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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. I really hate rap. Go eat a bass French Dressing.
  2. All French Fry is doing is insuring his eviction. He's so annoying. Britni needs to chill. She needs to recognize she was not the target, get over it and move on. You need allies. Fun looking veto. Nice seeing Frenchy on his butt. Is he the only one who figured out the SPF clue? Close but no cigar. Ky had a good veto strategy, but Derex is a beast. I didn't realize Claire was that tall. French Fry is worse than a whining teenager. His "deal" is going nowhere. Deref is not smart clinging to a sinking cow pie.
  3. Houseguest alliances always try and play too many moves ahead. First: Read the room, pick the boot this week Second: Win HoH Third: Lay low, read the room, get your gang together and pick a target. You have 3 days to decide, along with the veto options. Ky nominating a French Fry ally was smart.
  4. Jake was on with Josh and Casey in Hawaii tonight. I shut it off after 10 mins. Discovery needs to stop flogging Phil.
  5. What a trainwreck. Lexi is horrible. Spoiled brat squared. Mom should ignore her calls. I get she's upset about her dad, so what is she doing on a TV show? Confine her to the cabins and laundry. She has a hate list? Yikes! I don't blame Matt for being pissed. He needs to learn how to put out a fire! Just put a lid on it! Lloyd is annoying. He can dance off my screen any time. This gang is not holding their liquor well. David! Stay away from Malia. You should have watched her season. Why do they have a 2nd and 3rd stew? Make them equal so one doesn't think she can boss the other one around or is above some jobs. Roy doesn't hold his liquor too well either. I wonder if he really would have jumped overboard at a very bad time.
  6. Frenchie is such an idiot with his hinky votes. You don't tell people you know something and refuse to tell them. Dumb, dumb, dumb. He thinks he's a Super-fan? Pfffft! I'm glad he's on the block and hope he goes. Tiffany is a hoot! The WC was fun. Nice job SB! Tricky decision. I think she made the right call. Leave well enough alone. They need more subtitles. Britni needs to chill. Frenchie is hilarious. He's only one person that no one can stand so how much damage could he do?
  7. Sandy does a lot of public speaking? And this dumb wedding makes her nervous? Who the hell would go listen to her? This whole wedding looks tacky. Sandy was terrible. The weather certainly isn't cooperating, except for the rainbow. Clint is an idiot. David, stay away from Mal-ia. She's toxic. Lloyd is hilarious. Decent tip. Katie rocks it, again. Lexi can go any time. Mmmm Tequila....
  8. Unless one of his teammates wins HoH. Then we're screwed.🥶
  9. When is the veto ceremony? Super-fan Frenchie doesn't seem to realize he has less than zero power after that. He can't even vote 😎
  10. Bummer with this Wild Card. I wanted Christian gone. I think he was calling Alyssa bait, but it still doesn't make much sense. The good news, I suppose, is he burned his WC and can't play again.
  11. I have a Maryland crab cake for tomorrow😎 So who does Frenchie plan to nominate when his BB VooDoo plan of taking Kyland down wildly succeeds? Travis? Does he have the votes? You need 7.
  12. Whitney? Didn't she say in her intro that she had bad taste in men? She has quite a buffet.
  13. It just hit me, he could have whipped up a little sled to move the meat. I'm sure it would come in handy elsewhere too.
  14. Whew! Finally got caught up. Frenchie sounds like a piece of work. Thanks to all the feedwatchers! It's great to have the old gang back together!
  15. They all seem to be losing a lot more weight than the Naked & Afraid folks in general.
  16. And Nate's out. Once he ate the squirrel poop and started feeling sick I was "Uh Oh". Puking is never good. Bummer about his big fish. Nice net, looks a little small. Little fish is better than nothing. Nice fishing pole. All for naught. Good on Clay getting the deer. Now he has to preserve it and keep it away from the bears. He should have this in the bag, but like with Nate, you never know. His smokehouse looks awesome. What a rainbow! Colton, why did you leave those berries out? Finally! A fish trap that looks big enough. Theresa needs better ventilation. Her fireplace looks like a good solution. Her shelter looks awesome. Now she really needs food. Interesting she is OCD and has never lived alone. I've lived alone for 38 years and am quite happy with it. Biko is cool. I like his rules. His trap is too small, but good job hooking one! I suppose I could eat those eyeballs in that situation. Yuck! Rose finally appears! She's had some tough breaks. The shelter thing confuses me.
  17. Do you feel lucky, punk? I wouldn't do it.
  18. I would have, but I was trapped inside. The fat nerd kid with zero athletic ability😎
  19. I was always the last one picked in gym class.
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