark on this board makes it all worthwhile. Thank you all :)
  4. Thanks! I need to check this thread more often. Sandy is trashed. LOL eta: Not that there's anything wrong with that :)
  5. Nice new shelter! "Jeff is loud day and night. Who'd a thought" LOL! Armadillos have some wicked claws. I wouldn't want to jump on one. Nice shot Matt! Then he bags a possum! Bummer the pig got away. Bear was scary. Nice finish. Glad the "family" worked out. I like them all except Jeff. He's still an a**hole. That canoe was amazing, scary when it started filling with water. I loved Ryan's armadillo hat :)
  6. All these fish traps look entirely too small. And they still can't even catch some minnows for bait.
  7. Colin said he was in Panama and had to come in from the jungle. No clue what he was doing there.
  8. LOL! A quick search found the cheapest paternity test going for $59 with many more at $99.
  9. Glenn is a real treasure. Now the bad captain who shall not be named is coming back. We shall endure😎
  10. Dani vs. JL. Somebody is lying. I'm really not invested enough to care. Whatever.
  11. FYI - They are running Reunion Part 2 Tuesday night at 9PM EDT "A special time".
  12. It doesn't matter how many bleeping pitas there were. The fact is the guests inhaled them in a flash and wanted more. Make more! Oy!
  13. Indeed! She didn't get kicked out of her house for being gay, she got kicked out for being a raging bitch. Joe was amazing.
  14. Mom's Grandma had a 40 acre farm, a mile from the nearest neighbor, about 150 miles north of this place. The snake and tick infested boondocks. She was Pentecostal, so no alcohol (But everybody could smoke, lol) One time before I was born, I'm told, Mom and Dad were there in the winter. There was no central heat, or insulation with just a pot belly stove in the Living Room. She had lots of quilts. Dad would have a glass of ice water before bed, where he promptly dumped out the water and poured in his Scotch for a discreet nightcap. One morning, they told me, the ice cubes were still in the glass. These cold temperatures are somewhat unusual, but not unheard of.
  15. I'm glad EJ and Max snagged the best spot. The noisy neighbors have arrived. Amazing that canoe worke, it was riding awful low. Couldn't they build a raft out of their shelter and tow it behind the canoe? That would save a lot of energy. One big happy family. Okaaaaay
  16. Bummer for EJ. I hope Max sticks it out for him. What was EJ's problem with the fish? Jeff is obnoxious turned up to 11. It was fun watching him miserable. Steven seems to be getting sucked in a bit. I hope he realizes. Matt's team was super generous with that fish. I'm not sure I would have given them any fish.
  17. Jeff probably tastes bad so the gators don't want him. Funny that two of my best friends are named Jeff.
  18. All of this! I was never a Gary fan, but it was sad to see him go out like that. Can a gator eat Jeff? Please, please?
  19. "EJ can't go. He's got stiches in his balls!" Now it's gator for lunch. Well done!
  20. I get that Dani at 32 wants kids, but I don't think JL is Daddy material. What a dumb move Daisy! Getting Alli up to the hot tub knowing Gary was with a topless Sydney. Producer shenanigans? Topless only freaks out Americans. This may be the drunkest they've been all season. This "love triangle" is soooo tiresome. They can all go away. Glenn has been blinded by Gary's radiant personality. Ugh! Natasha should be a decent crew chef for this voyage. Less people and less fancy. It's roughly 1300 miles from Split, Croatia to Palma We'll see how Colin's pep talk works. Have guests ever been late before? Then they Covid out. Boom! So our "beloved" crew get to serve other yachties for 24 hrs? It has potential.
  21. Well EJ was super happy to see Gary and Max. I hope it works out for them. Good catfishing. Is Max immune to the itch, going in the water? Glad he wasn't the gator's lunch, now the gator has a hook in him, heh. The Doctor visit was hilarious. Riley was doing better. Mushrooms? Uh oh! How does she avoid the nutria itch going in the water? Bummer she gets sick again. Is it the nutria? I hope she recovers. Great white hunter Matt fails. They didn't show much of his deer hunt. Nice dock build, then they kick it up a few notches building a bridge. Impressive Jeff was pretty bearable tonight for a change. Steven is cool as always. Lucky he only got stung once and had somebody to get that thing out. That bear was waaay too close! No more sleep tonight. Time to move! Smart to build the raft out of the dry shelter wood. Scary night with no shelter. That raft is riding really low. Whose shelter did they stumble on? Why not stay another day or two, rest some and use all that wood to improve their raft? Build another raft and tow it with other resources? So close snagging the gator.
  22. Tim should never been out there with 35% heart function. That's negligent of the producers. Lots of predators. Yikes! Won't that make it difficult to smoke meat, probably the best way to preserve it. Smart to keep your food and kitchen away from your bed. This should be fun. Cast looks mostly capable. Biko and the bone through his nose. Um....... *insert adjective of your choice*, some of mine aren't printable😎
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